Joe Vitale


Attracting Melissa Etheridge

Here’s a deeper insight into how the Law of Attraction actually works:

I’ve noticed that as soon as I sign up for a seminar or workshop, changes begin.

It may be just the decision that triggers change, or it may be something more esoteric.

Let me tell you a true a story about how this works…

A few weeks ago I decided to go back into the studio with my band and record my sixth singer-songwriter album.

As soon as I decided to do this, song ideas and new opportunities came to me.

For example, one day I looked in Facebook and there was a notice that rock legend Melissa Etheridge was doing a crowdfunding campaign for her new album.

As you’ll see in a minute, I’m a huge fan of hers.

I scanned her offerings and there was one for a two-hour, in-person, songwriting lesson with Melissa herself.

That excited me.

It also made me nervous.

After all, I’m a newbie as a singer-songwriter and Melissa is a goddess at it.

But as I say, “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”

I decided to go for it.

Within 24 hours, new energy for music hit me like waves of hot electricity.

I started writing new songs almost instantly.

Yet I haven’t had my session with Melissa yet!

As I mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Melissa Etheridge. Have been almost twenty years.

I fell in a hypnotic trance when I saw her on TV around 1995, scorching the screen with just her voice and acoustic guitar on an episode of Unplugged.

I've had this photo of Melissa Etheridge 20 years

I’ve had this photo of Melissa Etheridge over 20 years

I mentioned her in my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

I’ve seen her perform live numerous times.

I was a card carrying member of her fan club for years.

I bought a guitar signed by her.

I bought and read her autobiography.

I bought her song books to learn how she wrote her hits.

I tried to meet her, too.

She was going to be in the same organization I’m a member of (Transformational Leadership Council) and I thought I’d see her at one of our retreats.

I still haven’t met her.

But I will, when I have my private songwriting lesson with her.

And knowing I will, and knowing I will discuss my singer-songwriter passions with her soon, has turned on some “music production” switch inside me.

Just this morning, as I was working out, I received an entire song.

It just sort of “appeared” in my head.

I knew it was good because I couldn’t stop humming it.

I jumped off the treadmill and wrote the words down.

It was a complete song.

Everything was there.

I was amazed and delighted that it came with no effort and came by inspiration.

But it came AFTER I booked my lesson with Melissa and BEFORE I’ve had it!

Throughout my life I’ve noticed that when anyone makes a decision to attend an event designed to improve them, changes begin.

I saw it when I signed up to do a fire walk decades ago.

I saw it when I registered to experience The Forum seminar long ago.

I saw it when I signed up for Bill Phillip’s Body-For-Life challenge ten years ago, and more recently when I registered for his Transformation Camp and personally trained with him.

I saw it when I booked a saxophone lesson with Grammy nominated sax player Mindi Abair.

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

And I see it almost daily when people join my Miracles Coaching program.

As soon as they sign on the dotted line, and know they are committing to change, the change begins.



I’m convinced it’s the decision to change that does it.

The decision sends a solid message to all parts of you that you are going in a new direction.

Suddenly your mind has a new target; a new goal.

Instantly your brain goes on “alert” for anything to help you with the upcoming changes.

There may be a more esoteric reason for it, too.

When you declare you are going to do something new, the Universe takes note, applauds you, and sends you support.

As Goethe put it –

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

Decision is the key.

It’s like turning the ignition switch on to engage the Law of Attraction.

Decide and things happen.

So, if there is something big you are considering doing, I say DO IT.

Just Do It!

Show your support for your desired change by signing up for it.

Make the decision.

It’s a concrete way to tell yourself and the world that you are doing something new, and you and the world respond by beginning the change that very day.

And yes, I am VERY excited to meet and learn from the rock icon herself – Melissa Etheridge!

Ao Akua,


PS – Learn more about Miracles Coaching.


Prayer for a Miracle

When you combine the Law of Attraction with a new way to pray, the results are miracles.

But how do you pray for a miracle?

My latest book, “The Secret Prayer,” is an Amazon #1 bestseller, attracting 5-star reviews, and getting high praise from experts like this —

“‘The Secret Prayer’ holds the key to fulfilling your heartfelt dreams, goals, and desires. I love this book. Read it and use it. It will change your life!” — Dr. Susan Shumsky, author, ‘Instant Healing’ and ‘Miracle Prayer’

“Joe Vitale’s book is stimulating you to pray again with gratitude for who you are and what you have.
In his own unique style, he gives you new tools to revise and deepen your connection with the Universe. This book touched me deeply.” – Marie Diamond, Global Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author, Star in ‘The Secret’

The Secret Prayer

“Joe did it again!! I love his new book. It’s inspiring, filled with practical wisdom and massive insight!”
– Janet Bray Attwood – New York Times Bestselling Author ‘The Passion Test’ and ‘Your Hidden Riches’

“Few people truly ‘get it.’ Joe gets it, he got it right in The Secret, and he totally nails it in the The Secret Prayer. This is the book that will lift people out of misunderstanding prayer, invites them to take responsibility for their divine inheritance, and thereby unleash their unimaginable power over all things. A book that can put any life on a fast track to greater happiness and fulfillment.” – Mike Dooley, NY Times Bestselling author ‘Infinite Possibilities’ and ‘Leveraging the Universe’

Go get “The Secret Prayer” on Amazon today for your Kindle or Kindle reader (it’s a #1 bestseller in 3 categories) –

OR go get the audio version of the book, read by me, at —

OR you can get the beautiful printed paperback at –

Get copies for yourself, family and friends, and clients and others that you care about.

What if we could change ourselves and the world with the right prayer?

What if it really works?

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

PS – Maybe the greatest praise came from my niece, who texted this to me:

“I must say it opened my eyes and my heart. I have to thank you for writing it. I never even thought about the things you said in this book. I plan to use your three step prayer from now on.”

That one touched me.

Please see — (where you can hear me lead you through The Secret Prayer for free

Thank you
I love you

Dr. Joe Vitale     “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestseller “The Attractor Factor.”
Recent: “AT Zero” and “The Remembering Process”
Brand New: “The Secret Prayer”

A star in the hit movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “The Tapping Solution,” “Leap,” etc.
Coming: “Quantum Prosperity”

Voted #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation
New: “Reflection,” “432 to Zero,” “Invoking Divinity”
Bestseller: “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, and The Awakening Course
Coming: “Hyper-Wealth: The Fourth Dimension Process”

See it all at

Member BBB 2003 – 2016

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”

Note: This is a commercial message.


Law of Attraction Books

My office tells me that people often ask, “What’s the next book I should get for my next stage of growth?”

Here’s what I think –

If you are new to Law of Attraction, or want to better understand it, then read “The Attractor Factor.” That’s the book that got me invited to be in the movie The Secret. It has changed countless lives.

If you want to go past LOA and further understand bigger concepts, and go deeper than the law of attraction, then read “Zero Limits.” That’s the book that brought ho’oponopono to the world. It’s by me and Dr. Hew Len.

If you want to further understand the concepts in Zero Limits, then get the sequel, “AT Zero.” I wrote that book ten years after the first one. It in many ways is far deeper and better.

If you want to understand spirituality and personal growth from the clearest place I can imagine, then read “The Awakening Course.” It puts LOA and ho’oponopono and everything else into a map of consciousness you can grasp.

If you want to make peace with money and spirituality, then see my latest book, “The Awakened Millionaire.” It’s a manifesto to help you live and profit from your passion, using LOA and The Fourth Dimension Process, and much more.

If you want to understand how prayer can combine with LOA to get better results and lead to miracles, then read “The Secret Prayer.” It’s quietly been a bestseller and opening hearts and minds to a new way to live.

All of the above are available in print, on audio, or for your Kindle reader. Just follow the link beside each book.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

PS – If you don’t want to buy anything but still want to learn, then go browse my new and improved main website, which has numerous freebies, articles, videos, interviews, etc., about law of attraction and much more. You’ll love it. Just go see

Thank you
I love you

Dr. Joe Vitale         “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers “The Attractor Factor,”
“Zero Limits” and “The Secret Prayer”
New: “The Awakened Millionaire: The Manifesto”

A star in the hit movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “The Tapping Solution,” “Leap,” etc.
New: “The Abundance Factor” and “iThink”

Voted #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation
New: “Reflection,” “432 to Zero,” “Invoking Divinity”
Bestseller: “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, and The Awakening Course
New: “The Awakened Millionaire Academy”

See it all at

Member BBB 2003 – 2016

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”


Joe Vitale TV Show

I’ve been in Los Angeles filming my own TV show.

Right now it’s being called The Attractor Factor, based on my bestselling book, but it could end up being called The Awakened Millionaire, after my new book coming out in April.

But the story behind the TV show is far more amazing than the title or the fact that I have one.

You see, ten days before the filming, there wasn’t a show at all.

On the set of my TV show

On the set of my TV show

This miracle manifested in just over one week.


I’m glad you asked.

People have wanted me to have my own television show for over ten years.

Right after the movie The Secret hit the online world, and mega shows like Larry King Live had me on as a guest twice, and Oprah aired several shows of her own on the subject, Hollywood corporate types called me in.

They wanted to discuss a major TV show. At one point I sat in an office with several women who run the major network prime time shows, and Lisa Nichols and I were considered for our own show.

We’d be dual hosts and play off each other.

We’d take turns coaching people.

Both Lisa and I loved the idea.

But as time went on, they didn’t pursue the show.

At least not with me.

I’m told that happens every hour in Hollywood.

At another point during this frenzy for The Secret, a Cuban businessman wanted me to have a television show for the Latino market.

He didn’t seem to care that I spoke little Spanish.

He was going to pair me with a popular Spanish movie star, and we would co-host a TV show.

That petered out, too.

But it wasn’t more than a year or so later that yet another group of people came to me, wanting me to have my own show.

These were actors and actresses and behind-the-scenes workers in the movie industry.

They were all fans of me and my work.

They came to my home; I went to theirs.

We had many exciting meetings discussing my own show.

But after a few months of travel and talk, I got tired of it and pulled the plug.

It just didn’t feel like the right time to do this.

The kicker was when I was robbed in LA.

I took that as a sign to stop.

I did.

At yet another point in this adventure, I “had lunch with God” and was going to create an entire television network.

Not just a single show, but a network that would air numerous positive shows.

It was going to be called The Abundance Network.

I met several times with an investor, friends in the media, and more.

We were excited and passionate.

We planned big things.

But that didn’t materialize, either.

Years went by.

Then, in mid February, a man I met 17 years ago — 17 years ago!!!! — contacted me.

He told me he was producing TV content for Amazon, and that Amazon was buying tons of film and shows for their Prime Members.

He also said he wanted to shoot some episodes of me.

I had no idea what he meant or where he was going or what he expected, but I’ve learned to remain open-minded and to nod and say YES to most of life’s opportunities.

Even though I was beyond busy with promotional plans for my new book, The Awakened Millionaire, and my new online course, The Awakened Millionaire Academy, I said I would find a way to fly to LA for a single day of shooting.

I did exactly that, too.

The original plan was for me to film about 18 five-minute episodes.

It would simply be me talking to the camera about subjects I always talk about, from the Law of Attraction to The Missing Secret and more.

It sounded quick and easy.

But the day before I was to leave Texas and head to LA — the day before!!! — I got an email from the producer saying they now wanted to film an entire television talk show with me.

He added they wanted to film a dozen full-length shows.

In one day.

They said they were going to have a set, two chairs, and a number of guests take turns sitting in the hot seat. That I was to talk to each, coach each, and help them through a breakthrough — live and on camera.

I’ve done this before, of course, when I filmed the episodes for The Secret Mirror and The Secret Reflection, both online products of mine.

But I’m being told about this change the day before my flight leaves!

But this story doesn’t stop there.

On the morning of my flight (!), as I’m packing my luggage, the producer asked me to tweet a notice to my followers that if they could get to LA, they could get on the set and be part of my studio audience.

That was before I even got to the airport!!

Are you beginning to see how miracles take place?

You prepare for them and intend them, but then you let go for the Universe to take over the details.

And when the Universe sends you your cue to act, you must act, even if it’s the day before or day of your flights and you are already busy doing other things.

This is how my own TV show came into being — within only ten days.

After ten years of incubating, it only took ten days to manifest. 🙂

And yes, we filmed 14 episodes – in one day.

I’m not sure when it will air or what is next, but I remain open, willing, and grateful.

Stay tuned.

Ao Akua,


PS – On the day after my marathon television shooting, I requested an Uber car to take me to the beach. It was time to relax. The driver was an upbeat but struggling reggae musician. He said he was grateful for his life, his family and all he was doing. He smiled big and his heart was open, but I could sense his impatience with his music career. So I told him I was once homeless, had been in poverty for more than ten years, and was now in Los Angeles filming my own TV show. His head reared back and he bellowed a “WOW!” of excitement. I added, “Stay the course, my friend. In time, dreams do come true.”

Note: You can learn about The Awakened Millionaire Academy at

New book coming out in April

New book coming in April

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Czech Answers

A while back a delightful woman asked me some questions for an online magazine for Czech readers. She published the exchange at I thought you’d be interested in reading it in English:

1. Dear Joe, thank you very much for making this possible. You probably don’t know that but you are successful in the Czech republic too. We know you from The Secret and we have access to the most of your books. I read and I also heard it on one of your audio sessions that you were homeless once and now you have this amazing life and career that people usually dream of. I know that this didn’t happen over night but tell us what was “IT” that changed your life. Was it a person, a book or…your inner voice?

People have often asked me what was “it” that changed my life. The right answer is “Everything!” I did EVERYTHING. I read books, listened to audios, attended events, kept working on myself, trying, failing, learning, improving and more. I had to DO IT ALL to become successful. There was no “one” thing. Certain books helped me, such as Claude Bristol’s The Magic of Believing. But largely, it was doing whatever seemed like the right next thing to do that got me here.

2. What were you dreaming about as a child? Do you remember?

Oh, yes, I remember. I wanted to be a magician. I was going to be like Harry Houdini, and be famous for my great magic and stunts. I also thought I might be a baseball player, and be known player like Babe Ruth. I also thought about being an author. Since I always loved books, and still do today, becoming a writer seemed like my best bet.

3. I read and watched The Secret, which was the first platform for people in the Czech republic to find out about the Law of Attraction. I started practising the LOA, but I was suddenly afraid of my thoughts, because I couldn’t control them. I also felt that the book was only the introduction to the whole philosophy of the manifestation. There were things that were missing, which left me looking for more information. The “ Action” part was also never mentioned and I felt that only visualizing would not get me too far. If you could list 3 things that people should do every day to manifest all they want in their lives, what would they be…?

This is a big question. I think The Secret and other books and movies are just introductions to the Law of Attraction. There’s much more to learn. I have entire courses, like The Missing Secret, and my Miracles Coaching program, to help people understand these deep concepts. If I had to list three things to do, they’d be:

1. State your intention. What do you want?
2. Get clear. When negative thoughts arise, realize they are just thoughts and don’t feed them.
3. Take action. Results are a co-creation of what you do and what the Universe does through others.

4. I read your Hypnotic marketing and hypnotic writing and I have to say it is very powerful. It hasn’t been translated to Czech language yet unfortunately. I hope that it will be soon after we publish this interview.  Where do you get your inspiration for you books? Do you first test everything and then write about it.

I get ideas from everywhere. I read a tremendous amount and get ideas from what I read. i also have inspirations and follow through on them, testing them on myself first. If they work for me, I share them with others. I see myself as a scout who rides ahead of everyone, tries out what he sees, and then returns and shares his secrets with others.

5. In our magazine (coffeebreakonline –but written in a funny way) we also write about procrastination, work ethic…and so on. You are the author of so many books, you teach, do online seminars, travel the world, you are a musician with 4 albums; it seems to me, that you don’t have a problem with procrastination. Or if you have, you sure know how to beat it  Can you give us some advice or tips on how to be productive? (please tell us also about your daily routine if you have any)

This is another big subject. People who procrastinate are doing one of two things: They are either afraid of failure or success, or they are trying to do something too big. In other words, people have unconscious beliefs about success. They may fear it or they may fear the opposite of it, failure. Either way, they will hesitate to take any action to protect themselves.

Also, if people are trying to create a big project, they may feel overwhelmed and stop. They need to break down the big project into little steps; something they can do each day to make progress. I work every day on my goals. I read every day, write every day, exercise every day, meditate every day, and rest every day. Living and doing moment by moment, I achieve massive results. Anyone can do this.

6. As you are a “guru” for millions of people through your work, we think that even a “guru” needs his own  “guru” sometimes. Is there an author or a person that inspires you?

I have MANY authors who inspire me, from Bruce Barton and Vash Young to Debbie Ford and more. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mark Twain also inspire me.

7. You meet lots of people through your live and online seminars, and they talk about their struggle with money, in relationships, or at work…. what do you tell them? Is that one thing that you want them to always remember?

I tell them “This, too, will pass.” In other words, what you are struggling with will pass, what you are worried about will pass. It’s the nature of life to move things along and change them. But you can accelerate that change by focusing on what you want, clearing yourself of limiting beliefs, and taking action. The sun will rise again. It always does.

8. What are you working on now?

Numerous things. I have two new books coming out: “The Miracle” and “The Awakened Millionaire.” I have new music coming out, on top of the 15 albums I’ve already recorded. I have an Authorship Program about to be released, to help first time authors get published in 12 weeks. I’m of course always working on my Miracles Coaching program. And most recently I have become interested in strongman feats of strength. I have been bending horseshoes, nails and spikes, and steel bars. I may write a book about it. I’m enjoying life.

9. Would you be interested in coming to Prague to have a workshop or a seminar? Do you travel to Europe often?

YES! I would LOVE to visit there. I have been to Europe many times, and love the countries and their people.

Ao Akua,


PS – New book coming April 2016:

New book Aoril 2016

New book April 2016