Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Etch-A-Sketch to Zero

dr-joe-and-dr-hew-len.jpg  This past weekend’s event, Zero Limits 3: The Final Chapter, took all of us (myself included) to a whole new level of being.

There was the usual (usual for Zero Limits) talk of total responsibility, of course. 

I and Dr. Hew Len (pictured above) were adamant in pointing out you can never ever look out there and say that has to change. It all changes within you.

Trying to change the outer is like seeing your unclean or unshaven face in the mirror and trying to shave or clean the mirror.

All the work is within.

All of it.

No exceptions.


There was also the usual emphasis on cleaning, or clearing, of the “data” within.

That’s a non-stop job of unimaginable proportions. Yet all it takes to clean is saying “I love you” and “thank you” inside to do the work.

You don’t even need “I’m sorry” or “Please forgive me.” Dr. Hew Len himself could be heard saying just the two phrases “I love you” and “Thank you.” Say the others if you like, or not. Follow your inspiration.

One particpant asked if cleaning was like having a mental etch-a-sketch device. A drawing or words (or thoughts) appear on the toy, and you just shake the etch-a-sketch and they all disappear.


I loved the image and instantly made it my own new clearing tool. When thoughts appear, I just shake the etch-a-sketch in my mind and they vanish. It’s my new meditation.

The hundreds of participants from all over the planet truly got that the only way to change is to do it by yourself, on yourself, from within yourself.

After the event ended, over dinner, I heard various conversations. People were at a different place.

They were loving.



They (and me) were taken toward zero; to that place where the only goal, if there’s a goal at all, is to be “zero” – happy, loving, free.

Words can’t describe this. As I’m fond of saying, “zero” is what I call the whiteboard. There’s nothing on it. But as soon as you write something on it, you’ve put data on the board.

Again, the goal – if there’s any goal at all – is to be free.

This isn’t about getting results, or duplicating scientific experiments, or controlling life or anyone else.

This isn’t about intellectualizing life or developing a formula or code to manipulate life.

This is instead about getting to zero and from there you can hear inspiration and act on it – no interference, no static, no doubt, no data.

All that remains is love.

And even that is a word written on the whiteboard of the Divine.

Consider: What would you be if the etch-a-sketch in your mind got shaken right now and you went to zero?

Ao Akua,


PS – You can now watch the entire second Zero Limtis live event (the one from Maui in December 2007) right where you’re sitting, by going to www.zerolimitsmaui.com 

Note: Photo of me and Dr. Hew Len above by Nerissa. Left click on it to enlarge it.


Mind Tattoos or How to Change Even Faster with Russell Crowe and James Caan

emerald-green-gem.jpg I was thinking the other day about the people who look at me as a celebrity. I was wondering why some people go ga-ga when they see me and others could care less.

The difference is those who saw me in movies such as The SecretThe Compass or Try It On Everything, or on television shows such as Larry King or Donny Deutsch, all have me branded in their mind. I’m a mind tattoo.

But how does that work?

How did a regular guy get turned into a celebrity?

How does a “branding” get into the mind, anyway?

I’ve met a fair amount of celebrities over the last few years, and I’ve usually had the same starstruck experience. 

But why?

And what can we learn from this?

Movies and television are great programming tools. Since the mind responds to emotion and visuals, a good movie or TV show will literally brand its characters in our minds. They can become unforgettable. They can become mind tattoos.

When people see me on the screen, they are actually programming their mind with emotion and imagery — the two best ways to make a mental impression — which means there’s a “brand” or “imprint” or “tattoo” in their mind around Joe Vitale’s face.

When they then see me on the street, their mind goes click, brings up the branded memory, and they get an emotional rush.

I know this feeling, too, of course.

When I went to Robert Redford’s Sundance ski resort in Utah a few weeks ago, I saw actor Russell Crowe (of Gladiator).

Before my mind told me who he was, it told me to stop and stare. Once I recognized him a moment later, I went ga-ga like anyone else who’s been programmed. I never did speak to him.

When I met actor James Caan, I was the same way.

Jimmy, as he likes to be called, was open, friendly and playful with me. But for the first few minutes all I could see was a super star. I could barely speak. I was starring at Sonny from The Godfather. It was hard to shake it loose and just see James Caan as the lovable tough guy he really is. (I eventually relaxed and had a wonderful time with Jimmy. He’s cool.)

Now here’s what this has to do with you and me:

If you want to change anything, you need to do it with emotion and imagery, just the way movies and television imprint your mind.

In other words, trying to change yourself with just thinking won’t cut it. You need to reach the emotional brain. You do that with imagery and feeling. If you add in repetition, you’ll create lasting change.

For example, I’ve been studying Spanish in prep for my trip to Peru in May, where I’ll be speaking to 35,000 people in a stadium about the Law of Attraction, along with Bob Proctor.

When I try to learn Spanish by looking at the words and repeating them, it’s an uphill struggle. But when I learn the language with visuals and emotion, and add repetition, my mind then accepts the new “branding.”

If you want to attract money, for example, see yourself already wealthy, feel the joy of helping yourself and others with the money, and repeat this in your mind as much as its fun to do so.

By doing this you will “brand” your mind with the new you. Once it takes hold (which can be very fast), and you act on your ideas, you will begin to attract money.

The lesson here is this: to change yourself you need to use imagery, emotion, and repetition. Do all three and virtually anything is possible.

“Espere milagros!”*

Ao Akua,


PS — For examples of the power of this kind of “mind branding” to create change, check out the Subliminal Manifestation DVDs Mark Ryan and I created on love and forgiveness, increasing sales, being fear-less, and attracting wealth. See www.subliminalmanifestation.com 

* “Espere milagros” is Spanish for “Expect miracles.”

Note: The picture is of an emerald green gem. I just felt like putting it there. No reason. Or was there? 🙂 Actually, it’s going to be the color of my eco-exotic hydrogen-hybrid Scorpion sports car, being made for me next month right here in Texas. 


How to Live Problem Free

joe-dilem-glasses.JPG Everybody has problems but nobody realizes the truth about them. Once you get this, you will never have another problem – ever. If you’re interested in living a problem free life, keep reading.

First, realize we are problem-making beings.

It appears to be the human condition to find problems, create them, and/or attract them. Even when you resolve a problem, you almost instantly fill the gap with another one. Almost nobody knows this. Yet it’s the key to living a problem free life. You have to understand that as one problem disappears, another bubbles up to take its place. That’s how the human mind works. Some people like drama more than others, but we all seem to attract problems simply out of human habit. It’s our current nature. It’s our program.

Second, you can transcend all problems with detachment.

To paraphrase Buddha, life is suffering, but once you realize that life is suffering, you no longer have to suffer. You are free. At that point you realize that life is a theatrical experience and you are just playing your part in the script of life. You are detached. You are, in many respects, awakened. This second insight is just a deeper understanding of the first one. Yes, we are problem-making beings but you can also detach from the experience of the problems. You can witness them. You can watch them as if watching a soap opera on television.

Third, problems are due to perspective.

A problem to one person may be a blessing to another person. It depends on your intention, which directs your perspective. So where is the real problem? Is there even a problem at all? Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor on the book Zero Limits, often asks, “Have you ever noticed that when you have a problem, you are there?” He means that the problem is yours — yours in perception and yours in responsibility. Clear the beliefs in you that see it as a problem and the problem is gone. Poof!

The above insights work for any problem you can name.

Got money problems?

It’s only a problem because you aren’t accepting what you have and are focused on what you want with a feeling of lack or even desperation. You need to be grateful for what you have now and want more. When you do that with awareness and detachment, the issue isn’t a problem, it’s just your next activity. When you take the edge off your stress, you can more clearly see your next move.

Got relationship problems?

It’s the same sceanrio. It’s only a problem because of your perspective that it is a problem. From a higher view, it’s the next scene in the play of life. When you can take a deep breath, and realize this is just your next moment, you can more easily decide what to do. In fact, with clarity, there’s not even a decision. You know what to do and just do it.

To recap, the larger insight here is to realize that as a human you will always have “problems.” Always. But if you understand and accept that fact, you are then free from all problems and can lead an authentic problem free life.

You got a problem with that?

Ao Akua,


PS —  I’m not dismissing taking action to resolve problems, only urging you to have a more awakened perspective toward them. Getting clear helps resolve problems and understanding the nature of them is part of breaking free. For more info on this, consider my Secret to Attracting Money program or of course The Awakening Course

Note: Photo is of me wearing borrowed Dilem reading glasses. I don’t know where to get Dilem glasses in my area, but everyone thought it made me look smarter. 🙂


The Weight Loss Secret Formula

joe_scorpion-smaller.JPG  After a lifetime of struggling with obesity, I finally broke the code to losing weight permanently.

While I could turn this proven method into a book* (and still might), I want to help you by giving away the secret formula to weight loss right here and right now. If you follow it, it will work. Guaranteed.

Here it is:

1. Get a copy of Steve Siebold’s latest book, Die Fat or Get Tough.

While you won’t believe it at first, all of your weight loss struggles are due to your beliefs. Change them and results come easily. It’s very easy to deceive yourself. If you’re fat, you’ve already done it. This book is called a cattle prod to your consciousness. I call it a disturbing masterpiece. It’s an awakener. It reveals how fat people think compared to fit people. Get it. Read it. Live it.

2. Get a copy of Kevin Trudeau’s book, The Weight Loss Cure. 

Kevin found the cure to weight loss. It’s a supplement called HCG. You can only get it from a medical doctor, but they have it and they sell it. Being on the Trudeau protocol (which is really the Dr. Simeons protocol) made all the difference in my life. It forced me to change my lifestyle, eat healthily, and break my addiction to food. Kevin says the diet is easy, which is the only thing I disagree with him about. Eating 500 calories a day (you get the rest of the fuel from HCG burning fat) is not easy, especially in social situations. But doing it will cause you to lose weight (a pound a day, on average), reset your hypothalamus (the part of your brain controlling your weight set-point), and break your addiction to the socially accepted bad habit called overeating. Get the book. Read it. Do it.

3. Drink water.

Sounds easy but you have to drink half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh two hundred pounds, that’s one hundred ounces of water. Diet sodas, coffee, tea and such don’t count. Drinking water means drinking water. You’ll feel full, cleanse your body, and oil your inner machinery.

4. Chew xylitol or stevia sweetened gum. 

Wanting to overeat comes from an addiction to food, bad habits, social pressure, and stress. You can satisfy some of the latter by chewing gum, but not just any gum. Most have sugar or some other addictive. Gum sweetened with xylitol or stevia is better, healthier and safer.

5. Drink oolong tea.

I was never a tea drinker but organic oolong is a mild tea which helps you lose weight without over stimulating your nervous system like caffeine does. I add stevia, the natural plant sweetener, to my tea.

6. Exercise.

There’s no way around this. You must exercise. But the exercise is something you get to choose. Walking is exercise. So is ping pong. So is weight lifting, yoga, pilates, dance, swimming, biking, running and so much more. But you have to do something every day. To lose weight, you must move.

7. Take enzymes.

Enzymes help break down and move out all the food you’ve eaten in the recent past and stored in your intestines. I found taking several plant based enzymes after every meal to be another secret to losing weight and getting healthy. I also take them at night, before going to sleep. My favorite is Digest Gold from Enzymedica.

8.  Get support.

You’ll have an easier time and get faster results if you join a support team. I joined the Fat Losers group run by the Mental Toughness Institute for Weight Control. But you can create your own group or find another. Having a group can help you stay accountable and motivated. Having a coach will do the same thing, of course. I greatly believe in coaches and use them all the time. Everyone needs a coach.

Finally, losing weight is one thing; keeping if off is quite another.

While the above formula will have you losing weight, once you’ve lost it you must maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If you don’t, you’ll just regain weight and a few months later you’ll be reading this post again. Commit to permanent change once and for all.

One way to accomplish permanent weight loss is to have a goal image and a goal weight. See that you reach it and then see that you stay there. Use the five steps in my book, The Attractor Factor, to help you set the goal, clear any blocks to achieving it, and then attract it with action.

You can do it.

Go for it.

Ao Akua,


PS – Above photo is of me after a 20 pound weight loss (and before another 20 pounds was lost) standing beside the first Scorpion, an eco-friendly exotic sports car. I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks using HCG and another 20 pounds in another 3 weeks using HCG; both times using the above steps. I was inspired by Trudeau and his book. Photo by Brian Fitzsimmons. (Left click on photo to enlarge it.) You can also see me on the cover of Austin Fit magazine (April ’09 issue) at www.mrfire.com/final-images/photo-gallery/dr-joe-austinfitmag-april-09.jpg

* Obviously, thee’s more to losing weight than the above outline. If you’d like me to turn this weight loss secret formula into a full length book, telling my story and explaining the deeper aspects of each of the above steps, let me know. Leave a comment. Meanwhile, if you liked this post, please digg it and share it. Thank you.


Joe Vitale's Scorpion

afm_april0901_sm.jpg I’m proud to report I’m on the cover of the April issue of Austin Fit magazine (no foolin’), along with a Scorpion, a brand-new eco-exotic hydrogen-gas-hybrid super-sexy hot-rod. See it at www.austinfitmagazine.com Click on my name (Joe Vitale) on the cover at their site to see the articles and more pics. Note: The car in the pics is not mine. My own Scorpion will be built (I hope) this month. But I had to stand beside something.