Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Life on Maui

When I was in Maui a few weeks ago, Steve Freid interviewed me for his televison show, Life on Maui. He just posted it in five parts on youtube. You can see the first part by clicking on the below image or by going to www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=569D0714CFBEFF0D where you will find all five segments. Enjoy.


A Tony Robbins Reaction

What did I do right after seeing Tony Robbins speak in Chicago a few months ago?

Watch as my friend Peter Wink asks and I reply:

If you can’t see the video, go here

Ao Akua,



Austin Party Rescheduled

austin-all-natural-dec.jpg Heads up: The Austin All Natural party scheduled for Dec. 15 has been rescheduled due to rain to Dec. 29th. That’s fine with me as the 29th is my birthday. For directions and details see www.austinallnatural.com/party_opt_in See you there.


What's Your Paradise?

twins-maui.JPG One fellow posted this comment the other day: 

If Joe Vitale really knows The Secret or Zero Limit, he would be retired on a hot beach with beautiful women pampering him all around long time ago. But instead, he has to work hard as being mediocre by publishing a new book once every 6 months for which most them are unsuccessful and a very few slightly successful. So where is The Secret or Zero Limit? Is this the Secret or Zero Limit of how to be a mediocre writer or how to con people into believing that Joe Vitale knows the Real Secret or Zero Limit?

I thought it was funny because it arrived while I was in fact sitting on a hot beach surrounded by beautiful women, one who was indeed pampering me.

But I also felt the comment was relevant because it illustrates a common mistake: thinking your idea of paradise is the same for everyone.

I enjoyed being on the beach, seeing beautiful people, and relaxing. But I wouldn’t want to make it my career. I’m home now and glad to be here.

I love writing. This year I’ve almost published a book a month. I don’t think any of them are mediocre, but some do sell better than others, and some stand out as more inspiring than others. Still, I love writing and I intend to keep doing it.

The lesson is to know what you want, not what you think others would want if they were you.

It’s very easy to imagine paradise for yourself, then project it on others and say they are failing if they don’t achieve it.

Recently I mentioned that one of the founders of Paypal made a ton of money and then retired to the beach.

But after three months he was bored and went back to work.

Paradise is this moment – beach or no beach, books or no books.

Ao Akua,


PS — The twins in my arms are Susan Klaus and Stacey Oberzan of www.no-more-big-hips.com/ and www.pay-it-4ward.com/. They were part of the wonderful group who traveled from all over the world to attend the Zero Limits event in Maui. It was, well, paradise — just like this moment.


15 Minute Miracle

My final talk for 2007 may have been my strongest of the year. One person said it was the most powerful fifteen minutes of his life. You can see the entire presentation, recorded from the front row here in Maui on December 9th, right here, or at http://one.revver.com/watch/521463 or at
http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1601820 Be sure to share this with friends. Mahalo.