One of the guardian angels in my life is Peter Wink.
If you’ve been following my career, you know he is the reason I ended up with my first Nightingale-Conant audioprogram some ten years ago.
Peter believed in me before anyone else, and worked for an entire year to make me a Nightingale-Conant author.
I’ve often told the story of how he put my picture in every office at N-C, including the mens and womens bathrooms, and also on top of the company Christmas tree.
He wanted people to know who I was. He eventually sold me to the company, and my program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, remains a top bestseller for N-C even today.
Peter and his beautiful wife Stephanie have been entertaining us a lot this week here in Chicago. They are loving, positive, supportive people.
Peter still believes in me and wants to see my career go even higher and reach even more people. I tell you, we all need coaches and supporters like this. It’s a key to success.
Peter’s website is He’s got a terrific book on negotiating you should get, too.
Ao Akua,
PS – I finished recording my new audioprogram for Nightingale-Conant this morning. It will be ready for review on November 12. Stay tuned.
Dinner tonight was amazing. Hanging with the great Vic Conant of Nightingale-Conant fame was a wonderful moment. The man is humble, wise, and full of stories about the legends of personal development. I urged him to write a book about his life but I doubt he’ll do it. Still, you never know. I need to make this short as I need to get up early and get back into the studio. More soon. Wish me luck.
I’ve been in Chicago all week recording a new audioprogram for Nightingale-Conant. I was here ten years ago to record The Power of Outrageous Marketing, which has been and still remains a bestseller. This new program will have little to do with marketing but everything to do with the “missing secret” to success. This new program will come out mid-November. You know I’ll tell you when it’s available. 🙂 If you’ve never browsed the famous Nightingale-Conant catalog, you’re in for a treat. Go see Meanwhile, I’m off to have dinner with friends in the beautiful windy city.
Several weeks ago one of our cats, Tiger, was diagnosed with high blood sugar and diabetes.
The vet advised a second blood test to see if the condition would change.
We did the second test and discovered his condition had actually worsened.
The vet said Tiger would need insulin shots twice a day, else his health would worsen even more.
Twice a day?
Tiger is nearly twenty years old. He’s a maine coon. I’ve had him since he was born feral and came knocking at my door when I lived in Houston.
In many ways, he’s my best friend, though he doesn’t say much (a good thing in a cat) and he rarely likes to be held (he’s a loner).
Still, we’re buds.
I didn’t relish the idea of him being sick, let alone us having to give him shots twice a day.
I’m pretty sure Tiger wouldn’t like the shot thing, either.
I asked Nerissa and the vet if they would give me two weeks to try to heal Tiger.
Neither liked the idea but both humored me.
I then did three things that I hoped would make a difference in Tiger’s health:
1. I set an intention.
I stated that I wanted to find a fast way to normalize Tiger’s blood sugar level and heal him of diabetes. Nerissa joined me with this objective. A clear target can be very motivating. Two people focusing on it adds to the power to achieve it.
2. I searched for a remedy online.
I jumped online and searched for “Cure feline diabetes.” To my amazement there was a site dedicated to just that. I instantly ordered the special vitamins and started putting them in Tiger’s food. He never ate all of it as he didn’t like it, but I figured a little is better than none.*
3. I gave Tiger healing treatments.
Every day I would hold him, pet him, and consciously send healing thoughts and chi energy into him. I’m a student of Chi Kung/Qi Gong and know how to direct energy. As a metaphysician, I know about mind power treatments. As a practicioner of self-identity ho’oponopono, as described in my book Zero Limits, I know to keep cleaning on anything I see as a problem, whether in me or “out there.” I did all of this daily. Apparently Tiger liked these healing treatments because he started getting on my lap every day, something he would normally never do.
This two week experiment ended yesterday.
We had to take Tiger back to the vet for his third blood test.
Nerissa drove him over while I stayed home and kept cleaning on his health and my worries.
The vet took one look at Tiger and said, “He’s better.”
She noted he had gained weight and looks healthier.
She added, “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.”
That was good news, of course, but we still needed to do the blood test to confirm that our intention came to be.
The results came in today.
Tiger is better!
The vet said his blood sugar dropped by half.
He dropped over two hundred points.
He’s still not completely out of danger, but she felt he could go without insulin shots as long as we maintained whatever we are doing and he continued to look healthy.
Not bad, eh? 🙂
Please note how this healing method worked:
1. I declared an intention.
2. I took action.
3. I kept cleaning.
What’s impossible?
Maybe nothing.
Why not go for your wildest dreams?
Why not try the impossible?
Tiger says it’s worth a shot.
And he’s not talking about an insulin shot.
Ao Akua,
PS — Miracles Coaching might be worth a look, too. You don’t have to heal cats in it and who knows what you might achieve?
* The special vitamins formula I found online and bought for Tiger is described at Since he didn’t eat a whole capsule every day, and did his best to eat around it, I can’t say that it helped normalize his blood sugar level yet. But we’re going to keep giving it to him, just in case it did or does help. The site selling the formula has dozens of powerful testimonials from cat owners who have seen miraculous healings. Tiger wants his picture on their site, too.
It took me 53 years and nine months, but I finally did it.
On January 1st I wrote about a climbing rope I bought from John Wood and set up on a 15 foot tower outside by my gym. (See for that original post.)
My goal was to climb it, of course.
I couldn’t do it growing up and my gym instructor humiliated me for my failure.
I didn’t try as an adult.
But it was unfinished business in my life. I wanted to succeed at this personal challenge and goal.
So virtually every day I tried to go up that rope.
There were several setbacks along the way, including an emergency appendectomy.
But I kept trying.
My trainer Scott York was patient and encouraging.
He’d climb the rope as if he were a monkey and then do chin-ups on the tower at the top.
I wanted to do that, too.
So I kept trying.
Every day.
And yesterday I climbed the rope!
Fifteen feet straight up.
No one was there to photograph the moment but now that I’ve succeeded, I know I can do it again, and even more easily than the first time.
I’m sharing it here to inspire you to set goals that are meaningful to you and work at them every day.
Persistence is a secret to success.
And it’s something you can practice every day.
If I can climb a 15 foot rope after 53 years and nine months of failing at it, what can you do?
Ao Akua,
PS — What’s “the rope” in your own life?