Joe Vitale


The Secret Process Nobody Wants You to Know

If you’ve ever doubted that you could accomplish something, you’ll love this story.

A year ago I hadn’t written a single song, couldn’t carry a tune, didn’t have a solid beat, only knew a few guitar chords, and never sang in public or in the studio.

Today I have my first singer-songwriter album done. All songs by me. Everything sung by me. With guitar and harmonica playing by me. It’s called Strut!

And earlier this year, back in April, I released my first music album, called Blue Healer.

I went from zero to recorded musician in less than a year.

I hope you don’t think this is bragging. I’m sharing this with you to inspire you to go for your own dreams. If I can come out of the gate with no experience or education in music, and record something noteworthy within twelve months, then you can most likely do what you dream, as well.

Who’s to say you can’t?

My first singer-songwriter CD

My first singer-songwriter CD

To help you here, let’s look at the steps I took to recreate myself as a musician. This is a blueprint for you and what you want to do. In some respects, this is the secret process nobody (but me) wants you to know.

Here they are:

  1. Intention. I decided to do something. It all begins here. I even announced I was a musician before most people would have agreed with me. I intended my end result.
  2. Action. I started writing, reading, and talking about music. I took a songwriting workshop. I tried writing songs. I experimented with ideas. I took guitar lessons. I entered a music program. I did something in the direction of my intention.
  3. Coaching. I put together my team of mentors to help me reach my goal. I got Guy Monroe, Mathew Dixon and Daniel Barrett to be my support. Coaching is essential to go beyond your limits.
  4. Clearing. Anything that came up that felt like a block or limiting belief, I did something to clear it. Believe me, lots of self-doubts surfaced. I faced them and erased them.
  5. Persistence. I kept taking action, kept clearing, kept writing songs, kept taking lessons, kept at it.

There you have it. Those five steps are the keys to attracting and achieving your own goals, even if they seem so big or out of your comfort zone to seem near impossible.

You don’t know what is impossible. So start now to manifest your dreams.

But let’s not stop there. I think it will be helpful to look at the songs I recorded for Strut! After all, I wrote them as “Healing Music” — songs of motivation, transformation and inspiration — all designed to help you achieve your dreams. This music illustrates the secret process nobody wants you to know.

Note: You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

As I told the other Joe Vitale — famous drummer for such music legends as Neil Young and Joe Walsh, who ended up playing amazing drums on my album — “I love music but too much of it plants negative messages that we absorb without thinking. The Rolling Stones singing “You can’t always get what you want” and “I can’t get no satisfaction” are programming us to believe in scarcity. I want to record music that is as beloved as the classics, but instead plants positive messages in you.”

What's the story behind each song?

What's the story behind each song?

There’s positive meaning behind each of my songs. I know because I wrote them all (except for the one noted below). Here are their secrets (which nobody has ever known, until now)…

“Today’s the Day” is a hypnotic blues-rock theme that grabs you and conveys the message that you need to take action. Today. In the song, an angel comes to me and tells me a secret. She then repeats it until you get it. I sing and play baritone guitar and harmonica on this one. This is my favorite track.

“Strut!” came from the idea that when you change your physiology, you change your psychology. Meaning, if you feel blue, get up and move around. Dance. Jiggle. Strut. This is my favorite track.

“Got a Problem?” conveys the amazing message of miracle healing from my book, Zero Limits, called ho’oponopono. It’s an original and unforgettable song about love. It gives me chills. This is my favorite track.

“Testosterone” is based on a true story, one I never planned to share. I’d rather not talk about it. Just listen to the song. This is my favorite track.

“Everybody’s Goin’ Thru Somethin” is a reminder that your problems aren’t just yours. We all got them. Even you. Even me. It’s a plea to be kind to others. To be understanding and forgiving. This is my favorite track.

“Strut Interlude” is a type of intermission. I came up with a guitar riff and we played to it for a couple minutes. It’s the section where you get to go fetch something to drink, go to the bathroom, groom your pet, change your shorts, or whatever. This is my favorite track.

“Totoro” is a whimsical song about a cartoon-ish fictional forest creature in Japan, and lost childhood magic. It’s a story about reconnecting with wonder. This is my favorite track.

“Money! Let’s go Get Some!” will reprogram your mind about the nature of money so you can more easily attract it. The groove in this tune will stick with you. I expect this one to become a movie soundtrack. This is my favorite track.

“The Choice” is a hypnotic tale, with beautiful guitar added by Mathew Dixon, about the nature of good and evil. Whew. You gotta hear it. It still haunts me (in a good way). This is my favorite track.

“All Along the Watchtower” is Bob Dylan’s famous song, updated with three new verses by me. I wanted to leave listeners with a positive message. So I wrote one. I’m sure Dylan will thank me. This is my favorite track.

“Three Months” is dedicated to the late Judy Sherman, a woman given three months to live. It’s an urgent  message about deciding what you would do if given a short period of time. This one will surprise you. It also contains my primal screaming singing of “Struuuuuuuuut!” This is my favorite track.

As you can sense, all of these songs are designed to support you in strutting toward your dreams.

I’m not stopping with this album, either. I’m currently recording a healing instrumental album with Mathew Dixon (with me playing the world’s first healing guitar), and already working on my next singer-songwriter CD. I’m on a roll, having a blast, and making yet another dream come true.

But that’s about me.

What about you?

The message for you here is to go for your dreams.

Isn’t that where the gusto of life is?

You now know the “secret formula” nobody wants you to know.

What are you going to do with it?


Ao Akua,


PS — Excuses are a dime a dozen. What are you going to actually do today?

Note: You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

Member BBB 2003- 2012

Member BBB 2003- 2012


7 Ways to Get Clear to Attract Faster

These days I try to get a massage every week. It’s my way of taking care of myself, soothing my body and mind, and recharging my inner batteries for the days ahead.

Before each massage, my therapist and I talk. She’s been watching my career for years, and always seems genuinely inspired by what I do and accomplish. She asks me questions about my next intentions, applauds them when they manifest, and more.

For example:

  1. She’s heard me announce I was going to become a musician, with little previous experience, and then months later come out with my first album.
  2. She’s heard me say I was going to write songs — when I had never written one before — and then announce my first singer-songwriter album was done, in less than a year, with all songs by me.
  3. She’s heard me say I was thinking of selling my Rolls-Royce Phantom, and then a week later announce that I did.
  4. She’s heard me say I wanted to make my latest book a bestseller, and then the next week hear me announce that it was.
  5. She’s heard me describe going to visit my parents, and along the way “accidentally” discovering a collectible car — made the year I graduated from high school and sold to me by a woman I graduated high school with.

“You just seem to think it and there it is,” she told me recently. “It’s as though you don’t have any glitches to manifesting what you want.”

I hadn’t thought about it that way before but she is on to something: Glitch-Free Attraction. As I’ve said at seminars recently, “The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”

“The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”

That statement means that you can virtually have anything you can imagine if you are in internal alignment to receive it.

Of course, too many of us have “snags” in our thinking.

  • We want to attract romance but secretly think we don’t deserve it.
  • We want to attract money but unconsciously think it’s evil.
  • We want to attract a particular car but underneath it all wonder how we’ll pay for it.
  • We want to attract contentment but fear it won’t happen or last.

All those mental ‘snags” are the glitches that slow down or stop manifesting. You have to get clear of them in order to accelerate the manifestation of what you want.

But how?

A few months ago I gave a presentation at the offices of my Miracles Coaching team where I explained seven ways to get clear. The group loved the steps. The event was filmed and later turned into a free course you can watch online.

Go here to see it right now:

Remember, if you aren’t attracting what you want, it may be because you have “mental glitches” in the way. Those can be handled. I’m offering you the steps to freedom — free. It’s up to you to do them.

Your move.

Ao Akua,


PS — You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are: and

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

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Amazing (But True!) 2012 Predictions

What’s going to happen in 2012?

Back in the 1990s I publicly predicted that you couldn’t make money on the Internet.

I was wrong.

In the mid 1990s I predicted that no one would buy an e-book.

I was wrong.

A decade ago I predicted e-books would become available with multimedia inside of them: audio, video, words, pictures, and a moving world that comes alive with a click.

I was right.

Knowing I’m not always accurate but I might get one or two predictions right, and that it’s 3 am as I write this, I tapped into the field of all possibilities and this is what I saw for 2012…

1. The world will continue pretty much as it is.

2. Mainstream media will report on a tragedy and, on slow news days, will do a new story on an old tragedy.

3. Old school marketing will remain effective even in new school technology.

4. People will complain about most things, even when good things happen.

5. A new cookbook, self-help book, and children’s book will be published.

6. There will be controversy over politics.

7. There will be a war overseas.

8. There will be a new ipad app, and a new version of the ipad.

9. There will be bad weather where it hasn’t happened in 100 years, and good weather, too.

10. Most people will remain the same; continuing to attract what they always attracted since they will continue to think and act like they have always done.

As you might guess from my somewhat tongue-in-cheek list, the above predictions could have been given each and every year for the last few years. The point being, unless you do something different, you and the world will pretty much roll along as it always has.

My suggestion?

Do something different right now.

The future you create begins by what you think and do today.

You are creating 2012 today.

What will you do different?

Ao Akua,


PS — I’m doing something different. Check out my first singer-songwriter music album right here.

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


You Know You're Famous When…

A decade or so ago someone created an online virus and named it after me. The “Vitale” virus circulated the Internet, causing chaos and complaints. I was upset about it until a friend said, “You know you’re famous when they name a virus after you.”

Years ago I attended an event as the keynote speaker. I went to pick up my name tag but someone had already taken it, claiming to be me. Throughout the weekend I kept hearing “Joe Vitale did this” and “Joe Vitale did that,” when in reality it wasn’t me at all. I couldn’t even get my meals at the event because I wasn’t wearing my name tag.

Often people send out emails saying I endorse them or their product. Sometimes it’s true. Too often, though, it isn’t. Someone wrote me recently complaining about a course they said I promoted. Turns out it wasn’t my promotion or my course.

And a year or so ago there were some imposters on Twitter claiming to be me. As far as I know, we got Twitter to delete all of their accounts.

Just the other day I noticed someone selling some of my e-books on Amazon. They are doing it illegally. I didn’t even know my e-books were on Amazon until I accidentally saw a link to one while researching a completely different book.

It’s a strange experience to read about things I haven’t done, written, or promoted.

My advice to you is to proceed with caution. If something looks unfamiliar or unlikely to you, check it out. The best way to keep up with the real Joe Vitale is right here on this blog or by signing up for my email list over at

Of course, there’s also all of this:

I’m flattered by all the attention but not all of it is actually mine.

Just a heads up.

Ao Akua,


PS — I’m excited. My new music CD is nearly complete. Get details right here.


Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


The Gift of Jerry Hicks

I personally knew, worked with and loved Jerry Hicks, of Abraham fame. When I learned he passed away on November 18th, I felt the sadness of losing a friend, but the joy of knowing he transitioned into what Abraham and Esther Hicks call The Vortex.

When I lived in Houston decades ago, Jerry and Esther were coming out with their books and audio cassettes. Their first book was typewritten and self-published. I helped them promote it, and later wrote full-page ads for them.

I love Esther and Jerry Hicks

I love Esther and Jerry Hicks

After that, I helped them get their website up by introducing them to my webmaster at the time, and later promoted their site for them. I sent out news releases and contacted the media.

I was an evangelist for Abraham. Jerry sometimes called and asked for advice about publishing or marketing. I loved our chats. And almost two decades ago I wrote the introduction to the first edition of their book, Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather.

Years ago, when I updated and published a long lost book by Genevieve Behrend, called Attaining Your Desires, Jerry wrote me a long letter praising it. He also went through the first edition, found typos, and listed them for me to correct (which I did). He never charged me, and was happy to help.

Like Esther, Jerry was always upbeat, joyful, and a delight to talk to. I always looked forward to our calls and meetings.

I have rarely met anyone so committed to his mission of getting out the word of Abraham. Jerry didn’t struggle or worry, but simply offered Abraham’s words to those ready to hear them. He never seemed to tire. He never got bored. He never wanted to stop. He was just as enthusiastic over the most recent Abraham seminars as he was over the very first ones.

I drifted away from Jerry and Esther when I realized Abraham’s feel good formula was missing a step. That’s when I began writing about “getting clear” as an essential ingredient to attracting what you wanted. I wrote about this in my book, The Attractor Factor, and spoke about it in my audio program, The Missing Secret. It’s the core of my Miracles Coaching program.

I never stopped loving Jerry and Esther, of course. I’ve always called them two of the most loving people I’ve ever met, a true joy to be around. They are beacons of light.

Jerry was always the picture of fitness and health. Every time I saw him, he radiated wellness. He looked like he could do circus gymnastics at the drop of a hat. As far as I could tell, he would live forever.

I was wrong.

Sometimes fans of the Law of Attraction think they can escape reality. I’ve been teaching for years that you can’t argue with reality. That’s why surrender is such an important step in awakening, and why I wrote about it in my book, The Awakening Course. The Law of Attraction is only one law. As a healer I know once announced, “At some point you’re just gonna die.”

Of course, a handful of teachers think death is just a belief. I even questioned death in my book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual. Maybe we attract it because we believe and expect it. Maybe it’s further proof of the Law of Attraction. I don’t really know.

Some people criticized Jerry and Esther for accepting chemotherapy to fight his cancer. Some critics took that as a sign the Law of Attraction doesn’t really work when push comes to shove.

I find that odd. I remember some of the early dialogues with Abraham, where Esther said when you use the Law of Attraction, you will be guided to use whatever means might help. When you have a headache and you intend to attract relief, you might attract or create a natural healing method, or you might attract aspirin.

After all, when you consciously intend to attract something, where do you think it is going to come from?

Jerry wasn’t Abraham. Jerry was human. Like each of us, he had life challenges. A song I wrote on my forthcoming singer-songwriter album says, “Everybody’s goin’ through somethin’.” The point is for us to do our best to awaken. Our unconscious programs are running the show. We may or may not clear them all this time around. That’s why it behooves us to reflect on what is behind what we are attracting. Books such as Louise Hay’s Heal Your Body and Daniel Condron’s Permanent Healing can be useful. They can shed light on the unconscious reasons for physical ailments.

Don’t use Jerry’s illness or death as an excuse to become a victim.

Abraham taught you’d always have challenges. As soon as you resolved one issue, you’d attract another. Welcome to the human experience. This doesn’t mean the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. It means it does work. You always get what you unconsciously believe and expect. (Re-read that.) Jerry once told Esther he’d probably depart before her, which proves he had a belief in dying, and maybe a belief in a particular way of passing on.

I wasn’t with Jerry when he grew ill, so I can’t say what he was thinking. I don’t know why he attracted cancer, or why he chose the modern medicine path to remove it. But if he accepted conventional medicine as a treatment, than he must have felt he attracted it as a possible solution. He was probably reaching for the thought that felt best to him at the time.

The fact that he got ill and passed on doesn’t mean anything more than he got ill and passed on. Everything else is simply our projecting our beliefs onto his situation.

If you have thoughts, fears, doubts, beliefs and expectations surfacing — triggered by Jerry’s illness and passing — that’s what you want to clear. What you are experiencing is your unconscious coming to the surface. You are discovering what you really believe.

What you see reveals your beliefs

What you see reveals your beliefs

Jerry’s situation is revealing your unconscious belief system. He’s a mirror. Whatever you say about Jerry reflects your own beliefs. That’s all. And that’s wonderful. He left you a great gift. Here’s your chance to break free.

Death isn’t a bad thing. It’s not failure. Jerry and Esther, via Abraham, taught that death is simply walking from one room into another.

“Make fun of death. We are as dead as it gets, and we are fully aware of this joyous experience. We are with you every time you allow it. We are in every singing bird and in every joyful child. We are part of every delicious pulsing in your environment. We are not dead, and neither will you ever be. You will just get up one day, and get out of the movie.” – Abraham (Esther Hicks)

Jerry exited stage right.

I loved him.

I’ll miss him.

As Abraham would say, “You are loved. All is well.”

Ao Akua,


PS — Some info about Jerry’s passing:

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Member BBB 2003 - 2012

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