“Feng shui – literally translated as wind and water, is an ancient Chinese scientific practice based on configuring a room to harmonize with the spiritual forces that inhabit it.”
That’s how one definition online puts it, anyway.
I have no idea if feng shui is “scientific” or not, but I’m a big believer in giving myself any edge I can get.
When I made my office here in the Texas Hill Country where I sit today, I added many little mystical things, from a cleaning device my Zero Limits coauthor Dr. Hew Len gave me, to specially engraved metal plates called yantras, to blessed malas from friends such as Debbie Ford, to a machine from India that softly chants mystical prayers in the background, to a little device called a “ghost buster” for removing negative energy, to pictures of the Hindu wealth goddess called Lakshmi, to the elephant protector Ganesh, and more.
I can’t tell you if any of it helps me in a measurable way, but I can assure you none of it hurts me.
I say if it makes you feel better, then add the candle or blessed rock or magic symbol and let the placebo effect do its magic.
Besides, what if it actually works?
So I’m pretty open minded about feng shui and any other science or magic that may help me achieve my goals.
But when my friend Victoria Schaefer said she wanted to film a television episode for Feng Shui Your Way about feng shui-ing an office in my office, I felt fear.
She said they wanted to film in a “celebrity” home.
I guess she couldn’t find a celebrity, so she asked me.
But I wasn’t very eager to say yes.
I imagined her feng shui expert, Leigh Kubin, wanting me to tear down a wall or put up huge mirrors or just moving my stuff out of reach.
No way.
This office is my scared place.
And it’s my stuff.
But Victoria assured me the tips I would hear would be subtle yet powerful.
And I needed to do it because my office is my sacred space.
Besides, it was free.
I finally agreed, thinking I would just put everything in my office back the way it was after they left.
They filmed the show yesterday. It took several hours, mostly because of technical set-up with lighting and such. The actual feng shui consultation was quick and easy.
I learned my “fame” corner is straight ahead from the door, where I currently have a guitar hanging.
I learned my “relationships” corner is where I needed a world map, to symbolize the people I want to reach.
I learned my intentions were dated and already achieved, and needed to be updated, put in written form, and placed in my “prosperity” corner.
I learned I needed new drapes over the windows, and a runner (small rug) in the door, all to keep me “out of the mouth of chi”.
We did all of that.
And more.
The difference was dramatic.
Not only is the office lighter, less cluttered, and more appealing to the eye, but it feels more calm yet powerful.
The entire office transformation was filmed, of course. You’ll be able to see the entire show, for free, in a few weeks.
But let’s make this apply to you right now. Here’s something to get you thinking about feng shui-ing your own office:
Go to the entrance of your office and stand looking in, as if you are about to walk into the room. From there note the following:
* Straight ahead of you, across the room from where you are standing, is your “fame” corner. You’ll want fire, candles, lights and maybe animals there. Don’t put a mirror there.
* Straight ahead of you and to your right, in that far right corner, is your “romance and love” corner. You’ll want pink or red things there, as well as crystals. Don’t put a cactus there.
* Straight ahead of you but on your left, in that far left corner, is your “prosperity” area. You’ll want wood, plants, treasures there. Don’t put bills there.
* As you still stand in your doorway, the corner to your immediate left is your “wisdom” area. Books, spiritual stuff, go there. Don’t put alcohol there.
* On your right, in that right corner, is your “helpful people and travel” area. Silver boxes, electronics, angel symbols, go there. Don’t put toiletries there.
* In the very center of the room is your “health” area. Pottery, comforts, yellow things go there. Don’t put wood there.
I’m not making any of this up, and there’s far more to it.
Watch the TV show when it airs — don’t worry, I’ll remind you 🙂 — (see the PS below).
If you want to feel better as you work, and possibly increase your ability to achieve your goals more easily, consider feng shui-ing your office.
What could it hurt?
Ao Akua,
PS — Feng Shui Your Way can be viewed at www.onnetworks.com/videos/feng-shui-your-way/calling-all-helpful-people That is one of the episodes. You can click through the site to see more episodes and information about OnNetworks. If you Google Feng Shui Your Way you can find the most recent mentions of it in the national business publications. The “celebrity homes” episode I’m in should air in two weeks or less. Stay tuned.
Back in 1992 I released a book that caused a change in consciousness in those who read it.
It talked about love in business.
It talked about the lost secrets to success.
It talked about a forgotten genius who taught people the value of sincerity, of caring, of integrity.
It promised to increase sales in any business by a whopping 40% or more.
One man so loved the book that he bought 19,500 copies of it.
Another man left a copy in a hotel room with a note saying, “Read it and leave it for the next person.”
A car full of sales people heard me on a radio show discussing the book while they were headed out of town to a meeting. They turned around and came to my book signing that night and bought enough copies for everyone in their company.
One publisher reprinted the book more than nine times.
Success magazine featured the book.
Numerous people bought the book in bulk and gave copies to customers, clients, and their staff.
Recently I dusted off that old book, updated it with examples and rare old ads, new chapters, new resources, and released it as a new hardcover book.
I also added new material, including a fresh chapter on the world’s first Spiritual Marketer.
I also added a section analyzing one of the greatest sales letters in history, to uncover what made it work.
I also added rare ads designed to stop war (they never ran).
The code name for the book is “7LS”.
That stands for The Seven Lost Secrets of Success.
You can now find this new expanded hardcover edition on Amazon, or at your favorite local book store.
See http://snipurl.com/lostsecrets
I’m still in love with this book and the man in it once called “the messiah of business.”
I spent two years of my life researching it back when I was just starting the upward climb of my career.
I still love the “modern philosopher of millions” and his methods for success.
His name was Bruce Barton, and he cofounded one of the largest advertising agencies in the world, BBDO.
He was also a bestselling author of inspirational business books, a politician, and a celebrity in the business world.
He encouraged people to go for their dreams, to challenge themselves, to stay true to their heart in business and in life.
His most famous book, The Man Nobody Knows (1925), depicted Jesus Christ as a successful salesman, advertiser, and publicist; a role model for the modern business person.
Barton wrote numerous legendary advertisements, including the one above for the Alexander Hamilton Institute. I’ve collected several of his ads for my book on him.
He once wrote –
“One never knows, when he enters an elevator or tears open an envelope or picks up the telephone, what new trick of fortune may be about to be played. Every day is a new series of adventures; around the next corner may lie the event that will change a whole career.”
– Bruce Barton, 1928 http://snipurl.com/lostsecrets
Part advertising how-to and part inspirational success guide, The Seven Lost Secrets of Success is a practical resource packed with wisdom you can use today to reach your biggest career and personal goals.
Now completely updated to include new and rare material – including a 1925 sales letter that drew an astounding 100 percent response (and an in-depth analysis of why it worked) – and including rare old ads by the forgotten genius himself (including his amazing ads to stop war, which never ran) – this book is the ultimate tool for promoting yourself or your business in foolproof ways that work in any decade.
It even includes a special new chapter on the world’s first spiritual marketer (not Barton and not me).
You’ll love The Seven Lost Secrets of Success.
It will teach you about writing, marketing, advertising, writing copy, telling riveting stories, and more — all while you learn about a highly ethical man from another era.
Get it for yourself, and for your associates.
Get it for your family and friends.
Get it to help the world.
The message, and the man it reveals, are timely and needed today.
Ao Akua,
PS — In many ways, this book was my introduction to “spiritual marketing.” You’ll feel love as you read it. Many say it is their favorite early book of mine. Get it at http://snipurl.com/lostsecrets or at any good local book store. Thank you.
Last April 15th I ordered a limited edition carbon-fiber travel guitar called a Blackbird.
Only fifty of these babies were being made.
Mine arrived today.
Mine is number seven of the fifty.
It took over six months to get here.
As you can tell by the look on my face, I’m pretty pleased with my little Blackbird guitar.
Why aren’t I upset that it took six months to be made?
After all, when I was at the Panoz Auto place last June, I saw how carbon-fiber products are made.
It doesn’t take six months.
The reason I wasn’t upset is that Joe Luttwak, chief musical officer for Blackbird guitars, stayed in constant contact with me.
He sent me emails letting me know what was happening and why.
This constant contact comforted me.
I patiently awaited the arrival of my Blackbird.
And it landed today.
And oh, can it sing!
Ao Akua,
PS — See my original post about the Blackbird guitar at http://blog.mrfire.com/uncategorized/sing-blackbird-sing/
PPS – The T-shirt I’m wearing in the above picture is not of Mickey Mouse. What looks like large mouse ears are heavy weights on a bending barbell. The shirt says “One More Rep.” When I work-out, it’s my motto.
That’s the only word to describe the book I couldn’t stop reading on the flight back from Chicago.
I was tired from spending almost a week recording my new audioprogram for Nightingale-Conant.*
I wanted to sleep.
I needed to sleep.
But I couldn’t put the book down.
All NLP people, hypnotic writing disciples, negotiators and persuasionists, sales people and marketers need to write this title down:
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything.
It’s by the same team who wrote Crucial Conversations (which I haven’t read yet): Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan and Al Switzier.
I’m not sure how five authors write one book, but this one is well-written, packed with stories, case studies, tips and insights that are enriching my understanding of personal change and stretching my mind in entirely new directions.
Logic and verbal persuasion are out, as well as old school intervention tactics and other aggressive approaches to change.
They rarely work, anyway.
And never for the most persistent and overwhelming problems.
The authors make the powerful (and persuasive) case that if you want to change the most troublesome problems in yourself or anyone else, you need to study the change agents who have done the impossible, people like —
* Dr. Mimi Silbert, who created a way to change thieves, prostitutes, murderers and gang members into college educated citizens who work regular, respected jobs — and without therapists, staff, funding, grants, or guards.
* Miguel Sabido, a TV producer in Mexico who creates life changing soap operas that have helped millions — including one show that caused over a quarter million viewers to flood the streets looking for a booklet on how to cure illiteracy.
* Dr. Wiwat, who helped stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in Thailand by getting all the sex workers to practice safe sex.
* Garth Japhet, who helped stop wife beatings and other violence against women in South Africa.
* Muhammad Yumus, Nobel Prize winner, founder of Grameen Bank, who helps women in poverty in India with microcredit loans to put them into business – to date helping over 100 million people, and with a 98 percent success rate.
* And Albert Bandura, the modern psychologist, a genius, who invented self-efficacy (the unbending belief that you can do something), who all modern influence masters and change agents study when they want to know how to change the “impossible.”
I’m reading Influencer to learn new ways to influence myself. (There’s always something to improve.) I’m also reading it to understand how to change others for the highest good of all concerned.
This is a powerful, inspiring, important book. It’s aimed at changing groups or organizations (even countries), but the applications are personal as well as professional.
If you want to change something in yourself or another and have been hitting a wall, Influencer may be the door to freedom.
Their approach involves research, behavior study, and a multiple of methods that are weaved into a strategy where the desired change is virtually inevitable.
Creating a change strategy based on the authors’ methods will take time, but the ending result could be amazing.
See www.vitalsmarts.com for information on it and other books by the authors.
Highly recommended.
Ao Akua,
PS – Have I mentioned I think the book is riveting?
* My previous program with Nightingale-Conant is The Power of Outrageous Marketing. My new program is called The Missing Secret and will explain the Law of Attraction in a practical way. It will be released on November 12th. Mark your calendar. 🙂
You can see a brief video clip on youtube of me answering questions about marketing and Zero Limits and writing and publicity and a whole lot more from a wired audience at http://youtube.com/watch?v=zaoEhWRM-UE It’s an excerpt from the DVD explained at www.patobryan.com/revelation.htm Go see.