law of attraction


Attract $175,000 Today

In 1931 Vash Young inherited a fortune.

This was during the Great Depression in the USA when much of the country lost jobs, savings, hopes, dreams, and more. Young was so grateful for his inherited fortune that he spent his entire life sharing it.

Last week I inherited his fortune.

It was strange, unexpected, and yet incredible.

I didn’t know Young before last week, though I had heard of his fortune.

I never imagined he would pass it on to me.

I’m grateful for it, of course.

Who wouldn’t be?

And I’m now going to share that fortune with you.

Let me explain.

A friend of mine in the Miracles Coaching program told me about an old book he found that he thought I might like. But he couldn’t recall the title or author. He was obviously moved by the book. I’m a bookaholic, so I was interested, even without all the details. I asked him to send me the book’s info when he came across it. I didn’t think any more about it.

But last week my friend sent me a package. Inside was the mysterious book. The title is A Fortune to Share. The author was Vash Young. I had never heard of the book or the author. Since I was busy with projects, such as scheduling the launch of my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm), and already had fifteen books to read either on my ipad or my desk, I just put the book aside. It would have to wait.

But the book wouldn’t wait.

Something about it called me to it. Maybe because the book was from 1931 and looked like a lost gem in self-help and self-improvement; maybe because I love success literature and this title seemed like it was from that category; maybe because I hoped the author had been a friend of a man I wrote about from that era, Bruce Barton, in my book The Seven Lost Secrets of Success; maybe because the author put a spell on the book. I don’t know. But before I knew it, everything else got pushed aside and I started reading A Fortune to Share.

Within minutes, I was captivated.

The book is written in the first person, with the author talking to me about his fortune and how it changed his life. The old Young of poverty and reckless living was gone; the new Young was now so rich that even the Great Depression couldn’t touch him.

His mission became the life-long quest to share his fortune with others.

I was riveted.

Young explained that you own a factory. Most of the time you make junk in that factory. As a result, no one buys from you. No wonder you were broke and struggling. No wonder life looked bleak. Your factory wasn’t producing what anyone wanted.

He went on to explain that the same factory could make gold.



In your mind.

In your mind!

As it turns out, the fortune Young inherited was the gold inside himself: his ability to control his thoughts, beliefs, moods, and attitude. He could let the factory of his mind create a life that was miserable, or he could take charge of that factory and get it producing new thoughts, beliefs, moods and attitude that he and others would want.

He inherited a mental fortune.

As long as Young accepted his fortune and shared it, everything he wanted would come his way, and without trying to make it happen.

Young literally did attract a financial fortune (he sold over $80,000,000 in life insurance) due to his discovery and his sharing. He went from a life of go-getting to a life of go-giving. (He later wrote a book titled The Go-Giver.) The more he gave, the more he attracted. His mission truly became one of sharing the mental fortune inside himself to awaken your own understanding that you have a mental fortune inside you, too.

While it’s easy to wish that Young’s fortune was all cash and he shared it by writing checks (which he often did, just not to you or me), what he actually gave us is something far more valuable: he pointed out you have a cash-making machine in your head.

In short, we attract “junk” when we think from selfishness and fear; we attract “gold” when we think and act with love.

A Fortune to Share contains much more information, and many wonderful stories. It’s a hypnotic read. Breezy. Easy. Fast. It also delivers some unforgettable wisdom, such as:

“Any experience can be transformed into something of value.”

“Prosperity can not be built on fear!”

For a long time, Young would hold “Trouble Day” every Saturday. He would let anyone walk into his office, dump their troubles on him, and then Young would do his best to help the troubled soul with his philosophy, and often with money.

In talking to an unemployed man one day, Young tells him, “You haven’t been unemployed all these months, you have been working for the wrong boss. You have been working for failure, discouragement, fear and worry and the sad part of it is that there has been no salary for your labors. You seem to be destitute, but I am going to tell you how to become rich overnight. I want you to deposit the following thoughts in your mental bank tonight: ‘I am not afraid – I am a success, not a failure – I have an inexhaustible supply of courage, energy, confidence and perseverance.‘”

Young helps the man out with a suit of clothes and a little money, and reminds him to draw on his new mental bank account when he needs it.

Within a week, the man has a job he loves.

Young’s first book was so sincere, helpful and timely that it became a national bestseller. He followed it with several others (which I have yet to read but eagerly await), including The Go-Giver, Be Kind to Yourself, and Let’s Start Over Again. All were bestsellers. All were booster rockets for a weary country suffering during the Great Depression of the 1930s. When Young was in his seventies in 1959, he wrote a final book summing up his philosophy of life, called Fortunes For All.

I found Fortunes For All and read it. Loved it, too. On the cover the publisher says, “Let Vash Young show you that your mind is worth $175,000 or more!”

How can your mind bring you $175,000?

Here’s the secret:

Young explains that instead of asking, “How can we have more?” we should ask, “How can we be more?”

He then invites you to try an experiment:

“Go off by yourself with a pad and pencil and write out your own ticket for a happy and successful life. By that I mean put down all of the things you would like to have or be.”

He adds, “After imagining every wish has been granted, then go one step further. Start in being the ideal person you think you would be if you had everything your way.”

Young’s philosophy of fortune basically said that once you began to be that happy, successful person now, then you would naturally attract all you wanted from the being.

Sounds a whole lot like step four in my book, The Attractor Factor, and step five in my book Attract Money Now, where I suggest you “Nevillize” a goal to help bring it into reality.

In other words, feel what it would be like to already have the thing you want or be the person you long to be. Feel it now.

But Young is also wanting you to be something greater than a satisfied person. He wants you to embody the traits of – dare I say it – God.

Decades ago in Houston I gave a talk where I encouraged people to think like God. I said God wouldn’t think in terms of lack and limitation. Why should you?

But Young wants you to act like God, meaning live love, compassion, forgiveness and all the other positive, enlightened states that a God would have.

Be God.

Young was a great believer in taking action, too.

A chapter on selling in Fortunes For All proves that he sold such a staggering amount of life insurance by focusing on giving, thinking of others over himself, and following his being principle. But he also took non-stop action. Even when Young was on jury duty for three weeks, he still held the sales record for the month. How? He kept taking action.

All of this is so inspiring and powerful that I wish Vash Young was still alive so I could thank him in person. But I’ve inherited his fortune. And I’m sharing it with you. I’m hoping you will now share it with others, too.

Take control of your mind and you can live a life of magic and miracles – a life of good fortune.

It’s Vash Young’s inheritance.

It’s my inheritance.

And now it’s yours.

What do you think, anyway?

What is your factory producing?

Who’s the boss of your own mind?

Who are you being?

Enjoy your new fortune.

Ao Akua,


PS – Be sure to pass your fortune along to others by telling them about Vash Young, his books, and this blog post’s message. Together we can share the wealth, and make a difference in the world. Thank you.

Note: Receive all three Miracles Manuals free at


Vitale Super Pack

I’m shaking as I type this to you because I am SO excited to share this news –

Just scroll down on that page and you’ll find my smiling face on a video sharing the story with you.

Go see!

Dr Joe

PS – Last weekend I offered this to a crowd in Toronto and they ATE IT UP. I figured you would like it too

Expect Miracles!

Thank you
I love you

Dr. Joe Vitale         “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, The Awakening Course, etc.
Coming soon: “Zero Limits Mastery”


Member BBB 2003 – 2019

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”


Joe Vitale Raw

My most recent global interview was raw, intimate, inspiring, practical, personal and surprising.
The host said –

“This was a magical episode — really, truly amazing. Please give Joe my tremendous thanks, was truly a pleasure to spend time with him and he is welcome back onto the show anytime. Easily in our top 10 best episodes ever.”

You can hear it at –



Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,
Dr Joe

PS – Be sure to visit my new site with lots of goodies, many are freee:


Joe Vitale Update

A lot of people didn’t ask about Joe Vitale recently (ha!) so I figured I would post a few highlights just in case someone gets curious about what I’ve been up to.

Maybe even you.

But first –

And now about Joe Vitale’s recent activities –

Still traveling.

A few months ago I spoke to a crowd of thousands in Moscow, Russia. Another in Kiev, Ukraine. Also spent thirty days in Italy, resting, working, speaking at events, book signings, being interviewed, and more. Also went back to Thailand, to speak at another event for my once homeless now billionaire friend Andres Pira. Also went to London, where an interview I did for LondonReal became a smash hit and brought me tens of thousands of new followers. I’m going back to Dubai in a few months. And I’ll be going back to Italy, Kiev and London in 2020. And I’m headlining a cruise next April. (See video above)

Still creating.

I have about nineteen books I started writing. I might even finish a few of them. Also created new online courses, many of which are at Vitale Life Mastery. Many are free. There are some big ones, too, like Awakening Course 2.0. And of course I helped Andres with his book, and it’s now available at Amazon, called Homeless to Billionaire. And look for a powerful new book and audio program by me in 2020, called The Art and Science of Results. I love being productive and prolific, but admit this year has been too chaotic to do as much as I’d like. (More about that in a minute.)

Still filming.

Been filmed for several more movies. Even filmed several episodes for my own new television show. A film crew flew in from Italy to film me for their movie on forgiveness. I was flown to California to film a new course on Awakened Millionaire thinking. I’m impressed with how many movies I’ve been in since the hit movie The Secret came out in 2006, mostly because I think of myself as solely an author, not a talking head. Of course, I even got to be an actor (!) in a short film that won some awards. I’m waiting to be called to act in a movie with Bruce Willis.

Still singing.

I’m still writing new songs, playing guitar, and keeping the musical flow at least alive if not in full bloom. I’ve also been on stage as a solo singer-songwriter, and performed live with my Band of Legends. I also have six singer-songwriter albums out. And about seven more albums of instrumental music with Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon. My private lesson with rock icon Melissa Etheridge continues to inspire me. And most recently I’m working with a beautiful singer to create original songs of love, hope and joy.

Still grieving.

Lost my father last April.  At 93, we knew it would happen eventually. But the real thing is still a shock. I was able to make him an author for his 90th birthday, and again at 91, and again at 92, so I feel complete with him in regards to giving him something he accepted and loved. But I miss him. That was followed by more tragic news, most which I can’t share without hurting family members. Believe me, I’ve known grief.

Still growing.

The past year has been the most turbulent of my life in decades. Not just grief, but anguish. I walked the streets many evenings feeling despair. Yet during the day I’d smile and post happy Facebook and Instagram photos and videos. It’s been intense. I imagine I’ve been the caterpillar struggling to break free. I’m ready to fly as a beautiful butterfly. It’s also a reminder that there is always inner work to do. We all need to keep peeling the onion and getting clear. Even you. Even me.

Still learning.

I’m always following my passion and curiosity, most recently into the world of Stoicism. The philosophy of Marcus Aurelius and the old Stoic gang has kept me alive. Literally. I think it needs updated with current science, and blended with Law of Attraction principles, but it’s priceless for getting me through my day. Thank you, Marc.

Still clearing.

In my desire to be whole and healed, I still reach for anything, no matter how wild, to get me through. I’ve found new healers and explored distance healing, past life karma, clearing forces of darkness, karmic bindings and more. I have found some gems, like Kalyn Cal Bennett, who sends you text messages as she clears your karma, and Dr. David Holt, who works with the hidden unconscious to release stubborn blocks. I still rely on original Miracles Coach Mandy Evans – who has known me since 1985 (!) – to help process the big issues of my life. I’ve also called on Jesus and the Christian tradition – anything to save me and my loved ones from darkness.

Still reading.

I’m a bookaholic. I always find wisdom and comfort in books. Even with all this year has brought to me to process and clear, I’ve found time to read. Some notable gems include –

  • The Billion Dollar Secret by Rafael Badziag
  • The Yamas & Niyamas by Deborah Adele (a spiritual masterpiece)
  • The Will to Live by Arnold Hutschnecker (1950s treasure)
  • Unoffendable by Brant Hansen
  • How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson
  • The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr (brilliant!)
  • Moonshots by Naveen Jain
  • Success Habits by Napoleon Hill (truly loved this lost gem)
  • Iron Ambition by Mike Tyson (who I met in Thailand; see photo above)
  • Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter (the 1913 classic)

Still loving.

Despite a turbulent year of uncertainty and change – and at age 65 – I am soaking up the joy of a divine connection with someone who wants love, lust and laughter as much as me. As circumstances unfold, I’ll share the specifics of this news with you. For now, let it be known that love is alive and love is good.

That’s the Joe Vitale Update.

Aren’t you glad you asked?

And you?

How have you been?

Ao Akua.


PS – An excerpt from the Joe Vitale LondonReal TV interview where I discuss ho’oponopono and Zero Limits and more:

PPS – And for the rare critic, or for anyone needing an inspirational kick in the pants, consider…

Dr. Joe Vitale
Author of way too many books to list here
President, Hypnotic Marketing Inc
Main Site:
Member BBB 2003 – 2019



Attract Anything You Want

Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me while I was in London. The following is a excerpt where we discuss the Law of Attraction, Vision Boards, and I talk about action steps you can take to create change in you life.

Dr. Joe Vitale: You can program it for other things. You can program for what you want. So if you do want more wealth, or you want the romance, or you want the health, or you want the house, you follow the same principles that have been used to keep you surviving. But you use it for these things that you would like to have, do or be in your life.

Brian: So if I want something I need to actually conjure up and create an image like a vision board, or just have something in my mind, I’m associating with that future outcome.

Dr. Joe Vitale: Well, it’s both. And what I look for is some sort of, I call it a graphical representation of what you want. And a vision board is a very popular way of doing it, because a vision board is pretty much like a big poster board, and people have cut out pictures of what they want. So I had a ride over here in a Mercedes. So if I wanted a Mercedes, I might go on Google and conjure up a bunch of different, search for a bunch of different images. Find one that really makes me excited, print it, cut it out and put it on the vision board.

And if there was a particular house like you lived in San Diego at one point, where there were some wonderful mansions and old style Mediterranean homes near the water. And if I wanted one of those, I’d find some sort of image of it, cut it out and put it on the vision board. The idea is, I don’t want to just think it, I need to communicate to my subconscious mind that this is my next desire.

And so if I can see the image of it and see it a lot, that’s the repetition part of it. I will be communicating to my mind that this is what I would like to attract into my life. And so vision boards are very popular. And I tell people, your vision board can be on your phone, it can be on your refrigerator.

It can be something that’s on your dashboard. It can be something that’s by your bathroom, bedroom mirror, any number of things. Do you want to see it? Do you want to stumble across it? So it’s not just thinking about it because your mind can just go off in a different direction and bring you a different image. You need to be reminded of it. You want to put that up there and say there’s that house, there’s that car, there’s that bank account whatever it happens to be.

Brian: Okay. And should I have different images for different parts of my goals? Like a house maybe or certain thing in my business or certain thing for my relationships or my body or?

Dr. Joe Vitale: Yeah, that is a great question. There’s mixed information on that. My own view is focus on one thing at a time. If you focus on one thing at a time, you are a missile, targeted and sending a powerful signal right into your subconscious mind. There’s no confusion it’s like, I want this car. That’s it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having like a master vision board and all the different things you were just referring to were there. So that could be the romance and the house and a boat, whatever it happens to be, it could be all of them there. But I think it’s wiser and more powerful, more effective, more efficient and accelerated to pick one thing at a time.

When I reflect over my own life and my greatest accomplishments, I believe they came when I was really focused. When I said I’m writing this book, or I’m recording this music, or I’m going after this car, or I want this kind of awakening. And that was the primary focus I would get it fast. But if I have too many things up there, it feels like it’s a little diluted.

You have to become aware of your current thinking. Most people don’t realize that their thoughts are in the toilet. That they’re listening to themselves saying negative things about 70,000 times a day.

Brian: 70,000.

Dr. Joe Vitale: 70,000. There are some research studies that are showing its higher than that. And the other thing that’s more startling is that they’re mostly repetition. They’re the same thoughts. There are things like I’m not good enough, it’s not going to work out, this stuff works for other people. It works for Joe Vitale but it doesn’t work for me. They want to do things but they think the economy is wrong, the President is wrong, the timing is wrong. I don’t have enough education. I don’t have enough experience all of these kinds of negative thoughts keep people shut down.

They don’t go for their dreams. They react to life, they crawl through life with no enthusiasm, no energy and no belief in themselves or the possibilities of something better. You have a choice, you can change your thinking. One way to look at this is the thoughts you’re having right now are primarily negative. That’s the first thing to notice. Your thoughts are primarily negative. The second one is, you’re not your thoughts. You are separate from your thoughts. And this is massive Earth shaking news.

If somebody is hearing it for the very first time, start to generate what you do want to think. And this is where things like affirmations, positive thinking, positive statements. Instead of saying, I’m not good enough, begin to say I am good enough. Begin to say this can work out for me. If this material has worked for other people, why can’t it work for me too? I’m human, they’re human, and you can start to rebuild your software of the mind if you will. And these are all elements and then there’s, we can get into details like what you’re going to tend to bring into your life or things that you think about a lot.

Most people think about the things they’re afraid of, the things that they’re worried about. I tell people, why don’t you start thinking about the things you love? The things you’re passionate about. You’re going to go in a new direction, you’ll be happier, you’ll be healthier. You’re going to have better momentum, better enthusiasm.

So the repetition of that is going to be a big thing, because the brain the reticular activating system in the brain, responds to repetition, imagery and emotion. So all of this is in the direction of, it’s like a condensed course of how to redirect your life. But becoming aware that you’re not your thoughts, those negative thoughts, you can let them go. You can start to create new thoughts, you can actually aim where you want to go by choosing what you want. Getting an image of what you want, feeling it with passion and love. And then you can start to create it almost organically and automatically.