Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Amazing Kirk's Progress

kirktreadmillwebready.jpg The amazing Kirk – the little boy who had a stroke after birth who myself and others have contributed funds to help heal – is making progress. Here’s a picture his mom sent me today. Kirk isn’t walking yet, but he’s moving, and that’s a start. I feel gratitude whenever I see any picture of my little friend Kirk. If you are celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday here in the states, or even if you’re not, pause and give thanks for your life. And for moments like this.


Donny Deutsch Adds Fire

donny-deutsch-and-bill-gates.jpg I loved being on Donny Deutsch’s CNBC television show, The Big Idea, last night. If you missed my three minutes of fame, you can see it right here:

If you can’t see the above link to click on it, then you can click on either of these: http://one.revver.com/watch/491047 or www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTYWyVm6NiI 

And no, I didn’t have too much coffee before I went on. 🙂

I was told I had three minutes to deliver three hour’s worth of information.

I was also told Donny is a super high energy guy who likes his show buzzing.

So buzz he got.

Every weeknight Donny interviews a wide range of people, from Bill Gates and Donald Trump to newbies to zanies to mom and pops to single moms to, well, you name it.

The show is fast moving, upbeat, and inspiring. Learn about Donny’s The Big Idea at www.cnbc.com/id/15838512/ 

You must watch it.

This guy rocks!

Ao Akua,


PS – Picture is of Donny interviewing and apparently enjoying Bill Gates. (Double-click it to enlarge it.)

PPS – I quickly mentioned my Miracles Coaching on Donny’s show. If you want to know more, see www.miraclescoaching.com Thank you.


Watch Donny TONIGHT

I’m sitting at the airport with screaming kids (not mine) surrounding me but this news is too hot to wait.

I just left the CNBC studios where I taped my first appearance on the Donny Deutsch TV show “The Big Idea.”

I taught his audience the five steps in my book, The Attractor Factor which is also used in my www.miraclescoaching.com program.

It was a fiery experience.

It airs tonight.

Learn about Donny’s show at www.cnbc.com/id/15838512/

If you’re reading my work, you should be watching Donny every weeknight. He’s inspiring.

But be sure to watch it tonight.

I’m on it! 🙂

Gotta run.

Ao Akua



PS – Donny is the real deal. He’s high energy and driven by passion. He’s a role model for success. Watch him tonight on CNBC. Later I’ll post my segment from his show on my video blog. Whew!


Michelle Malone House DVD

michelle-malone-house-concert.jpg Thanks to the work of Nerissa, you can now see Moanin’ Michelle Malone – my favorite singer and songwriter – performing a private house concert in our home last October.

The whole thing was professionally recorded and is now available on DVD. This is a great artist — about to be Grammy nominated — showing her stuff to an eager group of my friends.

There’s some playful banter between Michelle and me, and she even plays an original song that she hasn’t recorded yet. Great entertainment. Great fun. And a rare experience.

You can read a brief description and watch a brief video clip from the DVD at www.createspace.com/240190 

Pass the word.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’m off to the airport. I’m being interviewed by the great Donny Deutsch for his CNBC TV show The Big Idea. I’ll let you know when it airs (of course!). 🙂 Learn about Donny’s show at www.cnbc.com/id/15838512/ If you’re reading my work, you should be watching Donny every weeknight. He’s inspiring.


Attract a New Car for TV

A Hollywood team is working with me to create my own national daily television talk show. I can’t give you the details on it just yet, but I can say this —

One thing we’re talking about doing is showing one minute clips of people who have attracted a new car using the Law of Attraction as explained in my books The Key and The Attractor Factor, and my new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram The Missing Secret, or of course in the movie The Secret.

If you have done so, get someone to film you on DVD explaining how you attracted the car and then show us the car. Keep it all under one minute.

Send the DVD to Pedal Ranch Films, PO Box 2048, Wimberley, TX 78676

Keep in mind that sending your DVD gives us the legal right to show it to the public later, and that we cannot return DVDs.

This could be great exposure for you, especially if you mention your website on your DVD, and could inspire loads of people.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want to see pictures of people who have already attracted a new car, including me, then go to www.attractanewcar.com Enjoy.