Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


The Rorschach Blog Post

Psychologists sometimes use the controversial Rorschach ink blot test to see what is inside a person’s unconscious mind. You look at an odd blot of ink and quickly announce what you think you see. It can be surprising and revealing.

Yesterdays’s blog post seems to be a type of ink blot test: people responded to things that weren’t even there. A few people even got angry, which I find surprising and revealing.

For example, I made no direct comments about my fellow Secret co-stars and why they escaped the San Diego fires; I also made no direct comments about those who were harmed by the fires.

What I did say was I found it “interesting” and I invited readers to consider asking a different question about the experience.

From there, the blog post was interpreted depending on the readers’s mindset.

Considering the few people who seemed upset, it seems under their feeling is the idea that victims and victimhood are real; there is such a thing as powerlessness and bad luck; no amount of healing or cleaning or clearing can help.

I find that mentality to be the real problem.

Too often people say “luck” — whether good or bad — is the trump card in life.

Yet I tend to view luck as a scapegoat. We seem to use it when we don’t understand why something happened. We chalk up an event “to luck.”

But I’m suggesting you are more directly responsible for your life then you ever before imagined. You’re simply calling your unconscious involvement in life “luck.”

This is where we need to awaken.

It’s not awakening to more blame, more criticism, more powerlessness.

It’s awakening to your responsibility for all that occurs in your life.

All of it.

“If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it. If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim.”
– Richard Bach

Ao Akua,


PS — But maybe all of the above is wrong and I’m just a victim, too. I wonder which thought is more powerful, feels better, and will lead to more positive, concrete, life-enhancing results?


The Key #1 on Google

the-key-number-one-google.JPG I’m still on the road on a speaking tour but just learned that my latest book The Key is #1 on Google News. Gotta love it. 🙂 You can still get it and about $5,000 in goodies over at www.unlock-the-secret.com Pass the word.


Michelle Malone's Grammy

michelle-malone-dr-joe1.jpg My favorite singer-songwriter — who performed one of her amazing house parties for me recently — is being nominated for a Grammy music award. You can help her win it. Here’s what Michelle Malone asks in her recent newsletter:

After 20 years of recording and touring with other wonderfully talented Grammy winners like John Mayer and Indigo Girls, I finally made it onto the Grammy ballot with my 9th CD “Sugar Foot” –  I might finally win a GRAMMY!! 

And you can help!

I need your vote to remain on the contemporary blues ballot. Please help spread the word! It’s really important to me.  If you have any time to send out a few emails to any friends you may have who might be voting NARAS members, I would greatly appreciate it! Let’s win one for the independents!

*Remember, votes must be in by Wed NOV 7th**

In Gratitude,

Michelle Malone



“Sugarfoot is as raw, magnificent, dirty and low down as anything you’ll ever wanna hear in blues music – our blues-breaker CD for the week”
Dan “Elwood” Aykroyd, House of Blues Radio Hour

“Adventurous, slithery and ebullient slide – sings and plays with cool confidence throughout ala Bonnie Raitt and Shelby Lynn”
The Blues Revue

“Malone’s “Sugarfoot will take you down to the crossroads and send you back dazed, disheveled and half-naked

“Sugarfoot is a Top 10 blues release of 2006 –
Malone’s rich vocals blew me away. Bonnie Raitt you better start sweating now. Great range, too. She’s bursting with attitude and stomping like a prettier Janis Joplin  – straight up slide guitar rock that’ll “drop you to your knees” It’s pure ear candy with a shot of Bourbon.”      – The Blues Critic

“Dirty south, bluesy rock.  Sweet slide guitar.  You’ll feel the earth move under your bare feet – a Top 50 release of 2006” – Pop Matters

“Malone’s gritty, emotive vocals and sinewy arrangements that most emphatically define her. She wails like the devil’s on her tail, but she isn’t waiting for Satan to catch up before she catches fire”     
   – Amplifier Magazine 

“Sugarfoot mixes grit, sass, soul and some sweet balladry into such a kick-butt collection, you’d think she was the daughter of George Thorogood and Susan Tedeschi.” -Star Tribune(Minneapolis)

“Generally stripped-back, but featuring terrific support, Michelle Malone is as well-rounded as she is supremely talented.”   –Hittin’ the Note


The #1 Self-Help Book

the-key-number-one.JPG I’m on a speaking tour but noticed yesterday that my latest book The Key became the number one bestselling self-help book at Amazon. Still is, according to rankings as I type this. You can get the book for yourself or as gifts for others from book stores or online. But to claim over $5,000 in gifts, be sure to see www.unlock-the-secret.com Just sharing. 🙂


The Secret of The Key

the-key.jpg“Come on! Does the Law of Attraction work or not?”

“Why does it seem to work some times but not *all* the time?”

“Why is there at least one stubborn problem in my life that just won’t go away, even when I throw all the self-help methods at it?”

“Is The Secret hope or hype?”

I keep hearing those questions.

Maybe you are asking them.

I’ve addressed all of them in my latest book, “The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want.”

Promotions for it begin this week.

But before you rush out to get the book today from www.unlock-the-secret.com/ or from www.amazon.com or www.bn.com/TheKey or from your local book store, let’s look at why “The Key” is important to you.

Truth is, “The Key” explains what I regard as the fundamental error in virtually all self-help programs.

In short —

*Anything* will work when you are in alignment with your goals.

*Nothing* will work until you get in alignment with your goals.

“Alignment” means your conscious and un-conscious mind want the same thing.

Most people are not in alignment with what they say they want, so they end up blaming their lack of results on everything from the movie they watched, the book they read, the therapist they saw, the self-help program they tried, and so on.

But the real problem isn’t out there.

The real problem requires inner “clearing” work.

How do you get in alignment so you can have, do, or be virtually anything?

How do you get your conscious intent and your un-conscious counter-intent to agree?

How do you “get clear” once and for all?

With “The Key.”

“The Key” is the missing secret to knowing how to consciously co-create circumstances.

It’s the final piece to the puzzle.

Get the book from this link and also get freebies:


If you know you can achieve more but can’t seem to make it happen, “The Key” reveals the psychological and unconscious limitations that are holding you back.

Inside every person — yes, even you — are subconscious “counter-intentions” that can sabotage you and prevent you from getting what you truly want.

Why else would you declare on New Years Day your intention to go to the gym more often but by the third day of the new year you can’t recall where the gym is located?

Your un-conscious counter-intention was stronger than your conscious intention.

“The Key” reveals ten proven ways to remedy this situation, aligning your conscious and subconscious beliefs once and for all.


Actress Jessica Biel (pictured) said, “For those of us who loved The Attractor Factor and The Secret, Joe has done it again. The Key is the how-to book that makes the ‘law of attraction’ come alive!”

Actress Cathy Lee Crosby said, “Joe Vitale’s energy and enthusiasm for life jumps off every page of his new book, The Key. He leaves no stone unturned in explaining exactly how to attract everything you want in your life. The words ‘I love you’ have taken on a whole new meaning. Bravo!”

Get “The Key” from this link and also get cool bonuses —


Still not sure if you should go get the book right now?

Then let me be a little more in your face about this, so you truly get how important this book is to you.

As you may know, I’m in the movie “The Secret” as well as “The Opus” and “Try It On Everything.”

I’ve been on Larry King’s television show twice.

I’ve been in The New York Times and Newsweek.

I’ve stood my ground and declared that the Law of Attraction is a law, and that everything you are getting is coming to you because of what *you* are doing inside yourself.

You may be doing it un-consciously, but you’re doing it.

Many people don’t like to hear this, because it means you are 100% responsible for your life.

But if you want to change, if you want to attract more of what you prefer, then it’s time to wake up.

My mission is to awaken the world with the message that there is a missing secret to success.

It’s “The Key.”

“The Key” is for YOU.

Please get it, read it, and use it.

Use it to help yourself…use it to help your family and friends…use it to help the planet.

Or —

Or don’t get it and don’t use it and keep wondering why some people are reporting miracles using the Law of Attraction and others think it’s all nonsense.

Who is right?

Find out for yourself.

Get the book and your bonuses from here –


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – “The Key” is also available on audio, read by me and guests, including Bob Proctor, Mandy Evans, Brad Yates, Mark Ryan, Jennifer McLean, Dr. Larina Kase, and Peter Michel. Search itunes, www.audible.com or look for the CD set on http://www.amazon.com or http://www.bn.com/TheKey It should be in book stores now, as well.

PPS – The Key would make a great gift for family and friends, too. You can get a good bulk rate discount at www.bn.com/TheKey