I’m excited to report that my long awaited new book will be coming out later this month. It’s called Karmic Marketing: The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. It reveals how to become a “Wealth Magnet” by giving. (You can pre-order it on Amazon right now. It releases November 22, 2021.) I’ve been talking about Karmic Marketing since the late 1990s. Here’s my blog post on it from 2006:
I’ve been mentioning Karmic Marketing for a decade or more, since around 1995. It’s high time that I explain what it means.
Here’s a quick definition:
Karmic Marketing is giving now knowing that in some way, shape or form you will be getting later.
Here’s how it works:
You’re rewarded instantly when you give because of the good feelings you get. Those feelings act like magnetizers that will attract more good feelings.
You’re rewarded later because of the invisible law that says you will get from giving.
I touched on this topic in my books, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual and Spiritual Marketing (1997), but I didn’t look at it from an in-depth Karmic Marketing perspective.
So let me give you an example or two:
At Un-Seminar II, I gave everyone a copy of the DVD of the movie The Secret.
I bought the DVDs out of my own pocket. I didn’t ask any money for them. I didn’t expect any money for them. I gave from my sincere desire to share.
Later that same night I received an email from Rhonda Byrne, the producer of The Secret. She said she was sending me, as a gift, a box of 50 DVDs of the movie.
That’s almost twice as many DVDs as I gave out.
That’s Karmic Marketing.
At one point during the event, I magically turned a roll of life savers into a hundred dollar bill, and then gave the money to an astonished woman in the audience.
I didn’t ask for anything in return.
Two days later, that same woman asked me a question in front of everyone that let me plug my next Beyond Manifestation weekend.
That plug led to my making two thousand dollars in one minute.
That’s Karmic Marketing.
The idea is to give freely, from your heart, wanting to share and wanting to help, and not expecting anything in return at all from the people you are doing it for.
You simply trust that your good deed will come back to you tenfold, in time, in some surprising and wonderful ways.
I practice Karmic Marketing here on the Internet by giving people things that I believe they will love, such as an e-book, or a course, or an audio, or a coupon.
On one level it strengthens our relationship.
But on the unseen level, it starts a spiritual circulation.
My giving now — done from my heart, with no expectation of return from the people I am doing it for — leads to getting later.
Why don’t more people practice Karmic Marketing?
Karmic Marketing is not done much because too many people are into survival.
They are afraid to let go.
To trust.
They are desperate and they stay desperate because of this lack of trust in life.
But once you let go and trust, you step into a flow that is prosperity itself.
This very blog is Karmic Marketing at work.
I write posts here about whatever I want, doing my best to entertain, educate, inspire and inform. No one pays me for this. I could make more money writing a sales letter or a book or a website.
But here I am, writing for you.
What comes to me as a result of doing this?
Increased business.
Increased sales.
Increased fans.
Sometimes an Amazon gift certificate.
But I’m not doing it for the end result.
I’m doing it because I want to.
Because I love to.
Because I love you.
Ao Akua
Note: You can pre-order Karmic Marketing on Amazon right now.
Bonus: Here’s a video from 2008 where I briefly discuss Karmic Marketing, with a nod to marketing legend Dan Kennedy:
Once long ago I dreamed of a flower that could speak. Strange it was. I knew not to speak of it to anyone. I would be thought odd. Crazy. Insane. Yet the flower did speak. What it said was of William Blake and the poets of old.It spoke of natural beauty, easy being, quiet life. No effort. No strain. It grew and blossomed naturally, easily, without fuss or strain or worry or doubt. I would look at the flower and wonder what else it had to say. Perhaps if we all looked at every thing living, and waited, it would all speak. Flowers. Trees. Birds. Butterflies. Clouds. Rocks. Rain. Sun. It all held wisdom, simplicity, truth.
All we had to do was watch and wait, listen and hear. One day I decided to test this theory. I looked at an insect walking on the ground outside, going where only it knew. It stopped. It may have felt my stare. I looked. I waited. And the insect seemed to convey a truth. Working wasn't work to it. It was simply doing what was natural for him/her to do. No complaining of low pay or bad hours or boring repetitious activity. It was an insect. It worked and lived as an insect. I felt the knowing of a mind without commentary.
Just do your thing. If you are a writer, then write. If you are a baker, then bake. If you are a pilot, then fly. All the second guessing and wondering why simply gummed up the process if not actually stopped it. And so the flower spoke. But as I listened, I heard the world awaken. Was it just me? Or do you hear it too? Ao Akua, Dr. Joe PS - Reminder:
Note: Other Imaginotions by Dr. Joe Vitale
You’ll want to see the Summer 2021 edition of In the Limelight with Clarissa magazine with Dr. Joe Vitale (me!) on the cover. Exclusive feature interview inside (with more new photos). This is the magazine of supermodel and powerhouse entrepreneur Clarissa Burt. Love the ads in it too. Free online. See https://clarissaburt.com/in-the-limelight-with-clarissa-summer-2021-issue/ Enjoy!