If you’re a fan of my book The Attractor Factor, or just want to dig deeper into the law of attraction, I just learned of a book club that will be discussing it by phone, for free, starting tonight. Might be fun. Details are at http://totalfamilyfreedom.com/af/ It’s part of The Millionaire Mindset Book Club. Again, no charge. Go see.
Due to the phenomenal success of The Clearing Audio — both in terms of record-breaking sales and reports of almost instantaneous results — we’ve decided to create the following —
“The Advanced Clearing Audio”
“The Clearing Weekend”
and “The Clearing Manifesto.”
Please note that you will not be able to have or attend any of the above unless you’ve been listening to The Clearing Audio regularly for at least one month.
The Clearing Audio helps clear your un-conscious counter-intentions so you can finally attract what you want to have, do, or be.
As it helps you get clear, it helps prepare you for higher and higher levels of success.
Does it work?
Apparently better than either Pat or myself ever expected.
First, John and Chystal set an intention to receive $1,000.00 fast — and did.
Then, Fran came up with a whole new business model while listening to The Clearing Audio.
And then Heidi emailed to say that her cat was clearing to the audio.
Yes, her kittie cat.
Every time she puts on the audio, the cat climbs on her shoulder and listens as long as the special music is on.
Is this too wild to believe?
Maybe so, but it’s still happening.
What will it do for you?
See the complete story at —
Are you clear?
Ao Akua,
PS — Pat and I are so inspired by the clearing work we’re doing that we are creating “The Clearing Movement.” It all begins at www.theclearingaudio.com Go see.
I just received this email and wanted to share it with you —
Hey all my Friends!
Joe Vitale the author of the book Attractor Factor made a challenge to people to manifest a new car using the 5 step process he taught in his book The Attractor Factor.
My executive producer Andrew Ste. Marie (the guy that puts all the shows together) took him up on the challenge.
It is about to work!
Let me explain
After deciding to try it, he followed the five steps as told in the book Attractor Factor. The next day he heard on the radio about a contest where if you make a 15 sec commercial for Chevy that you could win a 2008 Chevy Malibu.
The next day!
So of course he took advantage of the omen and entered the contest.
Now he is one of the five finalists!
Now he needs your help to prove that the attractor factor and law of attraction work.
You can check out the video here
Then go here to vote
His video is called Eye got to tell you by Drew Ste. Marie
Vote now and tell your friends!
Prove to the world that the law of attraction works!
Have a million dollar day!
He may or may not win the car, as winning is only one way to attract a new car, but you have to admire his enthusiasm and spunk.
When I attracted my BMW Z3 Roadster back in 1999 or so, I also entered a contest where I could win a BMW Z3. I didn’t win, but it was a test to prove my faith in the process.
Instead, I ended up creating the concept of e-classes and raised enough money in one day to go buy the car.
I still have that car and still love it. It’s a marker for me, a milestone, a trophy of a change in my life. It’s no Francine, but it’s still a very cool hot rod.
The lesson: When you activate the law of attraction in your life for something specific, don’t limit the way it can manifest for you. Remain open and take every opportunity that comes your way. You never know which one will surprise you — and lead to that new car.
Yes, you may win it.
But you might also amaze yourself and everyone else by attracting it in some new way – a way that could lead to long terms profits and pleasures (such as my developing e-classes did for me).
Above all, have fun and enjoy the process.
That’s what really matters.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you want to get clear so you can attract the results you prefer, consider www.miraclescoaching.com Miracles are happening every day for people in the program. Check it out.
I admit that I’m often slow to join Internet trends.
I was skeptical about e-books and didn’t think they would sell. I was wrong.
I was skeptical about blogs and thought they were all a waste of time. I was wrong.
I’ve been skeptical about social networks, such as Facebook, and their plug-ins, such as Twitter. But I may be wrong about them, too.
Facebook is a social network where people find friends, some from high school and college, and some from just strolling through Facebook itself.
I still don’t see what all the fuss is about, but I went ahead and joined it. When I did, more than forty people were waiting there to become my friends. I don’t know how they knew I would be coming. It was like entering a room and everyone screamed “Surprise!”
Twitter is a 2006 micro-blog which serves one purpose: letting people know what you are doing.
I don’t understand the fascination with it, either, but some heavy hitters and bestselling authors are using it. They type a line, called a “tweet,” about what they are doing. People read it and “follow” them. They are like polite stalkers.
I’m trying Twitter, too. I occasionally send a text message from my phone to Twitter, letting the people who are following me know what I am doing. Earlier I sent a message to Twitter saying, “Writing a post for my blog.”
It’s all very curious.
Why do it?
Why does anyone care?
I don’t know.
Since I was wrong about e-books (I’ve made a fortune from e-books) and later about blogs (I’ve created a responsive list of readers through this blog), then I’m open to the possibility that Facebook and Twitter and other social networks might be of value that I don’t see right now.
I just don’t get it yet.
After all, there’s enough to do with daily emails and daily business. Adding more social networks, more emails, more messages, even if they are designed to create and extend relationships, might be in danger of making more time wasters and superficial relationships.
Again, I just don’t know.
If you do, please comment and let me know.
Thank you.
Ao Akua,
PS — What are you doing right now?
A team of people including myself — many of which are stars of the movie The Secret — have the noble vision of ending homelessness. Our intent is to get people to rethink the problem, and actually resolve it once and for all. We are doing this in a way that you can win, too. The movement is called Operation YES. YES stands for Your Economic Salvation. See my short video explanation at www.youtube.com/v/wFZ55U3uyqk or by clicking on the below image. And yes, please share this with the world. Thank you.