Kathryn Cassidy recently recorded a videotaped astromap reading for me. She used my birth chart to calculate where the best places are for me to live and work. She did it as a gift to me, as a way of saying thanks for being mentored by my blog. It’s about fifteen minutes long. You can see it by clicking on the below image. Enjoy.
About ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, my guitar teacher at the time gave me a million dollar bill.
It wasn’t real, of course, but it was sure close.
I put it in my wallet and carried it with me every day for the last 3,650 days.
At Pat O’Bryan’s last Unseminar (#4), my old guitar teacher was there. When it was my turn to speak, I called him to the front of the room.
I asked him if he remembered giving me the million dollar bill.
He did.
I opened my wallet, pulled out the now well-worn bill, and handed it back to him, saying, “I made my millions. Now it’s your turn.”
I didn’t realize the emotional impact this would have on the audience until I noticed most of them were crying.
I also didn’t know that my old guitar teacher had been planning a website to help himself and others with prosperity issues. He was at Pat’s Unseminar to learn how to pull it off.
Well, my old friend’s name is Todd Silva, and his website went live today at www.GiveAwayADollarADay.com
I urge you to visit his site, read his story, sign up for his daily reminders, and start giving away a dollar every day.
Then notice what happens.
It’s almost like playing a prank when you leave a dollar for someone to discover later. Only with this stunt the receiver and you are both delighted.
Try it and see.
Ao Akua,
PS — Todd’s a wonderful singer and guitar player and has a CD you will enjoy. Check out www.sagetone.com
Yesterday Bill Hibbler and I made a surprise cameo appearance at Pat O’Bryan’s Elite Seminar.
Pat’s event is historic. He’s taken twelve disciples, put them in a nice room, holds their hand, and walks them into creating an online business — in three days.
Some of these people are so new, they didn’t know how to turn on their computer.
When Bill and I arrived mid-day on the first day, everyone had already found a product and created a website. They were about to talk about copywriting when we strolled in.
Pat let everyone ask Bill and I questions, which was also amazing. These people are sincere, dedicated and determined.
You can see a little of our visit at www.patobryan.com/blog or by clicking the image below:
Ao Akua,
PS – See the squirrel at the top of the page? Bill and I saw him stealing chips while we sat at the RiverWalk in San Antonio and had lunch. It’s interesting because I’ve had a squirrel here at the house distracting me. I’ll post about him on Sunday night. Be looking for “The Story of the Squirrel Who Clubbed Me With a Copper Pipe.”
My trainer, Scott York, filmed me in my gym giving him a testimonial. It was right when I was working out, pounding the devil out of “Bob”, so I was out of breath. But you can see it (if you’re curious) at http://fullforcefitness.net/ (see the video half way down the page). I hope George Foreman doesn’t see this. It might make him nervous.
Yesterday I ran errands and ended up taking a few minutes break at a book store, still my favorite place to relax.
On the nonfiction shelf at the door was sitting a copy of actor Ed Begley’s brand new book, Living Like Ed: A Guide to the Eco-Friendly Life.
Ed told me a few weeks ago that the book would be coming out soon, but there it was, waiting for me.
I grabbed a copy and brought it home to Nerissa, who’s into everything green and drives a hybrid car.
She dropped everything, read it, loved it, and posted a video review of it on Amazon.
She’s never read a book that fast before.
She’s never made a video review before.
If you look up Ed’s book on Amazon, and scan down the page, you’ll see Nerissa’s review.
While you’re there, get the book. It’s terrific.
Ao Akua,
PS – Picture is of Ed and me in LA. (Left click on it to enlarge it.) Ed’s a sweet heart of a guy. His car is a solar recharged electric vehicle. But Ed usually rides a bike everywhere. Yes, even in LA.