My father told me when I was growing up that the best friend I could ever have was that dollar bill in my pocket.
He added that if I ever wanted to double my money, just fold the dollar and put it back in my pocket.
He grew up during the Great Depression. The idea of lack and limitation stayed with him. It’s still there now, and he’s in his eighties. He’ll wear a t-shirt with holes in it rather than buy a new one. He won’t even accept the gift of a new one. His scarcity programming is still running.
Most of my family still believes what my father taught. And virtually all of them are still struggling.
I saw one of my brothers recently and he said he could never have the life I have. When I asked why not, he said he was destined to the job he has.
To a job?
He didn’t see that his mindset, created while he was young and impressionable, was the reason he felt he “couldn’t” have more.
To paraphrase the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”
I rebelled against my father’s authority while a teenager. I spent money easily. I bought books, magic tricks, and music.
I gave away money to people and causes I believed in.
While others kept that dollar bill in their pocket, I let it go.
I’m in a far wealthier place than anyone else in my family. I went through more rough spots (homelessness, poverty, dark nights) before I hit it big, but I always practiced a different attitude toward money. Still do, today.
I’ll be explaining all of this in-depth at the Attract Wealth seminar in Austin in January.
Basically, I’ve discovered a seven step formula for attracting money.
I didn’t know all of the steps when I was a kid, or when I was struggling, but I was unknowingly learning them one at a time and putting it all together. Now, decades later, I have all seven.
I now know The Secret to Attracting Money.
At the heart of the formula are these ideas:
1. Give money away to where you receive inspiration or spiritual nourishment. This can be a person, place or organization. Just ask yourself, “Where did I receive the most inspiration this week?” Then give money to your answer. The amount of money you receive will come through the road you open by giving. You can widen that road by giving more.
2. Serve a group of people who need your help. When I had dinner with Louise Hay a few months ago, she said she never focused on money. Instead, she always asked, “How can I serve?” When you serve, and charge for it, you receive money. Serve more, receive more.
3. Do something. I’m the guy in the movie The Secret who said you have to take action. Action begins with thought. But too many people stop at the thought. When you have an idea for a product or service, act. You never know which idea will bring the big bucks.
There’s more to the formula, of course.
Fly into Austin in January and I’ll teach you all seven steps personally.
For now, reflect on the tips I just gave you and remember, act now.
You don’t have to remain victim to your childhood programming. You can change it by doing something different right now.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you want help in attracting money fast, go listen to the Attract Wealth Training Call. Go to and look for the link at the bottom of that page. You can listen to it right now, right where you’re sitting. And it’s free.
Note: The above photo was taken at a property I looked at months ago. It was hanging on a low tree limb to alert you to watch your head as you walked under it. I think it means more than that. It also means “Mind Your Thoughts.” If you aren’t aware of what’s in your head (your thoughts), you’ll not have much chance to awaken to the prosperity all around you. So, Mind Your Head.
I’ve been watching people lately. Pretty fascinating.
Almost everyone is complaining and blaming. They are paying attention to the mainstream media, getting terrified, and then making poor choices.
The media then reports on those poor choices, people watch the bad news reported to them, and they make even more poor choices.
The cycle continues.
The thing is, the same underlying principle at work in the media-bad news-poor choices scenario can be used to create a more positive outcome.
For example, nineteen scientific studies prove that when a small group of people get together and meditate, the violence and crime in their area goes down and the abundance goes up.
I reported on this in my book, The Attractor Factor. This is called The Maharishi Effect. Transcendental Meditators first experimented with group meditation in the 1990s and repeatedly proved it made a difference.
Back to our modern reality…
What if you and I joined forces with people trying to think positive, meditate, and focus on clear intentions?
Wouldn’t we create the opposite of what the mainstream media is doing?
Instead of seeing the bad, feeling the bad, and then acting from a place of desperation and insecurity, we would see the good, focus on the good, and act from a place of security and faith.
Which would you prefer?
To help both of us, I’m creating a site (with Craig Perrine) where a group of people can go and support each other in their intentions. (You can register to be notified when it goes live at
Pass the word. The more of us that focus on the positive, the more we can uplift each other to health, wealth and happiness.
Or, if you prefer, you can keep watching the mainstream news.
Ao Akua,
PS — Remember, the basis for the site I’m creating is the scientific evidence that when a small group of people hold an intention for you, it tends to become reality FAST. There’s no woo-woo here. It’s all results oriented. Go see for yourself over at
Nerissa filmed me in Chicago answering questions at a book signing. You can see them below:
Joe Vitale explains Best Clearing Method
Why Does Joe Vitale Wear Beads?
Joe Vitale is asked about power of Gratitude
How to change kids with Law of Attraction
Joe Vitale Reveals How to find Patience
Are More Details better when using the Law of Attraction?
Can You Change Other People Using the Law of Attraction?
Joe Vitale Contrasts The Missing Secret with The Awakening Course
Am I doing LOA Wrong if I Take a Job just to pay my bills?
When can a person Stop Cleaning?
Joe Vitale is asked about his Car Consumption
The other day I drove to Ronn Motors and saw their first hydrogen eco-exotic sports car, the Scorpion. I later met with the man who created it, Ronn Maxwell. Turns out the Scorpion design was inspired. Later I’ll post a video of Ronn explaining how God spoke to him about the car. For now, see for yourself how breathtaking the experience was of seeing the car for the first time by going to or by
clicking the image below:
In Chicago last week I took time out from recording my third audio program for Nightingale-Conant to answer questions at a book signing. Most of the questions I’ve heard before. Some were new. At least one shocked me.
“How do you handle impatience?”
I related to that one, as I’m still impatient from time to time. I explained impatience is a sign of an inner block. It means you aren’t trusting things will work out; that you want your result right now or you’ll throw a fit. The remedy is to release the block and get back in the flow. Get clear.
“What’s with the beads?”
I wear the beads (sometimes called prayer beads or a mala) as a reminder to stay in the now, to connect with the spiritual side of life, and because I think wearing them makes me look cool.
“When is having so many cars enough?”
The person asking the question couldn’t articulate herself very well, so answering her was a challenge. But I had just told everyone about my $375,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom and it may have made her wonder about buying so many cars.
I spontaenously said something in the moment that turned out to be wise.
“I haven’t gone seeking any of my cars,” I explained. “They came to me. I stumbled across the Steve Reeves ’76 Jag. I stumbled across the Steven Tyler ’98 Panoz Roadster. I never ever imagined owning a 2008 Rolls-Royce. I simply said yes to them when they were in my awareness and everything seemed to fit. I think the great secret to living a happy life is to say yes to life.”
My answer touched a chord in people.
As they lined up to have me sign copies of Expect Miracles or The Attractor Factor, many asked me to sign their book with “Say YES to life!” beside my name.
Say YES to life!
When life offers you an opportunity, say yes to it.
But YES has a double-meaning.
I also have Operation YES, my movement to end foreclosures and homelessness.
So say YES to life (and support Operation YES) and you’ll have a much happier, wealthier, and healthier life.
Ao Akua,
PS — My third audio program with Nightingale-Conant will come out February, 2009. My two previous programs are bestsellers for the company. The Power of Outrageous Marketing came out well over ten years ago and still sells well. The Missing Secret, on how to use the law of attraction to get what you want, is the company’s bestselling program in the last five years. (!) Search for them at (I’ve been a customer of Nightingale for well over twenty years and attribute listening to their audios as part of my success.)
Note: All photos by Nerissa. (Left click on image to enlarge.)