Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Internet Marketing Lesson #1

Jillian Coleman Wheeler and myself filmed 15 short video lessons on Internet marketing. They are based on our book, Your Internet Cash Machine. You can see the first one at http://youtube.com/user/yourinternetcash Enjoy.


The Squirrel Who Clubbed Me

A few days ago a squirrel clubbed me on the head with a copper pipe.

I’ve told the story (a true one) a few times to friends, and they all enjoyed it, so I thought you might, too. Here goes…


One day a squirrel moved into the attic of our home. Since my office is on the second floor, and the squirrel moved in right beside it, I could hear him all day long watching TV, playing loud music, cracking nuts, throwing balls against the wall, and just generally distracting me with his antics.

I told Nerissa about it and she went searching online for a humane solution.

She found a place that sells squirrel houses. They are made out of recycled materials, mostly an old tire. You hang it in a tree, the squirrel sees the better deal, and he moves out of the house and into his own hanging apartment.


So I bought it.

It arrived quickly. Nerissa read the instructions. They were detailed except for one small oversight.

I’ll get to that in a minute.

We went outside and began the process of hanging the squirrel house in a tree. It couldn’t be any tree, though. It had to be a tree right beside the house. And it had to be a tree limb where the squirrel could easily see it and get to it.

That was easier said than done.

We have a lot of trees here. And a lot of tree limbs. We spent thirty minutes taking turns trying to throw a rope over the right tree limb. We’d get it over a lot of limbs, and occasionally over the phone line, but hitting the right limb was like trying to shoot a flying mosquito with a dart gun.

When I finally got the rope over the limb, the next step was to attach one end of the rope to a hook on the top of the tire house and then hoist it up.

That wasn’t easy either, but we did it.

Once it’s up, you twist the rope until a hook at the top of the tire turns and clips over the limp. At that point the tire is now hung on the tree.

But you still need to get the rope off the hook.

The contraption was designed creatively and brilliantly. A copper pipe at the end of the rope was attached to the hook. When you tug on the rope, the copper pipe releases and the rope comes down.


That wasn’t a snap, either, though.

I tugged.


I tugged harder.


This is where the directions forgot to tell us something.

I tugged even harder and the copper pipe came off and came flying at my face at about thirty miles an hour. I turned away but it still hit the side of my head.

The directions forgot to tell us that when you tug hard on the rope, it’s going to release and come straight at you.

Nerissa ran over to see if I was OK.

I was dazed but fine.

I had to ask her who she was, but otherwise there was no real damage.

Now here’s the million dollar question:

Why did I attract this accident?

In my new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, The Missing Secret, and in my Miracles Coaching program, I explain that we do almost everything unconsciously. My hitting myself in the head was unconscious, and a (somewhat) natural result of doing something new.

But there’s a larger reason for this accident.

Last week a dear friend lost his father. I love my friend and I loved his father. There was a lot of grieving, and my friend was hurting. I wanted to help, but there is rarely anything that can be said that will take grieving away.

But I now had the story of “The squirrel who clubbed me.”

I called on my grieving friend every day, to see how he was doing. He was not doing great. But when I told him the squirrel story one day, he laughed out loud. He even thanked me.

I’ve since told this story to several people, usually people who are hurting and need a diversion or distraction.

It always works.

So somehow my “squirrel clubbing me” story was attracted to help several people in pain.

That’s pretty wonderful.

I’m glad I had the experience.

I suggest not everything that hurts you is bad. It may be for your own growth. 

Or it may also be for the humor and healing of others.

Or maybe I’m just squirrely.

Ao Akua,


PS — Yes, the squirrel moved out of the house and now has his own hanging pad. I was outside the other day, saw him peeking out of the tire, and waved at him. He gave me the thumbs up sign. At least I think it was his thumb.

Note: The Attract Wealth seminar is now accepting registrations for the event. See www.attractwealthseminar.com  Hope to see you there.


Astromapping Joe Vitale

Kathryn Cassidy recently recorded a videotaped astromap reading for me. She used my birth chart to calculate where the best places are for me to live and work. She did it as a gift to me, as a way of saying thanks for being mentored by my blog. It’s about fifteen minutes long. You can see it by clicking on the below image. Enjoy.


Todd's Miracle

todd-silva.jpg About ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, my guitar teacher at the time gave me a million dollar bill.

It wasn’t real, of course, but it was sure close.

I put it in my wallet and carried it with me every day for the last 3,650 days.

At Pat O’Bryan’s last Unseminar (#4), my old guitar teacher was there. When it was my turn to speak, I called him to the front of the room.

I asked him if he remembered giving me the million dollar bill.

He did.

I opened my wallet, pulled out the now well-worn bill, and handed it back to him, saying, “I made my millions. Now it’s your turn.”

I didn’t realize the emotional impact this would have on the audience until I noticed most of them were crying.

I also didn’t know that my old guitar teacher had been planning a website to help himself and others with prosperity issues. He was at Pat’s Unseminar to learn how to pull it off.

Well, my old friend’s name is Todd Silva, and his website went live today at www.GiveAwayADollarADay.com 

I urge you to visit his site, read his story, sign up for his daily reminders, and start giving away a dollar every day.

Then notice what happens.

It’s almost like playing a prank when you leave a dollar for someone to discover later. Only with this stunt the receiver and you are both delighted.

Try it and see.

Ao Akua,


PS — Todd’s a wonderful singer and guitar player and has a CD you will enjoy. Check out www.sagetone.com 


The Elite Seminar

img00409.jpg Yesterday Bill Hibbler and I made a surprise cameo appearance at Pat O’Bryan’s Elite Seminar.

Pat’s event is historic. He’s taken twelve disciples, put them in a  nice room, holds their hand, and walks them into creating an online business — in three days.

Some of these people are so new, they didn’t know how to turn on their computer.

When Bill and I arrived mid-day on the first day, everyone had already found a product and created a website. They were about to talk about copywriting when we strolled in.

Pat let everyone ask Bill and I questions, which was also amazing. These people are sincere, dedicated and determined.

You can see a little of our visit at www.patobryan.com/blog or by clicking the image below:

Ao Akua,


PS – See the squirrel at the top of the page? Bill and I saw him stealing chips while we sat at the RiverWalk in San Antonio and had lunch. It’s interesting because I’ve had a squirrel here at the house distracting me. I’ll post about him on Sunday night. Be looking for “The Story of the Squirrel Who Clubbed Me With a Copper Pipe.”