Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


A Wake Up Call

Brian Clark just ran an interesting contest.

The idea behind his Twitter Writing Contest was simple: compose a story in exactly 140 characters and post it on Twitter. That’s it.

But notice the story had to be exactly 140 characters. No more. No less.

I loved the idea and told Brian I’d offer a signed copy of my book, Hypnotic Writing, to the winner. He agreed.

I just learned the winner was Derek Dysat.

His winning Twitter was:

The priest at the funeral home asked if she had been a loving mother. The children all stared at each other. The silence spoke volumes.

I wrote to Derek, congratulated him, and asked for his address.

He gave it. He then surprised me by saying, “I have to be honest and say I’m not familiar with any of your work, so I’m actually looking forward to the book.”

Not familiar with any of my work?

After writing about thirty books, being in five movies, appearing on national television, in countless newspapers and magazines, and running hundreds of websites and international publicity campaigns and writing hundreds of articles and blog posts, he never heard of me?


I’m not really surprised.

It’s a wake up call to all of us: you must keep marketing.

There’s an entire world of people who never heard of you (or me) who would probably like you, love you, or even buy from you.

But they never heard of you.

And they never heard of you because you’re not marketing enough.

Most people have a bad attitude toward marketing. But I’ve redefined it:

Marketing is sharing your love for what you do with the people who will most celebrate hearing about it.

Think about it.

Marketing to people who don’t care about your product or service is where marketing becomes tainted. People don’t like it. You can feel it. So you don’t like it, either.

But marketing to people who want to hear about your product or service, when you love your product or service, is true passion. It’s divine. And it’s a win-win you can celebrate.

I wrote back to Derek and said, “I’ll work harder on my marketing in the future.” 🙂

Ao Akua,


PS – Brian Clark is at www.copyblogger.com He posts numerous wise ideas and insights about copywriting there. Well worth repeated visiting. Go see.

PPS – You can follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/mrfire 


The est Transformation

werner-erhard.gif I’ve been waiting since last July — almost an entire year — for the release of Transformation, the documentary about est founder Werner Erhard.

It’s finally out and I finally saw it.

It’s riveting, inspiring, and unforgettable.

Seeing the old clips of Werner delivering est trainings in the 1970s, hearing him today, getting the inside story on how the media exploited him, was eye-opening.

I’m pleased to see Werner is still around and still awakening people.

He’s still ruthless in confronting people about forgiving the past, taking full responsibility for life, and taking a stand for something in the world.

That’s his mission and his calling, and he’s still walking his talk.

My biggest problem with the guy was he never smiled. Virtually all enlightened teachers smile.

At the end of this terrific film, as the credits are rolling, Werner says “There’s something great sitting in your chair,” and he smiles a little as he reflects on that exciting idea.

Get this movie.

See www.transformationfilm.com

And remember, there’s something great sitting in your chair.

Ao Akua,


PS — Werner sold the rights to his est trainings to Landmark Education, which continues his work without his involvement through a course called The Forum. I’ve taken it. So has Nerissa. So have most of my Miracles Coaches. Check it out, too. www.landmarkeducation.com


How I Attract Money

joe-two-points.jpg Just today I received the title for the latest car I attracted, a 1976 Jaguar XJS V-12. Not only is the car itself a collectible classic, but it was owned by legendary bodybuilder and movie star, Steve Reeves.

It appears I’m starting to collect celebrity cars. The car before this one was the exotic 1998 Panoz AIV Roadster, a rare hot rod no longer made that was once owned (and is signed) by rock star Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.

I have a few other cars, of course, not the least of which is my beloved Francine, a 2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM.

But this post isn’t about attracting cars.

It’s about how I’m attracting money beyond belief to buy these cars.

Last week we looked at a mansion on a lake. It was listed at almost two million dollars. It’s got twenty-five acres and almost enough garage for all of my cars. It wasn’t good enough for us, though.

We then drove around and looked at yet another mansion, this one castle-like, plenty of space for a car collection, and selling for over six million dollars.

But this post isn’t about buying a mansion, either.

It’s about how I’m attracting the money to buy it.

I’m getting closer to announcing Operation YES, too.

That’s my vision to end homelessness forever by focusing on prosperity, not economic depression, and by using the law of attraction to help the planet.

But this post isn’t about attracting global change; it’s about how I attract money.

When I stop and think about my life, I’m in awe that thirty years ago I was homeless and today I’m a bestselling author who appears in movies and on television, and spends most of his evenings in the hot tub thinking about cars, guitars, cigars, mansions, and ways to help people and the planet.

How did that happen?

About twenty-five years ago I was in virtual poverty and taking every job I could think of to survive, while I maintained my vision of one day being an author.

I was a reporter, laborer, cab driver, truck driver, car salesman, freelance writer, literary agent, editor, geological technician, and more.

I lived in a dump, drove a clunker of a car, and was very unhappy.

How did I go from struggling to thriving?

I admit it wasn’t an overnight event. I think people have a better chance of being an overnight success today than I had back then.


Because my biggest stumbling block was my own mind, and today we have more tools to help you correct your thinking.

Back then, I didn’t feel I deserved success. I had a bad attitude toward wealthy people and even money itself. I was like most people, programmed into being a victim and thinking of lack and limitation.

I had low self-image and poor self-confidence. I was doing everything I could think of to be a success, but it wasn’t happening.

Why not?

I’ve said this many times before but it needs said again: your level of deservingness has to match what you want.

Your level of deservingness has to match what you want!

If it doesn’t, you’ll either not attract what you want or, if you manage to get it, you won’t keep it. You’ll find a means to push it away.

So, how did I learn how to attract money?

The secret is this: I learned to deprogram old limiting beliefs and reprogram new abundant ones.

For example…

Say you want more money.

You state the intention “I now attract more money into my life.”

You sit, meditate, feel the good vibes of having more money.

If you’re smart, you might even take some action.

But — the money doesn’t come.

Why not?

Does any of this self-help stuff work?

Why didn’t you attract what you intended?

Isn’t the law of attraction a real law?

Most likely in your unconscious mind you have beliefs such as —

“Money is evil.”

“Money will attract problems.”

“Money will make me a selfish person.”

“Wanting money is greedy.”

“Rich people are snobs.”

If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you’ll attract any money?

In truth, you’ll attract not having money.


Because your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is bad”) will veto your conscious intention (“I now attract more money into my life”).

Is it any wonder some people say The Secret or the law of attraction doesn’t work? They don’t understand that it is working perfectly – but based on your un-conscious beliefs.

Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of it happening.

The roadblocks are gone.

You’re clear.

But how do you get clear?

After all, the unconscious limitations are un-conscious!

So how do you find them and erase them?

I’ve been developing different ways to help myself and others get clear for years now.

And I keep looking for faster, easier ways to accomplish this. I keep creating audios, DVDS, books, and more.

There’s everything from my recent book The Key to my bestselling new Nightingale-Conant audio program The Missing Secret to the popular DVDs (made with Mark Ryan) on Subliminal Manifestation, and much more at my main website.

I wish I had these tools thirty years ago.

One of those tools is so easy it might be called the lazy person’s tool for instant change: I joined forces with Pat O’Bryan and together we created The Clearing Audio.

This breakthrough audio works so well that people are sending us unsolicited raving endorsements, such as —

“I just wanted to share with you since I bought the clearing audio just 48 hours ago (yes 48 hours ago) I feel more calm, less stressed about life and my business…”

That’s what John and Chystal Pate said.

“Joe, I just want you to know that I am positively stunned by the effectiveness of the Clearing Audio.  I downloaded them, dropped them on my ipod and used the binaural music track during my morning meditation,  I was not only charged with positive energy, but I had amazing and inspired new insights for product ideas, AND I had several inbound requests for big time joint ventures.  Wow.  But that’s not all.  A little later in the morning I ran it again while I was training (exercise). UNBELIEVABLE results,  more energy, more power, faster recovery.  It is my new secret weapon. You’re amazing. Thank you!”

That’s what Steve Little said.

But back to me and how I learned to attract more money.

The number one thing I did was get coaching. I talk about this a lot in my book The Attractor Factor.

Clearly having a coach to help me see my own thought patterns and then release them was the number one thing I did to transform my prosperity.

If you’re skeptical, consider:

I was working hard, taking action, maintaining my vision and intention for decades.

I was doing all the right things.

Yet success eluded me.

It would still be eluding me today had I not taken care of the only thing in my way: my own mind.

If you want to attract more money, too, then you have to begin on the inside. Make the change there and the outer will change, almost by magic.

But remember, even magic takes a magician.

That magician is you.

Ao Akua,


PS — I started my own coaching program because I knew it changed my life and could change yours, too. If you want to get on track and clear yourself for success, go see www.miraclescoaching.com It’s real magic. 🙂

PPS – Don’t make excuses. If you judge me or my coaching program (or anyone or anything else that is trying to help you), then you are just like I was thirty years ago: blaming the world for your lack. The world doesn’t need to change for you to be successful. You do. If you don’t go into Miracles Coaching, at least do something to improve your mind and go for your dreams. Dare something worthy. And do it now.


"IT" Disclosed!

  I guess it’s time to make my announcement.

This is not going to be easy…
I’ll just put it bluntly.
I had an encounter.
What if in one single moment… while walking down a deserted road, a flash of light and a burst of energy hits you and nearly sends you to the ground?
What if this power consumes your very being, and as quickly as it hit you, it leaves… but upon its exit, it leaves something inside of you?
Would you share this experience with others?
And what if… what if you were able to quickly snap two photos of what caused this?
Believe me, I thought a lot about keeping my encounter to myself.  I’ve never been one to fully believe some of the stories you often hear from people.
But what happened to me changed my life.
It changed my thinking. It changed my business.  It changed everything.
And I reveal everything here:

Now at the very least, I need to address one of the most common questions that I see being asked since my last blof post.
The question is, what is “It”?
As you’ll see in my letter where I explain everything to you, “It” is actually many things.
And I’d be curious as to what you think “It” is after reading the story of how everything went down that warm, sunny day.

If I had more time, there’s a lot more that I would like to talk to you about, but I have a lot going on today.

Ao Akua,


PS — I know. I know. It’s best to just go see www.hypnoticmarketing.com/bignews/


LEAKED: "It" Revealed


Everywhere I looked, I kept seeing circles…

The flowers…

The drawings…

Some sort of mind control…

What happened to me that sunny afternoon was something that has taken me quite some time to get a grip on.

I mean… Why me?  Why did IT choose me?

However, I feel that it’s time for me to share this with you – although doing so is “high risk” because I know that if the local and national media learned about what happened to me, they’d be at my door within a hour.

I have thought about all of the consequences that I may be faced with in making this public.  And I have even thought about what is going to happen to the small town of Wimberley, Texas where this event on that sunny, Sunday afternoon took place.

I have no doubt that if this story reaches beyond this blog, the small quiet town of Wimberley may become a destination for thousands of people, including the media, all trying to find IT this coming weekend.

And what about my clients or my publishers?

What if they learn about what happened to me?

Will they believe me – or write me off completely?

So much at risk…

I cannot put into words how I feel.  I am torn in two because I want to share what happened to me, but on the other hand, in doing so, I understand that I am risking everything. 


However, I have chosen to share it.  I feel that in making this public, this will become what I am known for, and I am OK with that.

Back on that sunny day, I left my house to go for a walk to take a break from what had been a very busy morning for me.

Fast forward about 45 minutes and I was running back inside my house to get my camera.

I was sweating…

I was cold…

My hands were shaking…

I went back outside to the exact location where I saw IT, and where IT happened to me, and I snapped two photos.

I still get chills up my spine remembering that day.  And as I write this to you, I’m staring at the two photos that I took that day – wondering what you’re going to think when I release the photos.

The photos are 100% real.  They have not been doctored.  They have not been edited.  Although many will question the photos if they reach the media.  I’m sure there will be investigations.

Before I made the final decision to make all of this public, I ran this by three of my friends during a weekly lunch meeting.

They didn’t believe me.  They thought I was joking around… but when I asked if they wanted to see the photos, their jaws dropped.

So after lunch, we went back to my house and I showed them the two photos that I took that day and also showed them what IT did to me.

Because we had been friends for so long, they knew that I wouldn’t have any reason for me to try and fake everything that happened to me that day.

We discussed everything that happened and brainstormed on what to do.  It was decided that I needed to share this with the world, even though the risks were high that no one would believe me.

And that’s what I’m going to do.  In order for me to prepare for what might become the busiest days of my life, I need a few days to prepare here.

If everything goes right, I am going to share EVERYTHING with you on this Friday, May 30th.

The photos… circles… drawings… flowers… what IT did to me…

All made public on May 30th, 2008 at:


I can assure you, this is REAL.

Ao Akua,


PS – Please don’t tell anyone else about this just yet. Thank you.