Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Feed Animals Free

The Animal Rescue Site is cool. You go there, click “fund food for animals” and food will be donated to feed neglected and abused animals. It takes less than a minute (about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box ‘fund food for animals’ for free.  This doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here’s the web site.
www.theanimalrescuesite.com  Please tell others about this, too. Thank you


Text Donny Deutsch

donny-deutsch-text-alert.jpg I signed up for this free service and love it. Every weekday someone behind the Donny Deutsch CNBC television show, The Big Idea, sends a text message to my phone alerting me to what’s on that night. It’s a great reminder to watch the show. I love this idea. Congrats, Donny! 

(Left click on the image and follow directions to sign-up for the text service. It’s free but your mobile phone plan may charge you to receive the text messages.)

Note: If you can’t read the directions in the image, here’s what to do: Send the word IDEA from your phone to 26221. That’s it. Probably only works in the U.S., though.


Joe Vitale Hits Succeed

succeed_cover1.JPG You’re the first to see this: It’s the June/July ’08 issue of Succeed magazine with me on the cover. (Left click on it to enlarge it.)

Their last issue had Sir Richard Branson profiled. I’m in good company. 🙂

The inside story contains several more brand new pictures and a six-page interview with me.

The story was the most revealing one ever written on me. The interview felt like therapy, as I talked about my childhood, my past struggles, and my turnaround to success — much of it never shared ever before in public.

The magazine went to press today so you can get your own copy of this collectible in-depth interview and cover story by investing in a subscription right now at www.succeedmagazine.com.au/mrfire.html

Ao Akua,


PS – All photos of me in the magazine (including the cover photo) were by master photographer Rodney Bursiel.


The Secret Key

My favorite self-help author, Steve Chandler, just told me you can have a copy of his latest ebook, Powerful Graceful Secrets: The Secret Key to Mastering Time, Love and Money. Claim it at www.stevechandler.com/Free.html Enjoy!


Mr Fire Eats Lions

You can spy on me as I give a short Q&A presentation to my local community by clicking here http://one.revver.com/watch/889967 or here
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1774314533430922488 or on the image below: