I just read a fascinating study that proves giving makes you rich. The article states, “More giving doesn’t just correlate with higher income; it causes higher income.” (Italics mine.) See the article at www.portfolio.com/views/columns/2007/10/15/Charity-Makes-Wealth After that, go read my book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. And then give some money away.
I only have a sec as my supporters have had me in back to back meetings with agents, studios, legal people, designers, investors and celebrities out here in old Hollywood.
They’re all highly interested in the Expect Miracles TV show.
I’m about to head out to a cocktail party where I’ll meet even more hot shots and beautiful people. It’s been a delightful whirlwind.
But we managed to take a moment to find Mary Pickford’s estate in Beverly Hills, which I considered buying a year or so ago. The pic is of me standing by the front gate of Pickfair.
What’s even more impressive about this moment is that it was exactly one year ago today that I wrote about Mary Pickford on this blog.
When you’re in the flow, magic like this happens.
See my original blog post at http://blog.mrfire.com/uncategorized/what-is-mary-pickfords-long-lost-secret/
I gotta get my shoes and pants on now and get out the door.
Hollywood awaits!
Ao Akua,
PS – Have you seen www.expectmiraclestv.com?
Back in September of ’07 I wrote a blog post here about Tiger, my Maine Coon cat of twenty years, who was diagnosed with advanced diabetes.
Weeks earlier that same month the vet wanted us to begin giving him insulin shots twice a day. He was in poor health and needed treatments instantly. The vet was insistent.
I begged for two weeks where I would find a way to heal him.
At that time I reported that the healing and nutrition work we were doing with him paid off. He was getting healthier. Even the vet was impressed.
That was last September, of course.
That was six months ago.
The other day the vet did blood work on Tiger to see how he’s doing today.
The vet couldn’t tell by just looking at him.
Was his blood sugar higher?
The same?
Did our months of love and care help at all?
We couldn’t wait for the report.
It just came in.
Tiger is no longer diabetic at all!
His blood sugar level is normal.
I thought you might be interested, as cases like this are inspiring.
These are the kinds of stories I want to report on the Expect Miracles television show. I’m headed to LA this week to meet with actors and investors who want the same thing.
Tiger isn’t done, however. An X-ray revealed a growth in his chest, near his lungs and by his heart. He needs to see a specialist to determine what to do next.
Meanwhile, we keep cleaning, and we welcome your healing rays aimed at Tiger.
He says thank you in his soft, silent way.
Ao Akua,
PS – You can read my original blog post about Tiger at http://blog.mrfire.com/health/tigers-healing/ He says hi.
Nerissa tells me you can make money sharing videos. They don’t have to be your videos, either. They can be mine. Or yours. Or anyone else’s that you find and like on Revver. YouTube doesn’t share their ad revenue but apparently Revver does. All you do is open an account at http://revver.com/account/register/ and follow their directions. If you want to share the videos of me located on Revver, just do a search for “mrfire” in the field “from this user”. I love win-win-wins like this.
Seth Godin wins. I’ve had numerous milestones in my life, but I’ve yet to have myself turned into an action figure. www.mcphee.com/items/11792.html