Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Where's the Money?

joe-cool.jpg  A friend of mine went to hear legendary marketer Dan Kennedy speak at a meeting in Ohio. He said Dan gave some helpful advice on what to say when someone, whether family member, friend or complete stranger, asks you for money.

Dan said ask these two questions:

1. Do you know that libraries are free?

2. What are the last five books you’ve read to improve your lot in life?

Thirty years ago, when I was homeless and then struggling in poverty, I always went to the library. I borrowed books when I couldn’t afford to buy them. I read them. I studied them. I implemented what I learned.

As a direct result of this persistent and relentless quest to learn and grow, I’m now collecting cars and guitars, looking at multi-million dollar estates, and starting a movement to end homelessness.

But I’m not the only person to read and grow rich.


Yesterday I interviewed self-made billionaire Bill Bartmann for my Hypnotic Gold series. It was incredibly inspiring.

Bill was homeless at age 14. Yet he pulled himself up and went on to build businesses in fields where he had no education or experience. (!)

He became one of the world’s few billionaires. (There are just over 1,000 of them.)


By educating himself.

This is a secret to success: Keep reading, learning, growing, risking.

Don’t ask for money.

Ask for the best books.

Read them and implement what you learn.

What were the last five books you read to improve your lot in life?

Ao Akua,


PS — Photos of me with my 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom and the 12-string custom made Taylor guitar are by master photographer Rodney Bursiel. (Left click on image to enlarge.)


Meet the Phantom

phantom-joe-standing.jpg The recent Miracles Weekend in San Diego was a true miracle. Almost 200 people came from all over the world to hear my speakers and me stretch their mind and open their hearts.


I never expected to attract another car while there. I did, though. Here are pictures of my 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom, the most expensive and luxurious car I’ve ever seen. phantom-joe-hh.jpg 

There’s a lesson here, of course.

The Rolls-Royce motor car was created to serve the affluent market. It’s good to remember that even when the media says the money is gone and the sky is falling, life goes on and money still circulates.

On the day the stock market took its biggest dive, I bought a $375,000 car.

My banker told me the car increased in value after I bought it, while all other cars dropped.

phantom-joe-kissing.jpg  When you allow outer circumstances to dictate how you feel, you end up reacting to events as a victim. As I explain in The Awakening Course, you want to leave the stage of victimhood and move on to and through the other three stages.

Also, after I bought the Rolls, I began to think even more prosperously.

That shouldn’t surprise you. A car is just a symbol. (I bought the Phantom from a company called Symbolic. How revealing is that?)

A Rolls is a symbol of great opulence and affluence. Sitting in it gives the aura of royalty. It affects how you think and feel.

Within a day I came up with the idea of a Rolls-Royce Master-Mind. People would pay $5,000 each to sit in the car and brainstorm with me as we rode and went to dinner.

Would anyone be interested?

I sold out of the first one within a day. I had to announce a second one. Then a third. Then a fourth.

When you make a decision to do something, even when it seems risky, the decision alone kick-starts a button in your mind.

It’s not uncommon for someone to say as soon as they signed up for an event, months before the event actually would begin, changes happened in their life.

If you want to experience this right now, sign up for the next Attract Wealth Seminar, to be held in Austin, Texas January 9-11, 2009. Then notice what happens.

Pay attention to your dreams, intentions and goals, not the media, and take action now.

Ao Akua,


PS — Left click on any image to enlarge it.


Seven Money Myths

Reading Garrett Gunderson’s excellent book, Killing Sacred Cows, on overcoming the financial myths that are destroying your prosperity, got me thinking of other money myths. For example:

Saving is not as powerful in attracting money as giving. The more money you give, from a heart of love and to wherever you feel inspired, the more you will receive.

Stocks are not as secure as acting on ideas. Money making ideas are gifts from the Universe; act fast on them and you can prosper fast.

Planning for your retirement isn’t as powerful as living now with an awareness of your future. Putting off your enjoyment of life is pushing away your current prosperity.

Investing in real estate isn’t as rewarding as investing in yourself. The more you expand your awareness and education, the more you can see the opportunities to make more money.

Beliefs such as money is the root of all evil block prosperity. The lack of money is actually the root of all evil. Being detached but respectful toward money will help you attract it.

Scarcity is a function of the mind; so is abundance. Human creativity can solve any problem and find ways to profit along the way.

Practical spending isn’t as wise as enthusiastic spending. When you buy something that helps you feel good, you increase your energy vibration, feel better about yourself, and tend to do more things to make more money.

These are just random thoughts, not a dissertation. I encourage you to read Gunderson’s book and explore your own beliefs about money. (Be sure to check out his 401k hoax.)

Ao Akua,


PS – A powerful tool for releasing any limiting beliefs about money you may have is at www.moneybeyondbelief.com Also be sure to see the famous www.theclearingaudio.com 


Toronto Book Signing

I’ll be speaking and signing copies of my new book (Expect Miracles) in Toronto on Saturday, October 18th. If you’re in the area, you should drop by and say hi. You can get details and tickets at www.BurmanBooks.com


Austin Book Signing

In case you’re in the area, I’ll be signing two new books (The Attractor Factor 2.0 and Expect Miracles) Saturday, October 25, from 1- 4 PM at Rancho Deluxe, 14010 RR 12, in Wimberley, Texas (between Austin and San Antonio). See www.ranchodeluxe.net Hope to meet you there.