Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Spirits Evolving

01_04_08_channing1.jpg On January 4th you can hear me being interviewed on Spirits Evolving radio. See www.spiritsevolving.com and mark your calendar. (Click on the image for details.)


The Top 3 Audios of 2007

missing-secret-nc-set.jpg Now that Nightingale-Conant has released my second audioprogram with them, called The Missing Secret (about the practical use of the law of attraction), and it’s shooting up their bestseller list at NASA rocket speed, people are asking me what my favorite audioprograms are.

When I’m not listening to Michelle Malone‘s music, I listen to audios on special topics such as hypnosis, accelerated learning, copywriting, metaphysics, sales, marketing, fitness, bodybuilding, weight loss, and spirituality.

That’s too many to cover in depth, of course, so here are the top three that stood out for me this past year:

the-discovery.jpg The Discovery by David Hawkins is about discovering your connection to the Divine in each moment. Hawkins is a brilliant scientist and psychiatrist mapping the steps to enlightenment.

wealth-magnet.jpg The Wealth Magnet is a terrific program about your beliefs and money. Dolf De Roos is successful and perceptive. Listening to this program can awaken you to your own inner limitations to receiving wealth so you can then release them. I really love this one.

byron-katie.jpg Byron Katie offers a simple questioning process called ‘The Work’ in this freeing program, Your Inner Awakening. I’ve become a big fan of hers. I believe Bryon is one of only a handful of people on the planet who may be enlightened.

You can find these programs, and many more (by such greats as Tony Robbins, Wayner Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Brian Tracy, etc), by poking around at www.nightingale.com/homepage.aspx?linktype=o4&org=ia28500106 

Listening while you drive is a terrific way to transform empty time into educational and inspiring time.

Happy Listening!

Ao Akua,


PS – – outrageous.jpg My first audioprogram with Nightingale-Conant has been a bestseller for more than ten years now. It’s The Power of Outrageous Marketing. I’m still proud of it. It’s a complete marketing course in a box. Look for it too at www.nightingale.com/homepage.aspx?linktype=o4&org=ia28500106 


A Story of Fame

bruce-collie.jpg Bruce Collie owns Cedar Grove Steakhouse in Wimberley, Texas, walking distance from my home.

Bruce is a gentle giant of a man. He’s probably 6’6″ and around 275 pounds.

He’s a former pro football player (for the San Fransisco 49ers and the Eagles), a former speaker on the Champions for Life circuit (inspiring people in prisons to live better lives), and today the proud father of twelve children.

Yes, twelve children.

He and his beautiful wife, Holly, a former QVC model who worked with Joan Rivers, are writing a manual on parenting based on their experiences raising a dozen happy kids.

But that’s not all they’re doing.

I went to their steakhouse with friends one day last week. Bruce came over and told us about his “BC Steak.”

It’s not on the menu, he said.

He described it as the best steak in the entire world.

He’s been all over the globe and as a huge football player probably ate a lot of steak in his time. So he should know good steak.

The “BC” (named after him, of course) is an eighteen ounce filet mignon, or fillet.

I’ve never heard of a filet mignon larger than siz or maybe eight ounces.

Bruce said they cut the steak themselves and proudly declared it would be so tender I could cut it with a fork, or he would pay for my meal.

That was pretty hypnotic.

So my friends and I returned to the restaurant and ordered the BC, which is a fifty dollar steak.

It was truly astonishing.

Tender. Juicy. Filling.

I’ve never had a better steak anywhere.

And yes, I could cut it with my fork.

I doubt people with small hands or weak wrists could cut it with a fork, which is probably why it’s not a guarantee Bruce makes to just anybody, but I and my muscular buddies could easily do it.

But that’s not the really good part of this story.

I told Bruce I was so taken with his original steak that I thought he should change the name to “JV,” naming it after me.

I was kidding, of course.

But the other day he told me they renamed the steak “The Vitale” and they were actually putting it on the menu.

I couldn’t believe it.


Nerissa, me, and two friends went back to the restaurant the other night. The waiter handed me a slip of paper with a note that all the servers were now getting. It read, in part:

“Introducing: The Vitale Bacon Wrapped Filet: An 18 oz, 31 day aged, corn fed, premium filet wrapped in apple-wood smoked bacon. Named after bestselling author Joe Vitale (pronounced Vi tel lee) who not only enjoyed the monster filet and a couple of sides, but it was said, ate dessert as well!”

No, I didn’t eat dessert, or a couple of sides, but I sure enjoyed the formerly named “BC”.

Pat O’Bryan of www.patobryan.com ordered it and said, “Finally, a steak great enough to be called ‘The Vitale.’ There are now two Vitale’s in Wimberley, Texas.  One has great taste.  The other tastes great.”

Bill Hibbler of www.ecommerceconfidential.com/Blog/ said, “They say that you know you’ve ‘made it’ when they name a sandwich after you. Joe, you skipped the sandwich and went right for the steak. Well done.” 😉

Nerissa of www.thevideoqueen.com (who couldn’t eat all of her steak) said, “If my life was represented by this prepared dinner, then my life was never tough, always delightful, and very fulfilling.”

If you ever get to the Austin-San Antonio area, drive over to Cedar Grove Steakhouse in Wimberley and order “The Vitale.”

All you need is an empty stomach — and fifty bucks.

Ao Akua,


PS – The JV steak is perfect if you’re on the Paleo or Atkins diet, but if you’re a vegetarian, Bruce has veggie items on his menu, too, so don’t complain about his steak when you can have his fish. 🙂


Ladybug's Sign

img00323.jpg The other day my Subliminal Manifestation partner Mark Ryan and my Inspired Marketing coauthor Craig Perrine got to experience the exhilaration of a ride in Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)’s rare 1998 Panoz AIV Roadster, which I now own and call Ladybug.

They also got to drive the car.

They were like little kids experiencing their first roller coaster thrill ride.

But the really interesting experience took place after we were done driving and drooling and stood around the car, admiring her.

Craig noticed that a ladybug landed on the car.

When I first received the car a few months ago, and wondered what to name it, a ladybug landed on it.

I rarely see ladybugs here in Texas. I’m sure they’re here; I just don’t look for them. Seeing one land on Steven Tyler’s car seemed telling. So I named the Roadster “Ladybug” right then and there.

Craig and Mark took turns trying to take a clear picture of the bug on my Ladybug. (That’s Craig above.) They both knew it would be great blog material. 🙂

img00321.jpg   Synchronicities like these are how I learn I’m on the right path. They are green flags.

Whenever I have a decision to make, I look for signs that I’m making the right one. “Right” meaning appropriate for me, not necessarily for you or anyone else.

I’ve written about signs and green/red flags before, of course. In The Attractor Factor I told the story of seeing a street sign that helped me decide what to do when I worked at a job I disliked.

The road sign was “Quitman.”

My mind read it as a command: “Quit man” as in “Quit the job, man!”

Here’s an example from today:

I heard comedian Steve Martin just published a new book, his autobiography, titled Born Standing Up. I like Martin and was curious about the book, but I didn’t run out and buy it.

But then I saw a review of it in a magic magazine.

And then another review in another magazine.

And then someone sent me an Amazon gift certificate.

I bought the book, and something curious happened.

Amazon sent it to me overnight – and they sent two copies.

I guess I’m supposed to read it twice.

Turns out the book is riveting. It shows how much hard work goes into creating an “overnight” success.

But that’s not the point of this blog post.

The point is to watch for the “ladybugs” in your life.

Try this: When you are considering getting a gift for someone for the holiday next week, see if there are signs that resonate with you suggesting what to get or affirming a choice you already made.

This is a fun way to enjoy each moment, as the signs remind you that you are one with all there is.


Ao Akua,


PS – If you celebrate Christmas, please have a merry one. And if you don’t, please have a merry one anyway.

Note: I have no idea what kind of ladybug landed on my car. Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species and more than 450 native to North America alone. Who knows what kind Texas has. So don’t ask.  🙂


My Trainer Wants Your Body

With the New Year rapidly approaching, you may be thinking what is the best way to get in shape?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

My trainer, Scott York, wants your body.

Scott has the ability to train you “online” using a state of the art training system.

It’s affordable; it’s convenient.

You’ll get more energy, build muscle, lose fat and become more productive in your business.

Don’t have equipment? 

No problem.

Scott can design fat-burning programs for you to do at home, or even while you travel, with little to no equipment.

For over a year I have been using Scott’s program. Every evening he emails my workout to me.

It’s easy to follow because a little figure in the email comes to life and demonstrates exactly how to do the exercise.

All I do next is get up in the morning and just do it.

And if I have any questions, I simply send an email to Scott. He replies by email and I’m all set to keep rocking and rolling toward my fitness goals.

I still meet with Scott once a week in my gym, but because I travel so much, often weeks go by with me doing nothing but the workouts he sends me by email.

So this is truly coaching-by-email.

Scott can only accept a handful of clients into this program, because of the personal service he gives.

Email Scott at [email protected] for more info and to see a free demo of this state of the art online training program.

Go for it!

Ao Akua,


PS — Scott has become my dear friend as well as my personal trainer. I totally endorse him and his training. You can see him talking to you online at www.hypnoticmarketing.com