law of attraction


New Books 2013

With all the music I’ve been creating — album number five comes out this month and album six is in production right now — you’d think I wouldn’t have any time to write more books. Not so. Here are some new ones being released the first part of this year:

You'll love this one!

Available March 2013

"Faith" available February 15th

Available February 15th

Comes out later 2013

Comes out later 2013

End Homelesssness Forever

End Homelesssness Forever

As I mentioned above, I have new music coming out, too. Album number five — my third singer-songwriting collection — will be released this month:

New album out next month

New album out this month

I’ll let you know when the above books and music becomes available. Or you can be one of the first to know by subscribing to my email list over at

My intent in sharing all this with you is to inspire you to take action and go for your dreams, as well.

What are you creating for 2013?

Ao Akua,


PS – You can pre-order my next book, Faith, online right now at

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 – 2013

Is Faith Delusion?

I’ve been carrying a special coin for more than ten years. It’s inscribed with the famous quote, “All things are possible with faith.” It has a mustard seed in it. It’s a great reminder to hang in there; to have faith in today, tomorrow, your dreams, and more.

This morning I noticed I lost it. I didn’t worry about it, though, as I had faith I would find another. I went online and did.

But how many people lose their faith and then give up?

How many people have faith but don’t use it for anything?

Mustard Seed Coin

Mustard Seed Coin

Faith is tricky. Some people use it as a form of self-delusion. They use it as an excuse to not take any action.

They say they “have faith” they will get the money for the bills, or find the cure for their health issue, or stumble across the love of their life.

They sit and wait for the results.

After all, they “have faith.”

But faith without action can be self sabotage.

I’m all for having faith. I wrote an entire book about it.*  I’m all for being relaxed about life and letting things you want appear. But I find they appear faster, and more reliably, if I move toward them.

For example, I have faith I’ll write an interesting blog post here for you today, even though I have no idea what I’m saying or going to say as I write this. But I am writing. I am doing, and in that doing, my faith will bring fruit.

I’m inviting you to have faith, and to use it as motivation to do something.

In other words, without faith, there’s little likelihood that you’ll do anything at all. You’ll sleep walk through life. You’ll go with whatever flow is presented to you. That’s okay if you’re willing to remain one of the walking dead. That’s fine if you’re content with the flow your life is currently in.

But what if you want more, or something different, or a smoother flow?

When you have faith, you are fortified internally to do something to make your dreams come true.

Faith gives you wind for your sails. When you have faith that you will attract the money you need, or the relationship you seek, you are positioned to take action to attract the results you expect.

But action is still needed.

Click image to pre-order

Click image to pre-order "Faith"

I’ve been trying to understand why so many people are resistant to taking action. My hunch is they fear doing something they detest; or they fear the result — success or failure — of their actions.

But everything in life is action.

Even “non action” is a type of action. Prayer is an action. Meditating is an action. Imagery is an action. Action is not all digging ditches or taking out the garbage. Action can be small, like breathing, but usually is more intentional, like deep breathing to relax.

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” -Anatole France

Faith can help you take action. After all, the mustard seed’s coin says anything is possible with faith. I’ve often told audiences that a mustard seed has no doubt. It’s going to be mustard. It’s clear.

When you have that kind of faith, virtually anything really is possible for you.

Faith is only a delusion when you use it to replace action. Thinking faith will keep you dry in the rain isn’t smart. Take an umbrella and have faith it will keep you try.

Here’s one more example:

Mathew Dixon and I are currently in the studio recording new music for the follow-up album to our bestselling, “Aligning to Zero.”

When we are in the studio, we have no idea what we will record. We go in with the intention to create something as stunningly beautiful (or better) than “Aligning to Zero,” but that’s it. We don’t have songs or melodies or much more direction than that.

Mathew Dixon and yours truly

Mathew Dixon and yours truly

We have faith that music will come, because we are preparing to receive it.

We are acting. We are doing. We are available. We are in the studio. We have our guitars and mikes and software. And we are experimenting with ideas, feeling out what wants to appear.

But get this: We wouldn’t even go into the studio if we didn’t have faith that something would come to us by our action of going into the studio!

Faith comes first.

And the results so far have been spectacular. We are recording music so heavenly that I am in awe. To think that we had nothing (but faith), and then out of our allowing (and action), came inspiration.


It’s yet another miracle.

The same kind that is available to you, too.

Faith may only be delusional when you don’t actually do anything with it.

Have faith – and act.

I lost my faith coin today.

But my faith that I could get another one was right there.

I took action.

I have a new coin coming.

Where’s your faith?

Where’s your action?

Ao Akua,


PS – *My new book, Faith, will be available on February 15th. You can pre-order Faith online right now at

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 – 2013

The Mala of Success

“Joe, what’s with the beads?”

People sometimes ask me why I wear a string of beads. I’ve been wearing them off and on since 1979. It began as a mala (prayer or meditation necklace) my spiritual teacher at the time asked me to wear. Over the years it evolved into something more.

Wearing beads in The Secret movie

Wearing beads in The Secret

I wore beads when I was in the movie The Secret, and when I appeared on Donny Deutsch’s television show, The Big Idea.

I didn’t wear them on either of my Larry King Live television appearances and the studio asked me why not after the shows. They considered them part of my outfit.

I learned my lesson. I’m almost never without them today.

Oops. No beads on Larry King.

Oops. No beads on Larry King.

Why is that?

There are at least four reasons:

1. They were gifts and have sentimental value.

Legendary self-help author and today my dear friend, Debbie Ford, gave me one set years ago. A friend in Dallas made a set for me from rubies. A few sets have come from friends in India. I cherish these gifts. They are loaded with emotional meaning and love to me.

2. They are reminders of the spiritual side of life.

Because malas are usually religious tools, they are like rosaries and prayer beads. I often repeat the ho’oponopono mantra of I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me and thank you, as I touch each bead, which is similar to what others do with their rosaries and prayers. The necklace is a spiritual reminder.

3. They are power centers.

Some beads are inherently powerful. Rubies are power gems. Rudraksha seeds (which I’ll explain in a moment) are historically potent. They are said to attract prosperity to wearers of them. I like prosperity.

4. They make me look cool.

You’ll have to decide this one, but I think it’s part of my image, or brand. Apparently so did Larry King. Some people wear fancy hats or colorful scarfs. I wear beads.

These beads are part of my secret to success. They not only add to my look, but they are gems infused with power, and help assist me in attracting what I want. They don’t replace action, but they do assist my own action.

Even if you think this is a placebo and it’s all in my mind, isn’t it your mind where *everything* actually takes place?

Please hear me out. This could transform your life. (And no, you don’t have to wear any beads to make this work for you.)

The “mala” or prayer beads I’m wearing these days is a custom made one out of real gold and special seeds called Rudrakskha, or prosperity seeds. It is called The Indrakshi combination. If you are curious, it is described at —–j&prodId=1961

Rudraksha seed

Rudraksha seed

It was put together in a precise, scientific way, by a woman named Neeta Singhal. She is a leading pioneer in the world today on Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy. She has been practicing this since 1997.

This is not religious but is very spiritual, and is very scientific. Rudraksha beads open up the chakras in your body in an unbelievably short time — in less than 3 days.

This starts the process of physical and emotional healing. These miracle items from Neeta enhance your aura (energy field) and help you attract wealth, good relationships, and success.

Click to consult with Neetaji

Click to consult with Neetaji

The secret, however, is to string the Rudraksha beads in the correct manner. This is the exact art Neeta has mastered and wants to share with you.

I’m not the only one to feel this way. Here’s an email I received (used here with his kind permission):

I just saw your recent testimonial on Ms. Neeta's site:
>> <>.  I have been a
>> customer of Ms. Neeta for several years and it all started with me
>> obtaining a 19 mukhi Rudraksha from her back in August 2010. Slowly I
>> have been very fortunate to be a care taker of the splendid Indrakshi
>> Mala which I see you wear as well based on your testimonial.  I
>> purchased this Mala for my 32nd Birthday this October.  It was this or a
>> gold Watch which I had been eyeing.  Believe it or not After purchasing
>> the mala a few weeks later I got a watch which was much more amazing
>> that I wanted and I did not have to pay a single dime for it (I traded a
>> gem which i wanted to sell for a while).  I can give you countless
>> examples of rare mystical transformations after wearing different types
>> of Rudraksha beads.
>> I truly believe I am fortunate to be able to wear such a mala and I can
>> attest, just as you can, the splendid power of rudraksha and this mala.
>> I wanted to reach out to you since I have watched The Secret and I truly
>> believe that the Indrakshi Mala is a manifestation of the positive
>> thought vibration as discussed in your videos.
>> There is very little information of personal experiences of those who
>> wear the Indrakshi mala because it is such a rare possession.  I would
>> like to open a dialogue in to let the world know more about this Mala
>> and mystic bead.
>> God Bless,
>> Dr. Gurpreet Khurana

You can discover more for yourself with a personal consultation from Neeta. You’ll find it eye-opening and useful. Neeta will give suggestions for you on —

* Chakra analysis
* Astrological interpretation
* New types of affirmations
* Suggestions for mantras
* Suggestions for the right gems for you to wear
* Suggestions for Yantras to place in your home
* Rudrasksha suggestions (not just for wearing, as you can also carry them in your pocket or purse, etc)

The list goes on.

What will Neeta say about you?

Just go to — — and select the middle section titled “Email consultation with Neeta Singhal.”

I do not make a dime from my endorsing her. I simply believe this is a great service and she’s a wise woman. This may be the ticket you need to jump to the next level in your life.

I’d be curious to know what she suggests for you.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – Below is a clip of me in Chicago answering a question about my beads.

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


The How of Intention

The area people get hung up the most with the Law of Attraction is “the how” of it all.

Meaning, they set an intention and then wonder and worry about what to do to actually manifest the end result.

They want a how.

That’s a mistake.

As I wrote in in my book The Attractor Factor, after you state a clear intention, your final step is to let go while taking inspired action.

What does that mean?

Here’s an example to help clarify the point…

After my personal trainer, Scott York, and I met and spent time at my home with legendary bodybuilder and actor Lou Ferrigno, we speculated who we’d like to meet next. Hanging with Lou for hours was a highlight of my life. He was charming and open. I’ll never forget it, or him.*

Who did we want to see next?

The obvious answer for us was the legend himself, a man who even inspired Lou: Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Loved Arnold's book!

Loved Arnold's book!

We had both finished reading Arnold’s autobiography, Total Recall, and was in awe of the man and his accomplishments. Arnold’s list of record breaking successes is staggering.

Even at age 65, he’s not slowing down. He has new goals, new passions, new projects, new movies, and a relentless drive to achieve more.

We decided we wanted to see him.

That was our new intention.

But how would we achieve it?

We didn’t fret over how it would happen. We didn’t make plans, or calls, or ask people for introductions. I could have done that. After all, I know people who know Arnold. I could have reached out and started to shake the trees, looking for my intro to Arnold.

But I didn’t do any of that. Neither did Scott.

Why not?

We didn’t feel inspired to do so.

When I say “let go and take inspired action,” it means let go of any attachment or addiction or need for the end result. This requires faith. It requires trust. It requires a knowing that the intention will manifest, but in its own time and place. Or something even better will come along to replace it.

We let go of any “how” to make it happen.

That’s detachment.

But that’s only part of the formula.

And at the same time, when you are inspired, act.

One night Scott was fooling around on his iPhone, just browsing emails while his kids played and watched television. As Scott thumbed through all the emails, he saw one that said, “Want to see Arnold?”

Scott couldn’t believe it. He thought it was a joke or a scam. But he clicked on the email and read that a local person who has connections in the movie business was hosting the premier of Arnold’s latest action movie, The Last Stand.

Turns out there was a contest where twenty winners could see the movie, and then visit with Arnold (and costar Johnny Knoxville) after the show for a private Q & A.

Scott doubted this was a ticket anywhere, but he took inspired action.

The host wanted a paragraph and a photo of every person wanting to win. Scott completed the requirements. He sent in his photo and such. And then he forgot about it.

Later that same night he received a response by email saying, “You won!”

He was told he could attend the event with a friend.

Scott thought of me.

Together we went to that movie premier. We sat with a few other people and asked Arnold questions about the movie (great), politics (dirty), his goals (many), his future (movies), his exercise routine (daily), and more.

We got our intention!

Do you see how this works?

A clear intention – stated without desperation or need but with a childlike spirit of trust, faith and fun — led to an opportunity nobody could have predicted or orchestrated.

Our job was to take inspired action when it appeared. We did.

That’s how the Law of Attraction works.

What do you want? What would be cool for you to have, do or be?

Arnold said his father taught him to “Be Useful.” That advice has guided his entire life.

Be useful.

What intention can you state that delights you while making you useful to others?

That will kick the Law of Attraction into overdrive. Just don’t worry about how you will accomplish it. When ideas present themselves, act.

So, what is your benevolent intention?

State it.

And then let go of it while paying attention to any nudges from within or opportunities that come your way.

When you feel the inspiration to do something, act.

That’s the “how” of making your dreams come true.

Ao Akua,


* My evening with Lou Ferrigno, complete with photos, is here:

PS – Here’s Arnold Schwarzenegger and costar Johnny Knoxville talking about their movie “The Last Stand” (in theaters January 18th):

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


Which Are You Choosing?

Let’s start off 2013 with a lesson….

As you probably know, you are either living your life from Faith or you are living it from Fear.

Most people live in fear. It’s not very helpful and not much fun. It creates an “attractor field” that pulls to you more to be in fear about.

Forget that. You did that last year.

I want you to go into 2013 with FAITH.

Faith in yourself, faith in your dreams, faith in other people, faith in your future…

Here’s how you can do that —

Click image to pre-order

Click image to pre-order

Pre-order my new book, Faith, right now and get it at a dramatic discount.  Just go to —

Or go to Amazon —

Of course, you’ll have to wait for the book to arrive sometime in late February.

So what do you do till then?

What can you do today?

Here’s what I suggest:

In every moment, ask yourself if you are feeling fear or you are feeling faith.

Actually, what are you feeling right now?

Fear or Faith?

Fear is belief in the negative.

Faith is belief in the positive.

Both are simply beliefs, yet beliefs are what create your reality. They’re the software operating your life.

Take a breath and choose faith.

Living in fear is limiting and exhausting.

Living in faith is liberating and energizing.

Which do you want?

My new book will explain how to have faith in yourself, faith in other people, faith in a higher power, and more.

You always have a choice.

What’s yours?

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, you can pre-order my new book, Faith, right now and get it at a dramatic discount.  Just go to — Or go to Amazon —

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013