How can you use the law of attraction to attract money — in just one minute?
Watch this clip and see:
And then go read the book Attract Money Now online for free.
Or get the hardcover – complete with a free DVD of a live presentation by me on using the law of attraction to attract money – by clicking right here.
During my recent whirlwind trip to Russia, I was heavily questioned during news conferences, book signings, and television shows. Some of the questions were about the Law of Attraction, Zero Limits, my life, and more. They were stimulating, surprising and sometimes blunt. Here are a few of them:
In your book Zero Limits you say to ‘Kill the Divine’. What do you mean? That’s a sin!
First, I didn’t say that; my coauthor Dr. Hew Len did. Second, there is the Divine and there is your concept of the Divine. What you want to do is kill your concept of the Divine.
What’s it like to wake up famous?
I’ve never awakened famous. I wake up hungry.
Are you creating a culture of consumerism?
Consumerism is a negative word for a positive trend. When people buy something to enrich their lives, they are showing they respect themselves. But you can poison that positive by calling it something negative, like consumerism.
You have many followers in Russia. Are you creating a cult?
I didn’t even know my books were published in Russian. I’m glad to have fans. But there’s no cult, or organized group, or even a leader. Just readers of my books.
What kind of women do you like? Did you attract any of the women here?
I love all women. I attracted every woman in the room.
Did you ever meet a UFO alien?
What was it like?
That’s a secret.
Do you believe in astrology?
I am fascinated with Eastern Astrology, but I find it wiser to go to the source that moves the planets than to the planets.
How can anyone be happy with so much suffering in the world?
How does your unhappiness help those suffering?
Do you ever get tired of being happy all the time?
If the Law of Attraction works and you can have everything you want, how come you’re fat?
I am a work in progress, just like you. While I’ve dramatically transformed my body, I’m not done with it yet. Anything you’re trying to attract but don’t have yet could be simply on the way.
Are there any new clearing tools since writing Zero Limits?
Yes. I’m inspired to say Russians are to eat or drink the Siberian berry, Sea-Buckthorn.
Many wealthy people help others. What are you doing to help others?
Many things. I give money to people and services I believe in, I started Operation YES to end homelessness, and I’m a contributor to the Circles program to end poverty.
I want to believe you but there are other books out there that say the Law of Attraction is bogus. What do I do?
You choose. The Law of Attraction is based on what you believe. If you believe it works, you’ll attract evidence to prove it works. If you believe it doesn’t work, you’ll find evidence that proves it doesn’t work. In both cases, the Law of Attraction is giving you what you believe.
I want to attract a man. How do I do that?
You clear the beliefs in you that say there aren’t enough good men out there, or you don’t deserve a man, or even you don’t feel lovable.
My man left me. How do I get him back?
You have to allow people their free will. The more you can be happy now, enjoy your life and be present, the more that person — or someone better — will come to you. But don’t target any one person.
What if what I want for me is wrong?
If you want something that makes you feel whole and happy, and helps others, it’s not likely to be wrong. But end all your requests with the phrase, “This or something better.”
What is your next book? Will it be in Russian?
My next book is Attract Money Now. It’ll be in Russian as soon as someone translates it. I’m giving it away, gratis, to the world.
I was fascinated by Russia (the little I saw of it), but I had to leave it unexpectedly and in great danger. Soon I’ll post an account of my harrowing escape.
Stay tuned.
Ao Akua,
PS — Read Attract Money Now in English and for free by clicking right here. It reveals my 7-step formula on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money fast. Get the printed hardcover version — which comes with a free DVD of me explaining how to attract money now before a live audience — by clicking right here. Tell the world.
My dear friends Bruce and Holly Collie have 13 children (yes, thirteen), own my favorite restaurant (where they serve the Vitale Steak), and radiant the most love of anyone I’ve ever seen. Get a feel for the family with this short clip:
I met guitar hero Bill Collings, creator of Collings acoustic and electric guitars, yesterday. His guitars are famous. They are high-end works of art, made mostly by hand and in innovative ways right here in Austin, Texas.
Famous players have acoustic and electric guitars made by Collings, including (according to the Collings’ website) Keith Richards, Lyle Lovett, Pete Townshend, Emmylou Harris, Andy Summers, David Crosby, Chris Hillman, Joni Mitchell, Don Felder, John Sebastian, Lou Reed, John Fogerty, Tim O’Brien, Pete Huttlinger, Kenny Smith, Brian May, Joan Baez, John Prine, Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap, and Steven Spielberg.
Bill Collings is a trip. What a passionate, exciting, inspiring guy. He’s into guitars, race cars, and at age 62, just plain having fun.
But he’s also stretching himself.
He said, “If I don’t have someone to teach me, I’ll just stay on a plateau. There won’t be any growth. I have coaches for everything. You gotta have them!”
Made me think of why I had a Spanish tutor before I went to Peru, or a fitness instructor today, or beliefs coaches in my own life. I want to grow.
This is why I created my Miracles Coaching program. If you”re trying to transform your life and get more of the results you want, that’s the service to check out. I created it over four years ago and it’s going strong. Check it out right here.
Collings guitars is at Collings Guitars.
Miracles Coaching is at Joe Vitale Coaching.
Ao Akua
Dr. Joe Vitale
PS – Remember to get your free copy of my new book, Attract Money Now, from right here. It can help you use the Law of Attraction to attract money – and even Collings Guitars, made by Mr. Guitar Hero and his staff.
I haven’t jogged in more than twenty years but I’m ready to put on barefoot running shoes and hit the hills.
Why? What’s got into me? Why am I now “born to run”? And why barefoot??
I’ve been reading the most riveting, stimulating, adventurous, outrageous, mind altering, fun, shocking and simply unbelievable book of 2009. I’m talking about Born to Run by Christoper McDougall.
The thing is, well, hypnotic.
It’s the true story of the Tarahumara, a peace-loving small group of mega-distance running people who live hidden in Mexico’s Copper Canyon. The author heard of them and went on a quest to find them. What a quest it was.
He didn’t just dodge drug dealers and dangerous mountains, but he climbed, walked, ran, and struggled though a maze of twists and turns that make this book the healthiest detective story of the year.
Only it’s all true.
Part of the secret to the Tarahumara’s ability to run forever — literally — is the fact that they don’t wear shoes. No Nikes. No New Balances. No spring-loaded computerized made-only-for-your-feet shoes.
If anything, they wear what some would call Jesus or gladiator sandals: just a slab of thin leather under the sole with a leather thong tied around the foot and ankle. That’s it.
Of course, these running savants love to run. They smile as they run. They are like kids at play — kids who smoke black tobacco and drink corn beer — but kids in spirit, even when they’re senior citizens dashing over mountain tops.
Go figure.
You’ve got to read the book. It’s a masterpiece. Read it for the writing style. Read it for the adventure story. Read it for the amazing characters. Read it for the inspiration. Read it to be shocked. But read it.
Off with the shoes and out the door to freedom I go.
Or not.
I’ve yet to get my head around running virtually barefoot over roads and rough terrain.
I think I’ll finish Born to Run first and then decide.
Ao Akua,
Dr. Joe Vitale
PS – Here are some resources for you:
Info on Tarahumara
“White Horse” leads trips into Mexico’s Copper Canyon
Details on Barefoot Running
Book site for Born to Run
Vibram Five Fingers are “shoes” that look like slippers a frog would wear. Yet people run in these “barefoot running shoes.”
Note: Remember to read Joe Vitale’s new book Attract Money Now FREE by clicking right here.