The best book I’ve read in a while is Roger Hamilton’s Your Life, Your Legacy. It reveals eight paths to wealth. Fascinating stuff.
I devoured it on the flights to and from LA for the opening of the movie The Compass. You can’t get the book from Amazon so don’t even try. Instead, go to
While there, take the Wealth Profile test. It’s a hundred bucks but could put you on your wealth stream.
I took the test, found out I’m clearly a Creator (with Star leanings), and suddenly began doing more things that stay within my profile. As a result, I’m making even more money and doing it with even more fun.
I don’t make a dime from telling you about this. I’m just sharing and trying to help.
Get the book.
Take the test.
Attract wealth.
Ao Akua,
PS – Remember, my free teleseminar on how to attract money is Thursday night, Feb. 12th. Register for it at
Not since The Secret’s release two and half years ago has there been so much buzz for a new movie coming out in the human-potential, self-help field. The one causing all the stir right now is called The Compass.
I flew to LA to see the world premier of The Compass last Sunday night. A crowd of excited people were there, as were celebrities, the media, and more.
The executive producer of the film, John Spencer Ellis, made us wait for the film by having a rock band play, making announcements, and offering everyone plenty of food and drink. Since I’m in training and strictly watching my food intake, all I wanted to see was the film.
Once the movie began, you knew you were in for a treat. The production value of The Compass is tops. The soundtrack is original music that I’ll want the CD of. The acting by the lead character is riveting. And the experts throughout the film — from John Assaraf, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Tammy Kling, and Marie Diamond to, well, me — all have wise things to stay.
There are several unforgettable moments in the movie. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you what they are, but rest assured you’ll watch and you will remember.
I strongly encourage you to see The Compass. This is the kind of movie we need more of, to feed our brain and our soul with life-affirming thoughts and energy. It’s far more practical than The Secret, but still feels good, too.
It’s shipping on DVD today. Go here to order it right now:
Ao Akua,
PS – Above blurred pic was taken at the premier in Anaheim. At the table with me (I’m bottom far right corner) are online hypnosis expert Wendi Friesen, author/healer Jennifer McLean, PGA pro Robb Nunn, and Vegas stage hypnotist Scott Lewis. They all loved The Compass, too.
I suffer from a condition called Type D BrachyDactyly (pronounced brake-ee dact-a-lee).
Well, I don’t really suffer from it.
I didn’t even know I had the condition till last Saturday’s autograph party.
I was signing books when an observant fellow said, “I notice you have BrachyDactyly.”
“I have what?”
“Your thumbs,” he said. “They’re small.”
Thanks for noticing, I thought.
I’ve always known my thumbs were small. But it’s never stopped me from typing (I only use two fingers to type and neither are thumbs). It’s never stopped me from playing the guitar. Or doing martial arts. Or hitching for a ride back in the 70’s.
Still, my thumbs are on the small size.
What’s it mean?
The guy at the book signing said, “Historically the clubbed thumb has been associated with inbreeding amongst European royalty. It’s been thought to be a sign of pure royal blood.”
I’m a descendant of royalty?
I haven’t been able to find a really solid verification of this, but we can all believe what we want. Currently, about 1 in 1,000 people have some form of “small thumb”, including actress Megan Fox.
If you have this wonderful rare royal condition, too, well, two “royal” thumbs up for the both of us.
Here are some links to learn more —
(Facebook group!)
“Two thumbs up” has taken on new meaning for me.
I’ll rewrite it to “Two ROYAL Thumbs up!”
Ao Akua,
PS — My third audioprogram with Nightingale-Conant comes out soon. It’s called The Secret to Attracting Money. I believe you’ll give it two royal thumbs up. 🙂
Note: Photo by Pat O’Bryan.
In weeks I’m releasing my third Nightingale-Conant audio program, called…
“The Secret to Attracting Money”
I’m going to tell you more about it in a minute (at least as much as I’m allowed to), and I’ll tell you how you can attend a teleseminar on the subject for free, but first —
Something is driving me crazy and I need to get this off my chest!
Thanks to the negative media, there is a nasty, ruthless, disempowering myth going around that says…
America and the rest of the world is in financial danger, and we are at the mercy of the stock market, banks, and other major financial institutions.
There is no question that there are some financial issues needing to be resolved, and they will be.
But this is nothing new.
We’ve survived the Great Depression (when times were far worse) and twelve recessions.
We can handle this one, too.
The truth of the matter (that the media never tells you) is that there are money making opportunities in every challenge. Even today’s recession.
For instance, someone right now is becoming wealthy by seeing a problem as a product.
Donny Deutsch used to report on this all the time on his TV show, The Big Idea, but the powers that be took it off the air for being “too optimistic”.
Still, people just like you are finding gold in the “hard times.”
Did you know many people are buying stocks at unheard of prices and selling them for huge profits right now and every other day?
Did you know people are buying up real estate at ridiculously low prices and holding it for the next boom?
Many people are taking advantage of their recent job loss and starting new businesses at a record pace – finally doing what they love.
The bottom line is that you do not have to buy into being a victim to world events. You may be having some challenges – but you can turn it around — with help.
In fact…if you are feeling like a victim of today’s recession or the negative media – let’s turn that around right now.
Here’s what I want you to do …
1. Choose one of the fear-based messages currently being relayed in the media. (Just turn on the news; you’ll find one instantly.)
2. Then write down some creative ideas that might be moneymaking responses to the “apparent” challenge.
It may take some time – but you can do it.
As Donny Deutsch used to tell people, wherever you complain about something, right there is your business opportunity.
Fix the problem for yourself, and others, and you’ll profit.
In short, the current economy has nothing to do with your ability to succeed.
In fact, my new Secret to Attracting Money program contains a whole section addressing this very issue called…
‘How to Make Money In ANY Economic Climate’
When you listen to this one section alone you’ll see for yourself how easily you can make money starting right now, wherever you live.
Since the Secret to Attracting Money program has not been formally released yet – I’m not at liberty to tell you much more.
But I will tell you this…
This is the first time I have ever combined all my spiritual teachings with all my business and marketing tactics in a single CD/DVD program.
And MY marketing is based on total love.
You can imagine the power of these two forces combined to help you attract money.
I wish I could say more.
But I’ll tell you this – The Secret to Attracting Money contains 6 CDs, a DVD, workbook, and 2 bonus CDs — all packed with money-making and money-attracting information you won’t want to miss.
It’s a spiritual and practical approach to wealth.
With the Secret to Attracting Money program, you will learn exactly how to attract money – following the same path I took to become a multi-millionaire.
This is not some pie-in-the-sky fluffy theory – this is practical, proven, take-it-to-the-bank advice.
So here’s the deal…
The Secret to Attracting Money program is not available just yet. It is due to release to huge fanfare in a couple of weeks or so.
So here’s what I want you to do for now…
Sit tight and watch your email (sign up to my list at for a special teleseminar announcement from me.
I’m going to be holding a major teleseminar in a couple weeks discussing how to breakthrough your fears and make money in any economic climate.
You will love it.
And it will be free.
I will also be announcing during the teleseminar how you can buy the Secret to Attracting Money program from a special secret website (still under construction) AND receive a very special bonus. (This is the only website where you can get this bonus. I’ll give you the secret web address on the call – sometime during the teleseminar.) The bonus will only be available for limited time, so you won’t want to miss out.
Remember, watch your email for this very special “How to Make Money In Any Economic Climate” teleseminar announcement so you can get The Secret to Attracting Money, as well as the bonus.
The email announcement may come in five minutes, tomorrow, three days from now, next week — who knows?
Just watch your email. 🙂
And keep looking for the product in the problem.
You can survive and thrive – no matter what.
I’m here to help you succeed.
Ao Akua,
PS — Make sure to watch your email for the special teleseminar announcement and learn how you can get my new Nightingale-Conant, “The Secret to Attracting Money” and a very special bonus – not available anywhere else.
Note: Be careful. There are imposters out there. Follow the real Joe Vitale on Twitter at
Actress Jenny McCarthy gave me a birthday present I’ll never forget.
Here’s the story…
I’m reading the book Yes Man by Danny Wallace. It’s the book used to make the recent movie of the same name, starring the incredible Jim Carrey.
It’s excellent and I highly recommend you read it. In fact, Danny may be my new favorite author. He’s funny, creative, and has a positive message about life. I just joined his Karma Army, a movement to get people to do good deeds every Friday.
At the recent Awakened Millionaire Training, I told everyone that my secret to life is to say YES to most opportunities and ideas that come my way.
But I qualified it by saying you need to say yes to the life affirming choices, not to just any choice.
For example, if you’re a recovering alcoholic, and someone offers you a drink, you don’t say yes to the offer. Instead, you say yes to your sobriety.
If you’re on a diet, and someone offers you cheesecake, you don’t say yes to the dessert; you instead say yes to your diet.
A while back Nerissa found out a mutual friend has a connection to actor Jim Carrey (who Nerissa met once years ago).
She asked for a birthday present for me from Jim’s lady, actress/author/Playboy model/spokesperson Jenny McCarthy.
Jenny is one of my all-time favorite people. While I’ve not yet met her, I’ve always loved seeing her on television, reading her books, or hearing about her triumphs being a mother and healing autism.
This is one strong lady.
Of course I’d welcome a signed photo of her.
When asked for a signed photo for me, Jenny said yes. She sent the photo and a copy of one of her books. That’s her, above. (Left click on it to enlarge it.)
I’m glad she said yes to my birthday gift.
What are you saying yes to today?
Ao Akua,
PS — Next stop is to get a signed photo from Jim Carrey. Jenny, can you ask Jim? 🙂