

Review: The Opus

We saw a pre-release of the movie, The Opus, last night.

It stars —

Bob Doyle, Dr. John DeMartini, Morris Goodman, Marci Shimoff, Jill Lublin, Dan Lier, Jack Canfield, Dr. Joe Vitale, Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Alexander, LuAnn Mitchell, James Malinchak, Trent Carlini, Bill Bartmann, Keith Kochner, Allan Marston, Eli Davidson, Dr Sue Morter, Willie Jolley, Ed Tate, Garth Roberts, David Saxby, Bryan Shultz, Debbie Allen, Jim Ziegler, Dianne Legro, Tami Walsh, Mark LeBlanc, Frank Maguire, Dr. Joe Rubino, Janet Attwood, Betty Cooper, Elisabeth Fayt and Peggy O’Niell.

The creator and producer of the movie is also the main star of it: Doug Vermeeren.

There’s a natural tendency to want to compare The Opus to the hit movie, The Secret, but that wouldn’t be fair.

The Secret was a feel good documentary about the law of attraction. I love it and think it will go down in history as one of the most inspiring and life-changing movies ever created. I’m proud to be in it.

But The Opus is a down to earth self-help, story-documentary with the main push being to get you to decide on a goal, take action, and stick with it. While there is some “attraction” talk in the film, that is not its main focus.

Framed around the story of a famous violinist, a cast of teachers (including me) pop in and out to tell you how to find your vision, move into action, and never give up.

I found the story of Martin Luther King as a child being taught how to dream to be moving.

I always find Morris Goodman’s story of his miraculous healing to be inspiring.

Bill Bartmann’s story of how he set a financial goal for himself was enlightening.

He simply found the net worth of the 400th richest person on the Forbes list and decided to make one dollar more than him, giving himself a measurable goal to accomplish (which he did).

I liked the movie. So did Nerissa. Apparently crowds in Calgary and Edmonton who saw a special showing of it went wild and loved it.

I don’t know what impact The Opus will have on people. In some ways it’s just the traditional goal setting stuff you and I have heard and read for decades. Of course, the same could be said for The Secret, though very few people knew about the law of attraction when that movie came out compared to the abundance of material on goal setting as The Opus comes out.

But the beauty of a good movie is that you get the same information in an easy, visual, even emotional form, which means it has a better chance of getting into you and sticking with you.

The main message of The Opus is to bring your music out, to enjoy now, and to leave something behind.

The movie wants you to — as I say in it — “Dare Something Worthy.”

When the movie is released (I don’t know the date yet), go see it.

It just might awaken that song in your heart — your own Opus.

Ao Akua,


PS — You can see a trailer for the movie at www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rIaykldvKM 


Why I Broke Into Tears

When Pat O’Bryan handed me the music track to The Advanced Clearing Audio, I didn’t know what to expect.

I knew my guitar playing was on it, but that’s it.

I had no idea how he would use my guitar playing, or what the finished music would sound like.

So I nervously clicked play and listened.

The music started slow and gentle.

Then picked up speed with a happy cadence that made me smile.

I love the music.

It has a joyous, feel-good vibe to it.

But something was working below the surface, too.

I started to feel emotional.

I actually began to weep.

It was a good crying, though — the kind that is a release of something held inside for too long.

I’ve lost a few friends and relatives recently, and their passing on had me grieving.

But the music had me clearing the pain.

Pat somehow took my loving guitar chords and weaved them into a masterpiece of original music that affects me deep inside.

Listening to it makes me feel glad to be alive.

Everything seems brighter.



I thank Pat for his talents. This music is a classic.

I then listened to The Advanced Clearing Audio with the special statements read by me (and a secret female voice), heard over the music, and the result made me feel super human.

The spoken words were the high-level self-talk that could help me achieve the impossible.

I then listened to the music with the special statements hidden, where they spoke to my unconscious mind but I couldn’t actually hear them, and I felt like my body was glowing.

This is beyond words.

The music itself may explain why The Advanced Clearing Audio works so well.

As you probably know, you create reality with thought and feeling.

Thought alone usually won’t do it.

Since the music evokes the emotion of love, combining the special statements to it creates a re-programming experience.

As a result, you can clear issues of self-confidence, self-image and self-esteem.

And it all happens just by relaxing to the music!

This is truly incredible.

You really have to experience this for yourself.

I strongly suggest you get this audio — it comes in seven downloadable forms and includes a surprise bonus — and note what it does for you.


Ao Akua,


PS — You cannot have The Advanced Clearing Audio unless you have The Clearing Audio and have been using it for at least 30 days. The Clearing Audio gets you relaxed and prepared for deeper work, which The Advanced Clearing Audio provides. See www.theclearingaudio.com 


Physics of the Impossible

I just read theoretical physicist Michio Kaku‘s latest book, Physics of the Impossible, and was riveted.

This brilliantly written book takes a level-headed, scientific look at the possibility of such sci-fi ideas as time-travel, phasers, force fields, invisibility, precognition, telepathy and much more.

He looks at each of the woo-woo-ish or Star Trek-ish concept in light of our current understanding of physics. He’s open minded enough to know science can change its stance as new discoveries are made (which means current physics might become a joke one day) but he uses our present understanding to see if there’s a possibility for the impossible.

The chapter I found the most interesting was the one on precognition, or the ability to see the future.

He basically says with our current understanding of what’s possible, precognition is basically impossible.

There’s no way to predict the future.

I was a little sad to hear that, as I want to believe in precognition, but the good news is this means we have free will.

The reason we can’t predict the future is because what you do next will alter it.

So, what are you going to do next?

Ao Akua,


PS — Kaku admits that precognition could happen one day, but that if it did, it would shake the world of science to its core. For now, I say make wise decisions in each moment and enjoy the journey. You don’t really want to know how it all works out, do you, and spoil all the fun and all the surprises?

PPS – For the record, almost everything else Kaku looks at in the book, including time travel, is possible. Of course, he’s predicting the future when he says time travel is possible, which he says is impossible to do, but that’s another story for another day. 🙂


Nerissa Offers to Help

Nerissa is offering two classes you might want to check out. Here’s what she says —

I’m offering two online classes. One class is for people who want an easy, affordable way to make and maintain a website. No HTML or software is required to do this; just log into your account, point and click. Easy. www.thevideoqueen.com/classes.html

The second class is for people who have a FLIP VIDEO CAMERA and want to make simple movies from their FLIP videos. You will learn the free basic video editing program, MOVIE MAKER. www.thevideoqueen.com/classes.html

Each class —

1. accepts ten students
2. is attended ONLINE (web + phone)
3. comes with my support

More details and registration here – www.thevideoqueen.com/classes.html

To your success, and FUN in life!
Nerissa Oden


Louise's Secret to Success

img00433.jpg Decades ago, when I first started out speaking in Houston to small groups of people about writing and marketing, I met some beautiful students who are still my friends today.

One of them is Louise Dewey, pictured with me above.

Louise is one of those angelic souls who believed in me before I believed in myself.

I remember her offering to finance me doing my own seminars. That was decades ago, when I was still struggling. She offered to loan me the money to go out into the world in a big way. She had visions of me gathering large crowds, speaking before them, inspiring and informing them.

I was nobody back then. No name. No Internet to promote me. No more than maybe one book out.

But Louise believed in me.

It took a while for my belief in myself to catch up. I had a lot of work to do to get clear.

While I didn’t accept her offer at the time, I never forgot it. It was one of the events that helped me move forward in my career.

I saw Louise the other day, when she drove here from Houston for Nerissa’s food sensitivity party.

I reminded her of her kind offer decades ago. She didn’t remember it but wasn’t surprised by it. She said she’s always believed in me. Still does.

Support can accomplish miracles. I’ve gotten support when facing health challenges, weight loss goals, fitness contests, business building and more.

If you don’t have a Louise in your life, consider Miracles Coaching.

Having someone support you, encourage you, inform and inspire you is truly one of the fast-track tickets to success.

Ao Akua,


PS – Have you heard about The Attract Wealth Seminar? See www.attractwealthseminar.com