I don’t think my personal trainer, Scott York, believed me when I wrote a while back that I finally climbed the fifteen foot rope out by my gym. I’ve been travelling and we haven’t seen each other for a while.
When he saw me climb the rope the other day, and took this picture of me up it, he kept muttering, “That’s amazing!”
He knew how much the rope challenged me.
He patiently waited while I tried again and again, over the last months, to go up that rope tower.
His belief in me is priceless.
A secret to success is to have people around you who believe in you almost more than you do.
I created my Miracles Coaching program for this reason. We all need to get clear of the inner blocks to success and we all need encouragement and support.
That’s why I have Scott on my side.
And that’s why the rope is no longer an issue in my life.
Ao Akua,
PS — Miracles Coaching is described at www.miraclescoaching.com My business mentoring is described at www.joevitalementoring.com
One of my secrets to success is having a support team. One of the people on my team is the gorgeous woman in the photo. That’s Joni Patry. She’s my Vedic Astologer.
Vedic Astrology is very different than Western Astrology. The West looks at personality characteristics and generalities; the Vedic looks at specifics and makes predictions right down to the exact day when something may occur.
I’ve had numerous Vedic Astrology readings done. They are always accurate, surprising and insightful.
I’ve hired several Vedic Astrologers over the years, and I’m always impressed that their readings are almost identical.
But I keep returning to Joni for regular readings.
We never met in person until Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar 4, which rocked the house and truly immersed people in the soul of Internet marketing.
Joni was there and is a true delight to be around. She’s famous in her field, and does readings for celebrities as well as regular folk like you and me.
She pointed out that Vedic Astrology is centuries old, and accurate to an almost alarming degree. But she added that it is never 100% accurate because of free will.
“You always have the chance to change your life,” she says. “That’s your choice. Your free will.”
I get Vedic Astrology readings so I am aware of what may be ahead, which alerts me to prepare for it or to make new decisions that may actually change or improve it.
Joni’s website is www.galacticcenter.org
I predict you’ll like her.
You can see her giving me a quick reading here:
If you can’t see the video, go to http://revver.com/watch/499172/what-does-the-future-hold-for-joe-vitale/
Ao Akua,
PS — Joni made a prediction about my career while visiting us and within 24 hours it came true. This woman is amazing.
PPS – Joni and her husband also run a French restaurant in Dallas. I haven’t been there yet but will one day in 2008. See www.patrysbistro.com/ Sounds yummy.
I interviewed Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money, for my Hypnotic Gold members the other day.
One of the most insightful things Daniel said is that the idea of “giving back” to society after you’ve made a lot money is insulting.
“You didn’t take anything!” he declares.
He totally encourages giving away money, to people or causes you support, but not in giving back money.
“Giving back” implies you took something and need to return it. In Daniel’s worldview, you earned it or created it, but you didn’t take it.
He’s very much in favor of giving away money, though. It’s a Biblical principle, and he as a famous Rabbi knows it, but he also knows it’s good business to give.
“In order to receive, you must first give,” he says.
Give away, but don’t give back.
His Thou Shall Prosper book is excellent. Get it from his site: www.rabbidaniellapin.com
Ao Akua,
PS — For help in attracting wealth — so you can give it away later — see our new subliminal manifestation DVD, “Attracting Wealth” at www.wealthmagnetdvd.com It’s becoming our #1 bestseller.
If you’ll be in the Austin, Texas area on December 29th (my birthday), you might consider attending a holiday party being hosted by my friends Michael Abedin and Lola Jones. Details are at www.lolajones.com/party And yes, I’ll be there. 🙂 (Double-click the image to enlarge it.)
My friend Colin Joss was at Pat O’Bryan’s recent Unseminar 4. He told me about his daughter reading my books, such as The Key. Later, he sent me this picture of her. This is another one that just warms my heart and makes me smile.
Don’t you just love it?
Ao Akua,
PS – Colin can show you how to create an ebook in one hour. See www.1hourebook.com