Joe Vitale


Seeking Wisdom

I’m reading Peter Bevelin’s book, Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, and having to stop every page or so to record an insight.

Within pages of starting the book, I read about how our genetics get “turned on” due to our environment. In other words, you may have genes to do any number of things, but unless they are stimulated by your surroundings, they will remain “off.”

Bevelin writes, ” So our behavior emerges from the mutually dependent activity of genetic and environmental factors.”

This is one reason your income is usually the average of the incomes of the five people closest to you. They help make up your financial environment.

It’s also why Ben Affleck’s recent movie, The Town, is about a city that appears to breed bank robbers. It’s their environment.

What can you do with this wisdom?

My suggestion (assuming you’re not getting the results you want) is to change your environment.

  • That might mean rearranging your home or office, or even leaving it entirely.
  • That might mean reading more success literature and more self-help material.
  • That might mean attracting new friends that are already successful in your passions.
  • That might mean joining associations that keep you stimulated with a focus on your goals.

The point is to surround yourself with the appropriate environmental stimulation to turn on the genes that will help you achieve your goals.

An example might be joining a fitness club or gym. I’ve noticed I work out harder and longer and more regularly when I hang around my bodybuilding friends rather than my Internet marketing friends. The first set of friends creates an environment for physical fitness; the second one creates one for online wealth. Nothing wrong with either one. But being conscious of the environment you’re typically in will help you understand the results you typically get.


I’m doing this with my music. I have several friends already successful at singing, writing music, and playing guitar. I’m spending more time with them to help “turn on” the genetics in me to excel as a musician.

One suggestion is to get into some form of coaching. By being coached you will get the stimulation and information you need to help you change. It’s part of changing your environment.

I’m enjoying Seeking Wisdom and recommend it.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’m not an affiliate for the book; nor do I know the author, let alone Darwin or Munger.

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7 Ways to Make 2011 Amazing

How can you make 2011 the greatest year of your life so far?

What can you do to attract all the magic and miracles you long for?

What are the steps you can easily implement right now to make the new year truly amazing?

Here are seven secrets you can put into action today.

1. Set Intentions.

An intention is a declaration. It is a statement of a future result. Intentions are better than goals, wishes or dreams. They are more concrete, emotional and inspired. The secret to making intentions work for you is to write them down. Thinking alone won’t cut it. You need to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you write out your intentions for the new year, you “command” your deeper mind to pay attention and deliver. But it won’t respond to vague intentions. Make them clear. If you were ordering a jacket from an online catalog, you’d note the color, size, material, and anything else needed to be sure you received what you wanted. Your intentions need to be that clear. What do you want? What would you welcome? And what would be even better than that? Write it down. And be sure to have intentions for every major category in your life, from health and romance to wealth and happiness and family. Here’s your chance to dream big.

Tip: To get out of the ego’s trap of thinking in terms of limitations, add “this or something better” to each intention. Example: “I intend to increase my income in 2011 by 50%, or something better.”

2. Schedule Actions.

Intentions are planning your future; scheduling is a commitment to your future. Get out a calendar and write down action steps. You won’t know every action to take, but you do know what actions to start with to get the ball rolling. Jot them down in a scheduler. This will help you clearly see what to do next.

Tip: If an intention seems overwhelming, break it down into doable smaller steps. As the saying goes, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you write a book? One chapter (or even one page) at a time.

3. Take Action.

Scheduling will help you see what needs to be done; action will get it done. Many fans of the Law of Attraction overlook the word “action” right in the word “attraction.” Nothing happens until something moves. If you want to make 2011 great, you must take action. Vash Young wrote many bestselling books during the Great Depression. His secret to success was his positive attitude and his non-stop action.

Tip: Look at your schedule (in step two) to know what to do. Then go do it. Your rule of thumb is to take ten actions every day in the direction of making your intentions for 2011 come into reality.

4. Face Fears.

Along the way in the new year you’ll have doubts, fears, set-backs and blocks. Don’t let them stop you. Fear isn’t something to redirect you; if anything, it’s simply warning you that you are leaving your comfort zone and doing something new. You can’t predict the future but you can create it by taking actions, even when you feel nervous or afraid.

Tip: Fear is an energy you can use. When you feel uncertain or hesitant, take a deep breath and use the energy in the emotion to propel you forward. Great successes don’t come from being without fear; they come from acting despite the fear. Mark Twain said, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

5. Feed Your Brain.

Turn off the mainstream news. It’s designed to program you with fear and uncertainty. Instead, listen to self-improvement audios, read success literature, and watch inspirational and informational shows.

Tip: Go through the catalog at Nightingale-Conant and buy audio programs that inspire and educate you, browse Amazon for success literature, self-help material, and biographies that educate you, and select presentations from TED that will change your life twenty minutes at a time. Your brain needs fed to keep your momentum high. You’ll have the best year of your life as long as you stay on a quest to learn, grow, discover and awaken. (Gift: Be sure to read my popular Law of Attraction book, gratis, at Attract Money Now.)

6. Set Rewards.

Here’s a little known secret to success: Plan to reward yourself whenever you manifest an intention. A friend once bought an antique piece of furniture whenever he accomplished a big sale. I once ordered a new car for myself when I won an honorable mention for a fitness contest. People are motivated by emotion, not logic. You’re the same. You can tell yourself you’ll make 2011 amazing all day long but nothing will happen without an emotional desire.

Tip: Decide what you want for yourself for each intention you listed for step one above. Write it down beside the intention. Look at the list daily, preferably just before going to sleep each night. That’s a great way to deliver a “command” to your unconscious mind.

7. Get Support.

Surround yourself with people who encourage, motivate, and inspire you. Create a mastermind group. Join a club of high achievers. Find at least one person who believes in you. I was once in the home of Jerry and Esther Hicks and saw a framed quote that Jerry said inspired him.  I can’t recall the exact words, but it said in effect: “I was able to accomplish more by having a friend who believed in me more than I believed in myself.” I started Miracles Coaching to help people with this secret.

Tip: If you haven’t yet found the support you need, begin by being that support for someone else. It’s good karma.

Obviously, there is much more you can do to make 2011 amazing. But if you just did the above seven secrets, you’d leap ahead of the crowd,  make all your previous years seem like starter homes, and create an unforgettable, amazing, and outrageously successful 2011 for yourself.

You can do it.

Go for it!

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s the best tip of all: Make 2011 amazing with Miracles Coaching.

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Just Bragging

I now have five best-selling audio programs with the company I love: Nightingale-Conant.

They are the audio leaders in self-help and personal improvement. They’ve been around since 1960 and have published such legends as Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Marianne Williamson, and Jim Rohn.

When I was struggling decades ago, driving to and from jobs I hated (or driving around looking for jobs), I listened to audios from Nightingale-Conant. That on-going in-car education helped reprogram my mind and direct me on the path to success. I still listen to their programs today.

My first program with them was around 1998, with The Power of Outrageous Marketing (still a bestseller). Today my programs include The Missing Secret and The Secret to Attracting Money to the recent home-run The Abundance Paradigm.

So imagine my delight when the President of Nightingale-Conant sent me a Christmas card saying I am now one of their all-time best-selling authors. (!)

Yes, I’m bragging but I had to tell somebody.

Dreams do come true.

Ao Akua,


PS – Merry Christmas!

xmas card from NC 2010 smAMN bannerMember BBB 2003 – 2011


Believe: The Fitness Model Diet

Celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee is not only beautiful, but inspiring.  She credits me with inspiring her, but it sure seems the other way around these days.

We met almost one year ago when she signed on for my Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind, which ABC News* filmed.

jnl believeI found her charming, funny, sexy, smart, and eager to learn. Within minutes we were talking like old friends and brainstorming new ideas to increase her business, while ABC News* kept the cameras rolling.

Recently Jennifer sent me a bobble head of herself, as well as her new book. Even the bobble head of her is sexy.

jnl bobblehead

While the bobble head is fun, Jennifer’s new book is beyond good. It’s great. It’s high-quality, hardcover, packed with information and (of course) pictures. It reveals her fitness secrets. Since she’s a woman who has transformed herself from fat and unhappy to award-winning fit and contagiously happy, her wisdom is worth our time.

jnl new bookI like the book so much I placed it in the window at the top of the stairs in my new office. I see it every time I enter the room, which puts a spring in my step. 🙂

Jennifer signs almost everything with one word: “Believe!”

When I asked her about it, she explained that belief is the secret to transforming yourself and achieving all you desire.

I believe her.

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s a YouTube video about Jennifer Nicole Lee’s new book on the fitness model diet:

Note: I am not an affiliate for anything Jennifer offers. I’m sharing what she does because I think it’s worthwhile. Check it out.

* Six months later ABC News shared this (you’ll have to watch an ad for a drug first):

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Universe or Divine?

A few people have asked me what I mean by the Divine or Universe. I’ve talked about this in my books and audio programs, but since it keeps coming up, I’ll also address it here. I’ll use one person’s recent questions as the kick-off, and I’ll end with a surprise gift for you. Here goes:

1- Is the “Universe” the same as the “Divine”?

For me, yes. Many self help authors say “Universe” when they really mean unconscious mind. I remember being on one radio talk show when the host declared the universe doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. She meant the unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference. This is a common mistake. It leads to a lot of confusion. For me, the unconscious mind is below your conscious awareness but basically runs the ship. It doesn’t know the difference between what you dream about or what you actually see, and because of that, you can embed intentions in it. The Universe, however, is the totality of everything. It ain’t dumb. It knows the difference between imagery and reality. It can also be called the Divine.

2- Do you consider the Universe or Divine to be God?

Yes. I don’t say the word “God” too much because so many people have baggage associated with it. God can be seen as an old man in the sky to some sort of other conceptualized being. God isn’t that to me. It is the background Witness of life. I say Divine to be politically safe. I started using the term a lot more after hanging around Dr. Hew Len, who addresses the Divine all the time when doing ho’oponopono.

3- If we are Divine, as you’ve said, then are people God?

Yes, but don’t tell anybody. People are Divinity expressed in physical form. I talk about this at length in my program (now also a book), The Awakening Course. We don’t know we are Divine because we are supposed to awaken to that fact. That’s the purpose of life. But as Bill Murray said in the movie, Groundhog Day, “I’m not the God. I’m a God.”

4- Exactly how does the Divine attract money?

It doesn’t. You do. But you do it best when you are in your passion, when you are connected to the Divine flow of life and you don’t have any internal limits on receiving it. Said another way, money is Divine and the Divine is money. It doesn’t need to attract money. It is money (as well as everything else).

5- If YOU, Joe, write a book while connected to your Divine/Universe/God within, does my Divine/Universe within instantly know this and make ME more likely to buy it from you?

Not exactly. I believe the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, was Divinely guided. I wrote it in two weeks. I felt like a stenographer for the Divine. But that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Your inner Divinity will tell you what’s next for you. It may or may not be anything I write. (It may not even be a book.) There are hundreds of thousands of books out there, and many of them might be a better match for you at this time in your evolution. I like what Jerry and Esther Hicks (Abraham) have said: they offer their material to those who are wanting it. Period. Look at it this way: the Divine guides me to write a book and the right people are guided to read it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

At the risk of sounding promotional, most of the questions I get are answered in my books and audio programs. I know at least one author who refuses to answer questions at all, saying “Go buy my books!” I won’t go that far or be that harsh, but I have to at least suggest you look into my latest program, The Abundance Paradigm.

Of course, it’s also okay with me if you skip it. 🙂

Finally, here’s a gift for you:

Recently I answered many questions on a private call for buyers of The Abundance Paradigm. I never planned to release the call to the public, but so many people praised it, that I felt I should share it with you, too.

You can listen to the entire call, download it, and/or read the transcript by going to:


Ao Akua,


PS – Heads up: I answer questions every month on a private call for the students in my Miracles Coaching program. I’m just saying.

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