Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Think Smart

img00754.jpg On a recent trip I picked up a handful of “healthy snacks” that had misleading names on them. One was called Think Green and the other Think Organic. The thing is, having the words “green” and “organic” on the label doesn’t mean the product is green or organic.  It’s clever word misdirection.  Calling a car lease a Smart Lease doesn’t mean it’s actually smart. Eating a product labelled Think Thin doesn’t mean it will make you thin. Just a word to the wise. Watch how words are used. Think smart.


The Dice Man

img00771.jpg Some books dig into your brain and lodge themselves there, even if you finished them decades ago. The Dice Man is such a book.

I read it in high school in the early 1970s. The memory is still with me. I still have the paperback book, too. It’s an unforgettable novel about a man who learns to make every decision by rolling dice. 

It’s an addictive read. It’s at times hilarious, at other times disturbing.

Inspired by the book, I remember rolling dice for high school decisions. It was liberating, but also dangerous. If you didn’t balance the roll of the dice with critical thinking, you could end up in trouble, as the book’s character reveals.

The Dice Man became a cult classic. It’s still an underground bestseller. One day there will be a movie of it. First editions of the book are nearly impossible to find.

So imagine my surprise when I roamed around a used book store and discovered a first edition hardcover signed by the author to his wife.

I instantly bought it, of course. I was so excited that I was tingling the rest of the day.

In that same book store I found a signed copy of Think and Grow Rich, the book that has made more millionaires than any other.


Napoleon Hill’s signature is worth gold, and I eagerly paid for the signed volume. It’s going in a locked glass display case with my other prized autographed books, such as ones by Neville Goddard, P.T. Barnum, Edward L. Bernays and of course Luke Rhinehart, the author of The Dice Man.

The author of The Dice Man also wrote one of the top five most life changing books of all time: The Book of est. I think it’s the greatest self-help book ever written.

The Book of est is even harder to find. Even the author doesn’t have copies. It’s a fictionalized account of the famous “est” training of the 1970s, created by Werner Erhard, and it’s one of the most hypnotic books ever written. I love it.

Last year Mark Ryan and I released it, with the author’s consent, as an e-book. You can get it at www.bookofest.com (In a week or so you’ll be able to order printed copies of the book from the same site.)

Some day we may get to re-publish The Dice Man, too.

We’ll just have to see what the dice roll…

Ao Akua,


PS – The bookseller who sold The Dice Man to me was so influenced by the book that he carries dice in his pocket. He pulled them out and showed me. He said he makes decisions with the roll of the dice. I can only imagine he lets the dice advise him and not control him. At least I hope that’s the case.

Note: I know you may be curious, so here are the facts. I found the autographed books at Sam Wellers Bookstore. The list price for the signed Hill volume was $1,000; the signed Dice Man book was listed at $500. My rule of thumb is to reward myself after accomplishing goals. Since I had just recorded 17 audios and 5 videos the two days before, buying the rare books was an easy decision. I didn’t even need to roll the dice.


Zero Limits Proof

Received by email and used here with permission: 

I read your book Zero Limits in December, 2008. I work as a lifecoach and parenting instructor at the Women’s prison in Baton Rouge.  I hold three classes each week with 20 women in each class. I started doing the ho’oponono immediately after starting the book. I could see instant results with the women in the group. I shared the information with them and bought five books for them to take turns reading. They have shared so many success stories with me about how the deputies in charge of them are changing. One day last week, there was some sort of disturbance going on in the prison. I could hear the commotion outside of my classroom. The warden stepped in my classroom and had this stunned look on his face. He couldn’t believe the calmness and quietness of the room with all of the ruckus going on outside. He told me, “I don’t know what you are doing, just keep doing it.” He has shared with me on several occasions that all of the women are behaving better and are actually getting to have priveledges they have never been able to have before. I am also having positive changes with my teenage daughters and husband. Thank you so much for bringing this information to light.  
Cindy Ray-Huber
Regional Director, RCB of Baton Rouge


What To Do When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work

I hear this complaint from time to time–

“I like your books and I like the movie The Secret but the truth is, none of it works for me.”

Have you heard that before?

Have you maybe even said that before?

So what’s the truth?

Does the Law of Attraction (LOA) work or not?

Do all these “feel good” books and movies actually work or not?

Why do they seem to work for hundreds of thousands of people but not for you?

Let’s explore this. 


If you drop a ball from the roof of a building, does gravity or your letting go make it drop?

Think about it.

When you toss a horseshoe, what makes it land on the other side: gravity or your toss?


Which is it?

Gravity or your action?

When a baseball player hits a ball out of the park, what made it fly and then fall: his swing or gravity?

Which was it?

Was it the swing at the ball that sent it into space, or gravity pulling it down after he hit it?

Obviously, it’s both.

It’s the same with LOA.

When anything happens in your life, you can say it was LOA that made it so or you can attribute the result to some other cause and pretend LOA doesn’t exist or doesn’t work.

You can even say, “I don’t believe in LOA.”

You can even say, “LOA doesn’t work for me.”

It’s your choice.

But what’s the truth?

What’s real?

What’s most helpful?

Look at it this way:

Why do most sports coaches tell their players about the laws of physics?

The coach believes the more you know about what is happening when you are playing the game, the more you will be conscious and will work with those laws of physics to win the game.

For example, I’ve recently begun racing my exotic sports cars. While I could just get behind the wheel and drive, the trainers teach me about geometry and physics so I have a better understanding about how to successfully drive the car at high speed.

In short, they want me to know about all the laws at play so I can accomplish my goals better.

That makes sense, doesn’t it?

The idea is to become more awake and aware so I can get more of the results I prefer, even on the race track.

The same is true in the gym.

I’ve trained with Frank Zane, Scott York and others. These athletes don’t just tell me to sweat more or lift more. They also teach me to be aware of gravity, for example, because working with it can help increase muscle mass.

Are you starting to get the picture?

The Law of Attraction is the same as the Law of Gravity or any other law: it’s working whether you give it credit or not. Knowing about it can help you achieve the results you want.

In other words, if you’re one of those who say LOA doesn’t work for you, then you might as well say gravity doesn’t work for you, either.

LOA is always working.

Gravity is always working.

That’s why they are both laws.

You can dismiss either or both if you like.

But does doing so help you or limit you?

If I can become a better driver by knowing the invisible laws at work when I race, and I can get better results in the gym with an understanding of the universal laws at work, and a sports figure can achieve his or her goals better by knowing the hidden laws underneath the game, doesn’t it behoove you to know about the other laws operating in your own life?

Given the above, what can you actually DO to get better results in your life – even when the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to be working for you?

Here are five things:

First, quit shrugging off your power.

LOA is working and you are working it, probably unconsciously. Instead of saying it doesn’t work for you, own that it does. This is far more empowering than being a victim. Assume you are doing something inside yourself to attract the results you are getting. It all begins with accepting responsibility for your life.

Second, choose what you want.

Instead of being bounced around by circumstances, start to direct or at least request where you want to go. You turn your inner radar on when you make a decision. You begin to steer the ship. Intention helps align your body and mind to go in the direction you prefer.

Third, take action.

Nothing happens until something moves. As I’ve said many times, the universe likes speed. Money likes speed. Take inspired action ASAP. It’ll give you instant feedback and instant results. As your actions bring you new information, you then take new actions based on it.

Fourth, get clear.

I’m constantly saying that you must get clear of the limiting beliefs within you in order to attract your intention. Counter-intentions will always trip you up. Be aware of your thoughts when things don’t work out for you. Those are what you need to get clear of. Those are the beliefs that attracted what you got. How do you get clear? One easy way is through Zero Limits.

Fifth, be happy now.

Happiness is what you really want. Be happy now and you’ll have your ultimate goal and you’ll send out a vibe to attract more moments to be happy about. The best way to be happy now is to be grateful now. My hypnotic story about the pencil in the movie The Compass is a great reminder of the power of gratitude.

I’m a neurometaphysician. I created the new science of neurometaphysics.

I’m a neurometaphysician. I created the field of neurometaphysics. This goes beyond neuroscience, which is the study of how your nervous system affects your life. Neurometaphysics is the science of how your thoughts create your life.

Obviously, I can talk about and teach the deeper aspects of the LOA for hours. But I don’t need to go into deeper explanations here when I’ve written such books as The Attractor Factor, The Key and Expect Miracles; and recorded such audioprograms as The Missing Secret, The Awakening Course, and the brand-new record-breaking bestseller, The Secret to Attracting Money.

And if you want ongoing personal support, I also created an online community to help you achieve your goals at www.attractmiracles.com 

The point here is this: LOA is always working.

If that’s so, how are you attracting what you are getting (or not getting)?

It’s deeper than your conscious thoughts.

But it’s not hidden.

Look and ye shall find.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Follow the above five steps and — Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — The Secret to Attracting Money explores all of this thinking, and more. It is a spiritual and practical system for attracting money. It goes beyond the Law of Attraction. It builds on and goes beyond anything I’ve ever done before. It’s guaranteed to work, too. See www.thesecrettoattractingmoney.com 

Note: If you want to hear more about the science of neurometaphysics, leave a comment and tell me so. Meanwhile, please Digg this post and share it with others. Thank you.


The Fifth Agreement

img00738.jpg Last night I got to meet Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements and Toltec Wisdom expert. He’s a gentle, sweet soul speaking what he calls just plain common sense. He told me about his next book, The Fifth Agreement. What is The Fifth Agreement? “Be skeptical of everything (even yourself) but learn to listen.” We talked for maybe thirty minutes about life, the brain, meaning, the ego, and more. He’s also working on a book about psychology, saying we’re still influenced by Freud, which is outdated and incorrect. The photo is of Don Miguel and myself, taken by his son. Most of the conversation was filmed, and will be on YouTube soon. If you haven’t read his book, check it out at www.miguelruiz.com or of course your local book store.