A few months ago I wrote about an old world craftsman by the name of Arlin Liss who hand makes unique cigar humidors. I was so taken by his work that I hired him. The above picture is of the cigar humidor he just completed for me.
I’ve called Arlin Liss the Michelangelo of cigar humidor makers.
I saw Michelangelo’s Pieta’ — considered the greatest sculpture in history — in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican in Rome, Italy.
It’s breathtaking.
I’ve also seen Michelangelo’s David in Florence, Italy.
It’s astonishing.
But I think Arlin Liss is just as good.
Okay, maybe I’m waxing poetic here, but you get the idea.
Arlin is a master craftsman, an artist with wood, who loves what he does and infuses his work with that love.
Consider: Are you doing what you love, with passion and skill, so others see an artist at work?
If not, why not?
Ao Akua,
PS – My original post on Arlin and prosperity thinking is at http://blog.mrfire.com/uncategorized/question-prosperity-or-problem/
PPS – You can see more pictures of my new humidor at www.arlinliss.com/_Cocobolo/Joe%20Vitale/Humidor_Details.htm (It’s expected to arrive here on Thursday.)
The people behind the upcoming Try It On Everything movie (which I’m in) just sent me the following note —
We are filming a final event for the film at the end of October. 10 people in a retreat for 4 days doing EFT to see what’s really possible. If you know anyone who might be interested can you pass on the information? Accommodations, food and event is covered. Accepting 10 people from all different backgrounds who are really ready to make some shifts in their life. From people working on physical challenges to emotional…. Its going to be beautiful to capture. Heres the link – www.tryitoneverything.com/application.shtml
“In your ongoing learning, have you discovered a faster way to clear beliefs?”
That’s what one of the people asked me the other day when I visited the offices where they run my Miracles Coaching and Executive Mentoring programs.
“I haven’t found a faster way than the ‘I love you’ mantra written about in Zero Limits,” I explained. “But I have found a better understanding of what to focus on that has made the clearing happen faster.”
I then went on to explain that recently a few people complained that the more they cleaned, the more things have gotten difficult for them.
This is understandable. My own observation is the more you clean, the more you find to clean. At least at first.
Our unconscious is stuffed with old programs and beliefs – old data – that is blocking us from being connected to source. The only recourse is to keep cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.
But I wondered what my coauthor, Dr. Hew Len, would say about this. I wrote him and he wrote back the following:
“It is not ‘them’ that’s talking but data. It is data that is saying ‘Things have gotten more difficult since I’ve been doing ho’oponopono.’ Because it is data speaking, I’m cleaning with it in me.”
When I understood better that it’s all “data” — beliefs, programs, limitations – speaking through people, then I better understood that what I am to keep cleaning on is everything that I perceive as a problem/program.
It’s not the person; it’s the program.
Knowing that, the cleaning picks up speed.
In other words, focusing on the person who is speaking, whether me or someone talking to me, is focusing on the wrong place; the place to focus is on the program.
As I feel or sense the program (belief, data), I keep saying the cleaning statements, such as “I love you.”
As I do, the cleaning happens and I’m closer to being inspired by the purity of the Divine.
Something to consider: Even “I love you” is a program.
Ao Akua,
PS – People are reporting truly amazing results from non-stop cleaning. One woman told me she just kept cleaning on her mate, who had a phobia about committing, and now they’re married. One eight-year-old student kept cleaning on a new teacher who was belligerent to everyone and now the teacher smiles and waves to all the kids. It’s truly astounding what cleaning will do. And it all stems from “I love you!”.
Some books just crawl into your head and rewire your brain.
That’s what is happening to me as I explore The 12 Bad Habits that Hold Good People Back by James Waldroop and Timothy Butler.
This is one of those rare books that expose your unconscious behaviors. In this case the book reveals 12 bad habits, which I prefer to call mental programs and the authors call behavior patterns, that prevent success.
I thought I was doing pretty good with my career until I started absorbing this book.
I began to squirm as I felt some of the bad habits hit a little too close to home. But I also know that once I change a bad habit, even greater success will come my way.
The 12 bad habits include —
Never feeling good enough
Avoiding conflict at any cost
Allowing fear to rule
There are twelve of them, remember, and while all may not fit you, I bet three or more do.
Those 3 or 4 may be stopping you from the glorious success and beaming happiness you seek.
The book goes deeper than the 12 bad habits, too. It also reveals the four underlying psychological issues that help create the 12 behavior patterns.
Two of those core issues are —
Having a negatively distorted self-image
Not having come to terms with authority
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again: the results you’re getting stem from your unconscious. The beliefs wired there are causing the actions you perform, which lead to the results you get. Change the inner and you’ll change the outer.
In short, you need to get clear.
This book should be required reading for anyone wanting to achieve more. I can’t say enough about the value of knowing yourself, and this book pulls no punches in helping you awaken to some key (and usually hidden) self-limiting habits.
The book came out in 2000. There are hardcover and paperback copies, and even an audio CD version of it, available from many places, including www.eBay.com and www.Amazon.com.
The authors also have an online course (which I haven’t seen) based on their ideas at their website at www.careerdiscovery.com
Get the book.
I’d loan you my copy but it’s being underlined and highlighted and otherwise well used.
I think that’s one of my good habits.
Ao Akua,
PS – For help in getting clear and releasing bad habits, consider my Miracles Coaching program. How would you like to have freedom to enjoy life, feel grateful, and be present and connected to the Divine? This is just one of the miracles that participants in my Miracles Coaching Program experience on a regular basis. See http://miraclescoaching.com Thank you.
You can see a recent article about my life, published last Saturday in the Youngstown, Ohio Vindicator newspaper, online at www.vindy.com/content/local_regional/321867189382959.php
The Vindicator was the paper of prestige when I was growing up in Ohio. It’s flattering to be featured in it today.