I may still be in Maui but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten you. This picture was taken without my knowing it. Here I am sitting on the beach with a Maui sunset in the background and a hula dancer swaying in front of my nose and yet my focus is on my Blackberry. I’m answering emails and writing blog posts. Is life beautiful or what? (Double click the photo to enlarge it.)
My Hollywood friends are moving fast. They want to shoot the pilot to my television show in early January. You can be a part of this adventure.
If you’ve created or attracted a miracle in your life as a result of my books or coaching or any other materials by me on the law of attraction, then get someone to film you explaining the miracle, keep it under three minutes, and send the DVD to Pedal Ranch Films, PO Box 2048, Wimberley, TX 78676-6314.
If you don’t know my materials on how to attract what you want, see —
www.miraclescoaching.com explains my Miracles Coaching program
www.attractanewcar.com explains how to attract a new car
www.nightingale.com offers my brand new audioprogram The Missing Secret explaining the practical use of the law of attraction
www.attractorfactor.com describes my book The Attractor Factor (this is the book that got me into the movie The Secret)
www.unlock-the-secret.com describes my latest book The Key
www.zerolimits.info describes my book, written with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits
www.subliminalmanifestation.com explains four DVDs using new technology to program your mind to attract what you want, including attracting wealth
www.audible.com and itunes offers several of my books on audio, such as Attractor Factor and The Key and Zero Limits
Here’s your chance to be a star!
Ao Akua,
PS – Please note sending us your DVD gives us the legal right to show it on television, and that we cannot return the DVD. Deadline is January 1, 2008. Thank you. Mahalo.
I’m on the cover of the December issue of Austin All Natural magazine. I also have an original article inside it on giving. You can download it at www.austinallnatural.com Be sure to Digg this and to tell friends about it. Giving is not about getting, as the article explains, but when you give, you will certainly receive.
We’re living through a monsoon here in Maui, Hawaii. Despite the winds and flooding, Fed-X managed to deliver a copy of my brand new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram to me here. The Missing Secret looks fantastic. I can’t wait to listen to it and hear what I said. You can read all about it at www.nightingale.com Maui is beautiful but right now I wish I had an umbrella…
What would you do if you were handed a check for $250,000,000.00?
I’m serious.
After you pay off your bills and buy some toys and new cars and a new house or two and travel round the world, and donate money to good causes and pay off the IRS, what would you do?
I heard one of the founders of PayPal was a young man who sold his company for a fortune.
He then spent three hours on the beach every day as that is what he had always dreamed of doing.
But then he got bored.
So what did he do?
He went back into business.
What would you do with two hundred and fifty million dollars?
I was handed a check for that amount at Pat O’Bryan’s recent Unseminar 4.
The woman in the picture gave it to me. She’s Maryellen Little. She’ll make you a check just like it, if you go to www.how-to-manifest-thoughts.com/Learn-About-Creating-Attracting-Wealth-Money-and-Prosperity-Checks.html
The check isn’t real, of course, but it can help you focus on your intention. It’s pretty thrilling to hold and look at, too.
Still, what will you do with the real money when it arrives?
Your answer can reveal your passion, and your road to actually receiving that much money – or more.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you want help attracting wealth, see our new subliminal manifestation DVD “Attracting Wealth” at www.wealthmagnetdvd.com Hey, it’s free to go look. 🙂
PPS – Actually, Maryellen sent me two checks. So, what would you do if you suddenly had $500,000,00.00? Think of it: Five hundred million dollars. What would you do?