Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Tiger's Healing: An Update

tiger-jan-08-small.jpg Back in September of ’07 I wrote a blog post here about Tiger, my Maine Coon cat of twenty years, who was diagnosed with advanced diabetes.

Weeks earlier that same month the vet wanted us to begin giving him insulin shots twice a day. He was in poor health and needed treatments instantly. The vet was insistent.

I begged for two weeks where I would find a way to heal him.

At that time I reported that the healing and nutrition work we were doing with him paid off. He was getting healthier. Even the vet was impressed.

That was last September, of course.

That was six months ago.

The other day the vet did blood work on Tiger to see how he’s doing today.

The vet couldn’t tell by just looking at him.

Was his blood sugar higher?


The same?

Did our months of love and care help at all?

We couldn’t wait for the report.

It just came in. 

Tiger is no longer diabetic at all!

His blood sugar level is normal.

I thought you might be interested, as cases like this are inspiring.

These are the kinds of stories I want to report on the Expect Miracles television show. I’m headed to LA this week to meet with actors and investors who want the same thing.

Tiger isn’t done, however. An X-ray revealed a growth in his chest, near his lungs and by his heart. He needs to see a specialist to determine what to do next.

Meanwhile, we keep cleaning, and we welcome your healing rays aimed at Tiger.

He says thank you in his soft, silent way.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can read my original blog post about Tiger at http://blog.mrfire.com/health/tigers-healing/ He says hi.


Share Video, Make Money

Nerissa tells me you can make money sharing videos. They don’t have to be your videos, either. They can be mine. Or yours. Or anyone else’s that you find and like on Revver. YouTube doesn’t share their ad revenue but apparently Revver does. All you do is open an account at http://revver.com/account/register/ and follow their directions. If you want to share the videos of me located on Revver, just do a search for “mrfire” in the field “from this user”. I love win-win-wins like this.


Action Figures

sethgodinactionfigure.jpg Seth Godin wins. I’ve had numerous milestones in my life, but I’ve yet to have myself turned into an action figure. www.mcphee.com/items/11792.html 


The Leap

I was filmed for two more movies last week. One of them is called The Leap. Actually, their original title was much longer than that. They shortened it after I gave them a marketing lesson in how people think. You can see me talking and singing (yes, singing) with the producers of it at http://revver.com/watch/617055 or by clicking the image below. Enjoy.


Why I Gave Up Intentions

joevitaleoffice2.jpg I spent last Saturday with a small group of wonderful people from all over the world who just completed my year long Miracles Coaching Certification Program.

The day was upbeat and buzzing with energy.

But at lunch one person asked me a question that may be on your mind, too.
img00354.jpg  “In the movie The Secret and in your book The Attractor Factor you said you believe in intentions, but in your book Zero Limits you say you no longer believe in them. What do you do now?”

I can see where that could confuse people.

In my new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, The Missing Secret, I explain my approach to life in a way that clears the air. I’ll try to recap it here:

Today I realize that most intentions are limitations.

Intentions come from your ego and can actually limit what is possible for you to receive.

Intentions are wonderful when you are first awakening to your own power. It’s thrilling to set goals and achieve them. But there’s an easier, better, more magical and even miraculous way to go through life.

I explain this in Zero Limits, where I say there are three stages of awakening.


In the first stage you are a victim. We’re all born into it and most of us stay there. With coaching or the right books or the right movies, you one day break free.


In the next stage you realize you have more power than you ever thought before. In this stage intentions are fun and exciting and useful. You aim your life where you want it to go. It’s exhilarating to manifest things like new cars or a new house or anything else you can imagine.

But there’s a stage after that.


In the third stage you realize you have choice but you don’t have control. You realize you don’t have all power. This is where you surrender. This is where you can receive inspiration from something greater than your ego awareness.

I was filmed for two more movies last week. One of them is all about letting go to inspiration.

For me, I want inspiration.

When it comes, that becomes my new intention.

But the intention comes from inspiration, not from limitation.

The intention comes from the Divine, not my pipsqueak ego.

In short, when I receive an inspiration to do something, it becomes my intention.

So I still believe in intentions, but not those of the ego, but those of the Divine.

Intentions are for wimps.

When I set an intention to do something like, say, write a book, I use my conscious will and my energy and get it done.

But when I allow an inspiration to become my new intention, and combine my energy with it, than I often create something astonishingly unexpected like, say, my own television show.

Inspiration might also direct me to write another book, of course, but the point is, inspiration will often surprise me with something bigger and bolder than I ever imagined before.

As P.T. Barnum said, “Not my will, but thine, be done.”

When you follow inspiration, you get to say (like the Blues Brothers), “I’m on a mission from God.”

How do you know an intention from an inspiration?

Usually by how it feels.

uvs080111-021.JPG  When I was on Donny Deutsch’s CNBC television show The Big Idea last November*, I told him and his audience that the directive to do anything needs to come from your heart, or your gut, not your mind.

When you follow that, you follow your divine path.

It’s different for each person, of course. You may be inspired to enroll in Miracles Coaching or Executive Mentoring to better understand my marketing and metaphysical methods; somebody else may not.

I still use coaches today, and think everyone needs to. We all have beliefs and limitations to release. 

For example, inspiration nudged me into creating my own TV show, called Expect Miracles.

But my ego was resisting it.

It was stretching my self-image limits.

For that reason, I needed Miracles Coaching to help me get and stay clear. As long as I stay clear, miracles happen.

I’m now clear and ready for this TV show to be a mega-success.

And now the investors, actors, directors, editors and writers are coming to me.

Why? How?

Because I cleared the blocks within me, with the help of my coaches, to allow it all to happen.

Another thing I’ve learned and have said repeatedly is that “The Universe likes speed.”

When you are inspired, act and act fast.

If you are inspired and don’t act, it’s a sign you have some clearing to do.

What do you feel inspired to do?

Do it.


Ao Akua,


* You can see my fiery five-minute appearance on Donny Deutsch’s TV show at http://one.revver.com/watch/491047 or www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTYWyVm6NiI 

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