A few weeks ago my favorite magic shop sent out an unusual email.
The owner said he needed sales or he might go out of business.
He asked everyone on his list to buy something, even if it was small and inexpensive, even if it was a gift certificate to be used at a later time.
I responded by ordering a thousand dollars worth of magic tricks and books. (One book cost five hundred dollars, so the tab was easy to reach fast.)
I’m a lifetime member of The Society of American Magicians, the organization Houdini started. I spend a small fortune on magic. Spending a grand on more of it wasn’t unusual. In fact, I was excited about the new goodies I’d be receiving.
I didn’t think anything of the email or my order until I heard from the magic store owner a few days later.
He said someone on his list called him and educated him about the Law of Attraction, saying he was violating the Law by acting from desperation and not intention.
The caller then went on to read excerpts about the Law of Attraction from his favorite Law of Attraction author.
Turns out that author was me.
After the caller completed his lecturing, the magic store owner said he not only personally knew the author of those passages, but that same author just responded to the very email the caller was complaining about, adding that the author (me) ordered one thousand dollars worth of stuff due to that email.
The caller was dead silent.
This raises an interesting question:
Was the magic store owner acting from desperation or was his email an intention triggered by his desperation?
Here’s how I see it:
The magic shop owner looked at his bank statement and realized he needed sales, and fast. He was clear about what he didn’t want (to go bankrupt) and that urged him to be clear about what he did want (to attract more money now). The resulting email was a positive move that led to positive results.
There’s a fine line between acting from desperation and using the desperation to choose what you want. In my book The Attractor Factor I said the first step is to know what you don’t want. The second step is to choose what you do want. The magic dealer did both steps.
He was also practicing sound marketing.
Remember, I wrote many books on marketing, including Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances. I know a little something about the subject.
The magic dealer gave his prospects a logical “reason why” to buy now: by explaining that times were tough and he needed sales or else, he told the truth and won the hearts of customers like me.
When I received his email, I felt the sincerity in it. I didn’t feel desperation. I didn’t feel pleading. I felt a heartfelt attempt to attract what he wanted: more money from more sales.
And the dealer’s email worked. I responded to it. So did others. He’s still in business.
I wouldn’t be so quick to judge people for what you observe. The Universe responds to the feelings in them that you can’t see. What they get is what they attract. You don’t need to judge them at all.
The bigger question is what are you doing and feeling?
What are you attracting?
What would you prefer to attract next?
There’s where the real magic lives.
Ao Akua,
PS _- The magic dealer is Denny of Denny Magic Shop. Check it out.
A few weeks ago, while I was recording my new audio program for Nightingale-Conant (The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation), I was inspired to share five ways to shift into the abundance mindset. Here’s one of them:
Most of us are so caught up in our thinking and reacting, feeling and fearing, that we miss the miracle of the moment. While I’m sure you’ve heard that before, how do you actually escape the monkey mind and move into the Divine?
One of my favorite meditations is where I lead people through a questioning process that takes them behind the curtain of life to find the wizard behind it all.
Here’s how it works…
It begins with asking you to notice your thoughts….You have them but if you can notice them, who’s doing the noticing?
It then asks you to notice your feelings, your emotions…You have those, too, but if you can experience them, who’s doing the experiencing?
It then moves to asking you to notice your body…You have one, obviously, but if you can notice your body and feel like you’re “something” or “someone” inside your body, who or what are you? Who’s noticing your body?
This background awareness — the “noticer” or “witness” — is essential to making the shift into The Abundance Paradigm.
As long as you associate with mind, body and feelings, you will remain separate from life and tend to come from scarcity, lack, limitation and fear; but when you shift to being the observer, you experience non-duality and live abundance, faith, trust, magic and miracles.
Of course, I’ve already talked about this in my best-selling audio program, The Awakening Course. It’s the fourth stage of awakening. This advanced spiritual thinking goes beyond my book The Attractor Factor, and Zero Limits, and even ho’oponopono. It goes beyond thinking period and into the direct experience of living from or even as the Divine.
Said another way, “Enlightenment is not what you think.”
Meaning, enlightenment can’t be thought, as well as enlightenment is not whatever definition you think it is. It’s not what you think. It’s behind your thinking.
My new audio program will go into all of this in great depth. It’s the most spiritual and experiential program of my career. It comes out late October. Of course, I’ll be sure to tell you about it when it does. You might also watch the Nightingale website for any news bulletins about it.
Till then, what are you observing — and who’s observing it?
Ao Akua,
PS – Be sure to get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.
Note: My new audio program will be out late October. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. Stay tuned for details. Visit Nightingale-Conant.
I just recorded my latest audio program for Nightingale-Conant. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm. It explains how to move from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. It’s a complete course of in-depth clearing, with powerful original processes I’ve never shared before. It’s my most experiential and spiritual program yet. You’ll love it.
I’ll tell you more about it later (it releases late October) but want to share the following insight with you today:
Truth is, once you make the shift to living in The Abundance Paradigm, attracting your highest good is as easy as breathing. It’s natural. It’s your new way of being. You no longer even think about affirmations or visualizations or intentions. You simply live from the new you.
But how do you make that shift?
My new program explains how. It goes beyond The Attractor Factor or Zero Limits or ho’oponopono. It also goes beyond The Secret. It takes you right into the background of life, what I sometimes call The Whiteboard.
Said another way, in the beautiful movie Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, a Russian atheist tells the future Pope John Paul II that there is nothing out there.
No God.
No Divine.
Karol replies by saying, “What you call nothing is what I call everything!”
And there’s the secret to attracting abundance through higher consciousness.
Once you realize the Whiteboard is the source of it all – the everything of life – you are only one step removed from living from it or even as it.
The Whiteboard, you see, is alive.
And that’s where you experience The Abundance Paradigm.
Ao Akua,
PS – I have several bestselling audio programs with Nightingale-Conant, including The Missing Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money, and The Awakening Course. Visit their rich catalog of gems by clicking right here.
Vocal wizard Guy Monroe told me about working with a singing student and urging her to just break all the rules and experiment with her voice. He suggested she do things faster than normal as a way to break limitations.
Guy said, “The faster you go, intelligences appear. This is trust technology. You can out run your brain.”
Why would you want to out run your own mind?
Your mind tries to keep you safe. That in itself isn’t bad. You want to be safe. You want to survive. But the mind can protect you from learning, stretching, growing, and transcending, too. You want to by-pass the mind to learn new skills and stretch into a new you.
The singer did that by leaping off the edge of the known, in terms of her singing skills, and letting trust guide her into developing new skills as she flew.
“Sounds like The Need Zone,” I told Guy.
“The Need Zone? I love it!” he said. “Explain it to me.”
I went on to say you get what you need. For example, I remember almost being in a plane crash. We were flying into Los Angles and apparently hit an air pocket right over the runway, made by the previous jet. Our plane shook and fell, and all time slowed. But I felt as if I were being protected. It seemed similar to the stories of people in crashes who are saved by an unseen hand. There’s at least one book about this (The Third Man Factor).
By extending the logic that you often get unseen help when you need it, you can also get seen help — what Guy called intelligences — when you stretch yourself into needing it.
In the first scenario a possible accident, or an actual one, triggers help; in the second one, your desire for more skill calls help to your side.
This reminded me of what Bobby Birdsall, one of my first prosperity teachers (who I dedicated Attract Money Now to) told me decades ago. He said, “You always get what you need. One way to attract more money is to up your need for it.”
That didn’t make sense at the time. I was already broke. Struggling. I had debt and had filed for bankruptcy. I had need. Create more need? No way.
Today I know that we don’t allow ourselves to have what we want due to deservingness issues. But we usually allow what we need. When you need more, you attract more.
This is a touchy balancing act. Need is an emotion of desperation for most people. So needing anything often just attracts more need.
But there’s a way to transcend need.
You can go a level or two higher by consciously needing more as a choice. In other words, the singer who steps out of her comfort zone now needs new skills. She calls them forth by the “need” for them. As Guy explained, the faster you go, the more you attract those higher or expanded intelligences. It’s not a survival need but it is a perceived “need”.
I know when I considered going to my first coach, I resisted it. It wasn’t until I put my foot down and said “I’M GOING NO MATTER WHAT!” that the chosen need attracted the means to fulfill it.
Another way to explain this is to simply challenge yourself by doing what you feel is impossible or at least a real stretch. As you do, you call forth or attract new resources to you because of this “need zone.”
My singing with Guy is always a high energy adventure. I’m using my voice in new ways. As I stretch to sing songs that seem beyond my reach, I acquire and attract the skills necessary to make it happen.
But this only happens because I have backed myself into a skills corner and “need” to attract new skills to accomplish my new intention.
This works with big dreams, too.
When I decided to end homelessness with Operation YES, I had no idea where to begin. But my new “need” acted as a powerful new attractor.
Within days I ran into Scott Miller and his movement, already working, to end poverty.
Then I ran into a CNN reporter who wants to film me and my work in this area.
Then I attracted more resources, from Mindy Audlin and her “What if UP?” process to the legal staff I needed to become a non-profit.
I also attracted Morty Lefkoe, the man who co-authored, with est founder Werner Erhard, the original proposal to end hunger with the famous Hunger Project.
All of this from entering The Need Zone.
One more example:
Last week in Chicago I recorded my latest audio program for Nightingale-Conant. I went into the studio with no script or book to read from. Because of my “need” to complete a new program that is the most experiential and spiritual of my career, I had to attract the information to record. I did, too, and it may be the most inspired audio set I’ve ever created, but only because I “needed” it.
Maybe ask yourself, “What would you love to do but are afraid to do or have no idea how to do?”
Begin it.
Start someplace.
And do it without over thinking and over planning.
Just jump.
By taking action in the direction of that goal, you’ll attract the people, skills and means — the “intelligences” — from The Need Zone to make it a reality.
In other words, your stepping into discomfort will attract what you need to find comfort again.
Isn’t that comforting?
Ao Akua,
PS — One action step you can take right now is to claim your free 30 minute Miracles Coaching call. Just click on the banner at the top of this page or click right here.
My entire day got rearranged when Rhonda Byrne’s new book, The Power, arrived. I dropped everything to read it. I have been waiting for her sequel to the global hit movie and book The Secret since 2006. Well, it’s finally here.
I’ve liked Rhonda ever since she first called me in 2005 and invited me to be in “some movie” she wanted to make. She had read my book, The Attractor Factor, and loved it. She said she was creating a movie about the Law of Attraction and wanted me in it.
Would I be interested?
Not really, and not at first.
I had no idea if she were real or not. Many people have wild ideas and big dreams. Most don’t take any action, though. But I told her I was open to the idea.
Months later I was filmed for the movie. Months after that the movie was released. The rest, as they say, is history. I’ve gone on national television because of my role in the movie, been speaking around the world, been invited to star in several other movies, and got new book deals and more, all thanks to Rhonda and The Secret.
I’m grateful. And I’ve been just as eager for her follow-up book. When I was on the Larry King TV show the second time, years ago, I announced a sequel to the movie. Rhonda had led me to believe one was in the works. Well, we’re still waiting. But today the sequel to the book is here.
And it’s GREAT.
The Power is about love. In short, when you love anything, you feel different, and you end up attracting more of the same in your life to love. If you can just focus on love, your entire life will blossom.
Yes, The Power is about the Law of Attraction. But the book explains LOA in a practical way. It explains the essence of the Law of Attraction.
Rhonda doesn’t quote any of the teachers from The Secret to prove her points. Instead, she quotes from the legends — Jesus, Buddha, Einstein — all dead authorities. None can argue with her. And they all seem to say you can have what you want if you practice love. Well, I agree.
It’s clear that Rhonda is a fan of Neville Goddard. She quotes him repeatedly. I’m a fan, too, and republished Neville’s first book years ago, called At Your Command. Rhonda and I have had at least two dinner conversations where we discussed Neville.
In short, Neville taught that if you can feel what you want as if it were already fact, it would become reality. I’ve written about Neville in The Attractor Factor and other books, etc. He’s a hero of mine. Rhonda loves him, too. His message is an undercurrent throughout her book.
The Power is an upbeat, wise, feel good read. You wouldn’t expect anything less from the wizard behind The Secret. I love the book and will re-read it, give it as gifts, and more. I think it will become a New Thought classic.
But I still take issue with Rhonda’s stance that you don’t really have to take any action to attract what you want.
I was the guy in the movie The Secret stating you needed to act on your ideas. But Rhonda still believes what you want will just come to you if you feel it real. I’m sure for the person who created a movie sweeping the globe, who made over $300,000,000 in sales, and who has been pursued since 2006 for her next projects, that for her it seems like it’s all coming her way without effort.
But I also noticed that when The Power was getting close to publication date, that emails from Rhonda started appearing. It seemed as if she was waking up her list before telling them she had a book coming out.
That, to me, is action.
It’s also wise marketing.
I’ve seen things happen seemingly without effort, of course. When I attracted my new Spyker car and wanted to be in Heavy Hitters magazine again, I opened their magazine and was surprised to see myself in it. I hadn’t done anything. Yet there I was.
Still, it’s been my experience that you need to co-create your life. You are creating in participation with the Divine. You are still needed to do things.
The Heavy Hitters magazine didn’t have a photo of me and my Spyker (it was of me and my Rolls-Royce). So I wrote to the editor (note I’m taking inspired action) and showed him pics of my Spyker. He then agreed to run a feature on me and my new car in the next issue.
In short, I had to take action to attract my goal.
Then again, maybe Rhonda is right and I’m just working too hard.
Find out for yourself.
Go get and read Rhonda Byrne’s book, The Power.
Its power and message is all love.
Ao Akua,
PS – Claim your Miracles Coaching free 30-minute session by clicking on the above link.