Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


What I Think of The Opus

Here’s what I really think of the new movie The Opus: (See www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxSPL0-oMVQ or click on image below.)


Sneak Preview of AF

attractor-factor-2e-cover.jpg I’ve completely revised, expanded and updated my book, The Attractor Factor. It will include an Attractor Factor IQ Test, worksheets, new stories, an extended bibilography and a long question and answer section. If you loved the first edition of this bestselling self-help book, you’ll love the second edition. It comes out in September but you can pre-order it at Amazon right now. (Left click on the image to see the enlarged cover.) This is the book that got me into the movie The Secret. It’s been changing lives by the thousands. I’m very excited about the new edition, which will help explain everything about the law of attraction and how to work with it.


Richard Branson on Succeed

suceed-mag-cover.jpg My name is on the cover of the current issue of Succeed magazine, an Australian publication for fans of The Secret movie. Richard Branson’s face is on the cover and my name is on his hair. This is a very upbeat, informative and inspiring magazine. You can subscribe to it at www.succeedmagazine.com.au/


Tell Me Your Story

I’m finalizing a new book on how to attract miracles. If you’ve accomplished something (anything goes) using the Law of Attraction or any other ideas in any of my self-help books or audios or DVDS — from The Attractor Factor to Zero Limits to The Key to my audioprogram The Missing Secret, please tell me your story. Keep it to 500 words (unless you have a real doozie), include your name and website (if you have one), and email it to [email protected] Deadline is April 26, 2008. This is your chance to inspire others while getting a little fame.  (Be sure to share this request with anyone you think has a story to tell.) Thank you.


The Most Popular Video?

Nerissa just informed me that the four most popular videos I have online are (based on added numbers from all the places hosting the videos, not just revver, which are the below links) —

The 15 Minute Miracle. A short talk I gave in Maui last December. Seen by over 24,500 so far. http://revver.com/video/521463/

Donny Deutsch’s The Big Idea. My five minutes of fame last November. Seen by over 16,338 so far. http://revver.com/video/491047/

Larry King Live. My first appearance in 2006. Seen by over 13,356 so far. http://youtube.com/watch?v=4vRFyypmkg0

Wealth Expo in Chicago, where I opened for Donald Trump. Seen by over 10,596 so far. http://revver.com/video/477512/

Enjoy. 🙂