Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Operation YES!

image001.jpg Operation YES – the visionary plan to end homelessness – is about to launch. If you don’t know what this is all about, go to www.operationyes.com right now. This is a strategy to help you with your economic freedom while also helping the homeless. It’s a win-win plan and it’s supported by numerous people, including fellow Secret movie co-stars such as James Ray and Lisa Nichols and Joe Vitale. Go see.


Sample "The Missing Secret"

missing-secret-nc-set.jpg You can hear excerpts from my latest Nightingale-Conant audio program, “The Missing Secret,” and even see a brief video of me explaining counter-intentions to you by going to http://snipurl.com/missingsecret or www.nightingale.com/homepage.aspx?linktype=o4&org=ia28500106 Just go there, search for “The Missing Secret” program (it’s under ‘New Releases’), then look for the block on the right showing audio and video excerpts you can click and enjoy. Go see.  This will give you a real sense of what is in The Missing Secret. (Left click on the image above to see the actual contents of the program.)


Inspired Whaaaat?

My latest book launches at 8 am tomorrow, March 25th. I’m excited. This one reveals a new way to share your heart to increase your results. Check out the bonuses you get, the new membership site for it, a brief video explaining the seven lies people tell themselves, and much more. The whole thing goes live at 8 am over at http://inspiredmarketing.com/invitation/ Go see — and tell the world — but only if you feel inspired! 🙂


7 Ways to Attract Money

When it comes to the law of attraction and using The Secret to attract preferred results, most people want to learn how to work with it to attract more money first.

After that, they’ll wonder how to attract romance, cars, homes, happiness, and everything else. But money is the starting place for most people.

So, how do you attract more money?

Here are seven ways:

1. Give money away.

It sounds counter-intuitive but the more you give, the more you will receive (unless you block the receiving, which ties into the next step). Give openly and freely to wherever you received spiritual nourishment.  Give on a regular basis, too. The rule of thumb is to give 10% of whatever you receive, but it’s also smart to give more when you feel inspired to do so. Remember, you don’t have to give to a church; give to the person, place, or group that has kept your spirit alive. Just ask “Where was I most inspired today?” and give to that source. And ask the question daily or weekly as the source will often change.

2. Get clear.

Most people push money away with their hidden limiting beliefs, such as “money is bad” or “rich people are evil.” Those are beliefs, not facts. Get clear of them and money will come to you (as long as you also do the next step). Getting clear can be as easy as listening to a special audio or as powerful as having your own Miracles Coach.

3. Take action.

Too many people sit and wait for money to materialize in front of them. I believe in magic and miracles, but I also believe that your role in the process of attracting money is to actually do something to bring it your way. Act on your ideas. Now. “Money likes speed” is my favorite mantra. If you don’t act now, you’ll see your idea manifested in a store some day and somebody else will be attracting money from it.

4. Support a cause.

Most people push money away because they don’t feel they deserve it. One way around this (while you still work on getting clear inside yourself) is to want money for a larger purpose. I created Operation YES to end homelessness. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) for that cause will remove any remaining prosperity limitations within me. While I won’t receive a dime from Operation YES, my working on its behalf will attract money to me in other ways, such as the contacts and goodwill I’ll create. In short, want money for a larger reason than your own ego.

5. Get support.

One of the wisest things you can do to achieve any goal is create or join a master mind group devoted to it. I co-authored Meet and Grow Rich with Bill Hibbler for this reason. Attending a seminar can give you the same result. (Consider the Attract Wealth event in May in Austin, Texas.)

6. Be grateful.

This is huge. Be thankful for the money you have — which is probably considered true wealth by people starving in third world countries — and you’ll begin to attract more money. Gratitude sends off a signal of appreciation, which brings to you more to be thankful for. Begin with whatever is in this moment that you can be sincerely grateful for.

7. Do what you love.

There’s no sense in working at something you hate. If you are currently at a job you don’t like, find a way to enjoy it for the time you are there while working towards doing your passion. Following your passion is the greatest secret of all when it comes to attracting wealth. Everyone from Donny Deutsch to Donald Trump to Bill Gates to little ole me agree that passion (combined with the other steps above) is your ticket to financial freedom.

Finally, expect success.

The mindset of expectation — expecting that you are now attracting money and playfully looking around, asking “I wonder where and how big money will come from to me today?” — will keep your brain turned on to seek and find opportunities. You of course then have to take fearless action when you see them.

Go for it!

Ao Akua,


PS – The Attract Wealth Seminar is explained at www.attractwealthseminar.com You’ll be able to soak up the feel of wealth and prosperity at this unique event while learning how to get clear to attract wealth. It’s your ticket to financial freedom, removing those inner barriers to success, and finally beginning to attract money on a grand scale. See you there.


The Guru Next Door

The self-development system that has helped me the most over the last twenty some years was created by someone you probably never heard of and I never met: Bruce DiMarsico.

Bruce developed a simple way to explore beliefs to find out why we aren’t usually happy (or any other word that suggests the same thing, from anger to fear to grief to envy to you-name-it).

I first heard of his method from Barry Neil Kaufman, who popularized it in such books as To Love Is To Be Happy With, and who I studied with briefly in 1985.

I later became very comfortable with the method (to the degree that I almost became a full-time practitioner of it rather than a marketer and author) after finding Mandy Evans, author of Travelling Free and Emotional Options, and a dear friend of mine for more than twenty years.

The system is called The Option Method.

I’ve written about it in such books of my own as The Key and Adventures Within. I also describe it in my new audio program, The Missing Secret. I’ve even trained my Miracles Coaches in how to use it for people wanting to get clear to attract miracles into their lives.

Until recently, there’s never been a book about the inventor of Option, the late Bruce DiMarsico himself. That book is The Guru Next Door.
guru-cover.jpg The Guru Next Door brings the spirit of personal development expert Bruce Di Marsico’s revolutionary concept — the Option Method — to you and me. This remarkable book shares both the author (Wendy Dolber)’s experience with the man and the clear thinking behind his refreshing and reflective teachings.

I’ve been working on my tan outside (beautiful weather here in Texas) and reading this book off and on. I love it. Bruce was dedicated to exploring why we aren’t happy, and what he kept discovering is that the only thing preventing happiness in any moment is simply a belief.

A belief. That’s it.

We feel what we feel due to our beliefs. Of course, most of those beliefs are operating out of our immediate awareness. You have to slow down and look for them, or have someone like a Miracles Coach help you spot them.

I’m loving The Guru Next Door and recommend it to you – but only if you want to be happy.

See www.thegurunextdoor.com

Ao Akua,


PS — If you really want to learn about the Option Method, the questions used in the Method, books and audios by Bruce and others, and much more, go visit this very informative site: www.optionmethodnetwork.com/dialogues/faq.htm

Note: You can get your own copy of my new audio program The Missing Secret— which includes DVD, six CDs, workbook and booklet — all for you to review and try for yourself, by going to http://snipurl.com/missingsecret or to
http://www.nightingale.com/homepage.aspx?linktype=o4&org=ia28500106 and look under “New Releases” on the left. The program contains several clearing methods and will help you better understand beliefs, intentions, and the practical use of the law of attraction.