Joe Vitale


Step Inside My New E-Office…

Well, my office is finally done.

Here are three pictures of part of it, taken today with my brand new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-T5 (which is too cool for words).

The conference table and hand-made rocking chair are in the library area directly outside of my actual office. That’s a laptop on the table. I don’t normally use it at home, but I’m getting ready to take a trip and wanted to charge it up

The wall of books is inside the actual “command center” of my new office. When I’m sitting at my main computer, the wall is right behind me. Some of my most cherished books are on those shelves.

The shot of the two monitors is where I am sitting right now. The left monitor is for email and word processing; the right monitor is for web browsing. It’s a nifty sytem to have both working.

You can actually set up nine monitors to work on one computer, but I felt it would be way too distracting. I’d feel like I was sitting at NASA.

Obviously, you don’t need much to run an online empire.

A chair and a laptop could do it.

I do a lot of business by email on my Blackberry 8700.

But when you hit it big, spare no expense in making your work environment comfortable and efficient. You’ll be much more relaxed and productiive that way.

There is a lot more to my office — with many large glass-door book cases housing my private collection of rare books on P.T. Barnum, marketing, copywriting, publicity, psychology, metaphysics, magic, bodybuilding, success, hypnosis and more — but at least these pictures give you a sense of what Mr. Fire’s headquarters looks like on the inside.


Ao Akua,


PS – I’m once again adddicted to the hit TV show 24. It’s the most hypnotic television show I’ve ever seen EVER. Long live Jack Bauer, or Kiefer Sutherland, or whatever his real name is.

PPS – I’m headed to LA today. I may post something from the road, but don’t expect any real updates for a week or more. I hope to have a major surprise for you when I return. Have a great one and…Expect Miracles.


Listen to this…

I’ve discovered a site that can help you “Listen and Grow Rich.”

I’m serious.

I’ve been listening to self-help, personal growth, self-improvement, hypnosis, business, selling, marketing, spirituality, health, healing, and copywriting audios for more than 35 years.

When I was a teenager I listened to them on old reel-to-reel tapes. I still have a few of them.

When I was driving back and forth to work in Houston some thirty years ago, I’d listen to cassettes in my car. It was a university on wheels. It was a lot smarter to program my mind with success information than with the media’s gloom, doom and muddy gossip “information.”

I still listen to audios today, but on my Ipod Nano, my PC, or on one of my CD players.

One of my favorite places to get audios is from I recorded my own audio set with them called The Power of Outrageous Marketing about six years ago. They still sell it today. I’m still proud of it.

But that’s not the site I just found.

Yesterday I learned of a site that sells old classic audios for low to half price. I found a few treasures there, including one by marketing wizard Jay Abraham. They offer material by legends like Tony Robbins as well as goodies from lesser known teachers and speakers. You might browse the site and see what you think. It’s at

All of these audios are a key to success. In short —

Listen and Grow Rich.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can hear excerpts from my Nightingale-Conant audio program by going to and then searching on my name: Joe Vitale. That will lead you to my program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing. Enjoy.

PPS – The top picture with the dog about to be frisked is there for the fun of it, though it’s a sad commentary on life today. It’s from


What Is The Secret to Great Marketing? or, Why am I Wearing THIS T-shirt?

As I write this I am wearing a sharp black new T-shirt with a small logo on the front and a giant one on the back. It’s a fan t-shirt for my favorite blues-rock guitarist: Joe Bonamassa

I have a lot of t-shirts. Out here in the Texas Hill country our dress code is typically shorts and t-shirts. And even though it’s Winter, it’s warm here. So I’m dressed appropriately.

But why this t-shirt?

Well, I love Bonamassa’s music. He’s a descendant of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan, my all time favorite blues-rock guitar-slinger. So I’m delighted to wear Joe’s new t-shirt. It makes me feel good, much like his music makes me feel. Plus I think I look good in black.

Now here’s the key question —

Am I marketing Joe Bonamassa by wearing his t-shirt?

And here’s another question —

Am I marketing him by writing this blog post right now?

My answer is this:

I am sharing my passion.

That’s it.

I’m not getting paid to wear this t-shirt or write this post. Bonamassa has no idea who I am. His Street Team (of which I am now a member, like many other fans doesn’t know about me, either.

So what am I doing?

And why?

I am sharing.

That’s it.

And that’s the best kind of marketing around.

When you have a business so terrific that people will advertise it for you by writing about it, wearing your t-shirts, and telling others about it, (think Google and Nike and “The Secret” you will have a success.

But the people raving about you won’t be marketing in their mind, they will be sharing their love.

I have t-shirts for Stevie Ray Vaughan, Melissa Etheridge, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Nike, Jack London, Mark Twain, the TV show 24, Steve Reeves, Frank Zane, Harry Houdini, my BMW 645ci, and of course for Joe Bonamassa.

I’m not marketing those people or products strictly speaking; I am sharing my passion for them.

I still remember the massage therapist who spent an hour massaging me while raving about the movie she had seen the night before. She saw What The Bleep Do We Know? Her contagious enthusiasm wasn’t “marketing” per se, but her passion got me to go see that movie.

Your marketing should be from that level.

It should be from your heart.

You should be sharing your love for your product or service.

If you don’t love what you do or sell, what are you doing it for?

Think about it.

Ao Akua,


PS – See a picture of the t-shirt I bought and learn about Joe’s hard-rocking house-shaking blues-rock guitar driven music at

PPS – The same marketing=sharing trend is happening with the hot buzz around the movie The Secret, to air Feb 15. I’m in it, and that’s one reason I’ll promote it, but I also believe the movie will awaken humanity. So I’m glad to share my passion for it. Again, contagious marketing works best when it’s not marketing but is heart-felt sharing. Dig?


The Secret Behind "The Attractor Factor"

My best-selling book, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) From the Inside Out continues to stir people to create their own miracles.

I, of course, love it.

It makes my heart sing to know I am helping people achieve happier, healthier, wealthier lives.

Heather Vale interviewed me a few days ago about the book and me. Her questions were brilliant. Except for not being able to answer one of them on the spot, I think I did pretty good.

If you’d like to learn more about The Attractor Factor, or me, you can listen to the interview for free at

I think I’ll invite Lindsay Lohan to listen, as well. I think she needs all the help she can get right now.


Ao Akua,


PS – You can still get The Attractor Factor and plenty of bonuses at The book is also in book stores.

PPS – Listen to the interview and find out why Heather thinks I’m psychic.


A Money-Making Internet Marketing Idea for Lindsay Lohan


I was worried when I heard Lindsay Lohan was hospitalized.

I thought she was really upset when she realized she couldn’t have me after reading my post at a while back.

I’m relieved she is now out of the hospital.

I think she should consider starting an Internet business and working from home for a while.

I want to show her my new office. It’s finally done. The books are up on custom built wooden shelves. My computer is running with two monitors working. The floor is cleaned. The trash is removed. Organization now rules. It took two months to get here, but the job is done.

Now the really hard part begins —

Keeping the office clean and organized.

When Lindsay is feeling better, I’ll invite her to stop by.

I’m sure she’ll be impressed.

She may be inspired too. For example, she could throw up a website like or

But what she could do instead of selling pixels to a blank page is put a photo of herself on the site, and then sell pixel ads on it.

Who wouldn’t want to spend a buck a pixel to own a piece of Lindsay?

The search engines would surely log anything with her name on it. And knowing that the site would get traffic, people (like me) would easily agree to pay for pixel ads on her photographed body.

I think it’s a good idea, anyway.

But you can improve on it.

What do you think?

Ao Akua,


PS — I just came across a new ebook that Lindsay and you will want —101 Ways to Turn Content into Money by the great Marcia Yudkin. I looked through it and found some terrific ideas I hadn’t heard of before. And the links and resources in it are priceless. See I’m sure you’ll find at least a dozen money making ideas you could put to use minutes after you read it. I may tell Lindsay Lohan about this when I see her…