A few years ago I flew out to San Diego and trained with famous bodybuilder Frank Zane.
Zane is a legendary old-school classic-physique weight-lifter. He’s super intelligent, too.
When I was in his home with him, between playing the guitar and harmonica for me, he asked about past times in my life where I was really fit.
There weren’t many.
Okay, there was only one.
I told him about being a teenager and thinking I would someday be Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World.
I was inspired by Floyd Patterson (who I met) and Jack Dempsey (who sent me an autographed picture) and James J. Corbett (way dead) and other boxing greats.
During those delusional but exciting teenage years I trained relentlessly and aggressively.
But I let the dream slide as I realized I was too short to be a heavyweight class boxer.
I could have been an overweight one, though.
Anyway, I didn’t like people punching me.
Frank Zane told me to put up a speed bag in my gym, which I was building at the time. He said it may help awaken the body memory of once being in pretty good physical condition, and it might help awaken my love for working out as a boxer.
I did, and I admired Frank for suggesting it. I like the speed bag, always did and still do, even though I rarely use it when I work-out these days.
But something happened on my recent trip to Ohio to visit family that Frank would probably approve of.
That’s where I met “Bob.”
My parents have a basement where my father has exercise equipment. He gets up every day at 4:15 am and works out. He’s been doing this his entire life, and today he’s 82 years old.
He’s in better shape than me, too.
Anyway, in the basement I ran into “Bob.”
“Bob” stands for “Body Opponent Bag.”
He’s a full-size male mannequin with an evil face. He’s thick so you can hit him or kick him, or even drive into him with your car, and he’s on a heavy base so he doesn’t fall down like one of those plastic clowns filled with air.
Bob doesn’t have any arms or legs, so he’s basically defenseless.
My kind of opponent.
I saw Bob and instantly started punching him.
I liked it.
All of my memories of being a boxer came rolling into my blood.
Suddenly I was a teenager again, whacking the life-like dummy as if I were Stallone in a Rocky movie, making it bounce around the concrete floor.
Uppercuts, left hooks, jabs and volcanic right hand wallops flew out of me.
I guess it’s true: You never totally forget what you once deeply embedded.
After I relieved my stress on Bob, I went upstairs and asked my Dad about him.
He showed me a catalog with Bob in it. Within minutes I was online and ordering a Bob of my own. He’s on his way here as I type this.
I’m excited about it, too.
The lesson here is that sometimes an activity from your youth might be the ticket to reawaken your passion.
I have no interest in being a boxer today, let alone a Heavyweight Boxing Champion. (I met George Foreman and I would never want to be in a ring with him. He’s a nice guy but he’s huge.)
But awakening a positive memory is a good thing.
I think Frank Zane would agree.
Ao Akua,
PS — You can get a “Bob” of your very own from www.titleboxing.com Just go there and search for BOB. Bob never complains, no matter what you say or do to him. You can write on him, too. Or paint him. Or dress him up. Ah, the possibilities!
No, it doesn’t mean I’m “great.”
It means my oldest nephew had a son and now I’m a Great-Uncle.
Anyway, meet Danny, above.
He’s eight months old and walks (almost) like a power-lifter ready to take down an army.
His eyes are alive and alert.
He doesn’t say much (yet) but I can tell he’s thinking.
Pretty cool.
Just wanted to share.
Ao Akua,
PS – What do you think he’s thinking?
Nerissa doesn’t read as much as me.
Being the video queen and all, she prefers the visual world over the printed one.
But she didn’t stop reading a book I loaned her on the flight home late the other night.
While I kept nodding off, she kept underlining and writing comments in the book she literally could not put down.
I’ve never seen her act like that with a book before.
Not even with my books.
The book is truly great, though.
It’s wise, witty, profound, stimulating, controversial, and enlightening.
Well-written, too.
I’m talking about The Spiritual Chicks Question Everything.
It was my copy but I only got to read around in the book a little before Nerissa snatched it from me.
But I had seen the spiritual chicks’ website and knew of their wisdom. That’s why I ordered the book.
I ordered another copy for myself this morning. You can find it at book stores, or of course from www.Amazon.com or www.bn.com.
You can read many samples of the spiritual chicks (pictured above: Tami Coyne and Karen Weissman)’s writing/thinking at http://spiritualchicks.com/Kick-Ass_Content.htm
Their “one life” principle is very much in alignment with Zero Limits.
Check it out.
Ao Akua,
PS — Nerissa says “The spiritual chicks must read your stuff as your ideas are all over their book!” Well, maybe so, but maybe we just read the same authors, too. 🙂 Then again, Truth is one.
Something HUGE is happening at 8 PM Eastern tomorrow tonight, but before I tell you about it, let me say this…
I rarely watch or read the news.
All you have to do is glance at a newspaper, or an online news site, and it’s screaming at you —
— the economy’s tanking,
— the dollar is down,
— and unless you’re an investment banker, you’ll soon be asking, “Do you want fries with that?”
But what if you could just put all that negative stuff off to the side and ignore all that talk of gloom and doom?
What if —
The economy is irrelevant?
You don’t need a job?
What if what you really need is your very own Portable Empire?
Pat O’Bryan has written the book that is going to change the way you think about jobs, money, and their effect on you.
It may be the most dangerous book ever written.
At least to employers.
It’s called Your Portable Empire: How To Make Money Anywhere While Doing What You Love described at www.yourportableempire.com/book (site goes live at midnight tonight).
No, this isn’t some get-rich-quick deal.
Here’s what Mark Joyner says about Pat’s book:
“In a sea of snake oil and get-rich-quick nonsense about fast money on the Internet from people who haven’t really done it, O’Bryan’s book is a ship of sanity to an island of commonsense e-commerce. This works.”
Here’s what I say about the book —
“…this book is a manual on how to skip surviving and morph into thriving.”
After you’ve read Pat’s book, you may still watch the newspapers, but you’ll be able to just laugh at the headlines.
When you’ve got a Portable Empire, those things just don’t affect you any more.
So what’s a Portable Empire?
It’s an online information marketing business that you can run from anywhere.
It’s multiple streams of passive income, brought to you effortlessly.
All you have to do is solve problems. Pat’s book teaches you how to find interesting problems to solve, and how to sell the solutions – and then, how to automate the whole thing, so you just sit back and live, without worrying about how to make a living.
Pat does this.
He was once a struggling but “successful” musician.
He had CDs out but he couldn’t pay his rent.
He went to my seminars, read every book I wrote, co-created a few products with me, and now he’s an Internet force to reckon with.
He’s got his own Portable Empire today – and he’s thriving while doing what he loves, from anywhere he wants to go — from Germany to Arizona.
Craig Perrine says, “There is no one better to be your guide… he’s laid out every step for you in his inspiring and easy-to-read book.”
This book could be your ticket to the life of your dreams.
If you are:
– thinking about starting an online business
– struggling with your online business
– a stay-at-home mom who wants to stay at home, and still make plenty of money
– sick of the corporate treadmill and ready for something better
– ready to tell your boss to “take this job and shove it!”
– interested in how to make money from anywhere doing what you love
Then you MUST read this book.
www.yourportableempire.com/book (site goes live at midnight tonight)
But wait – it gets better.
Pat’s determined to drive his book to the #1 spot on Amazon.com tomorrow, so he’s doing something so outrageous, so unbalanced, so crazy that I didn’t believe it until I saw it.
There have been book promotions before, but nothing quite like this.
He’s gathered over Ten Thousand Dollars worth of bonuses (including a gift from me) and he’s going to GIVE them to you when you buy his book tomorrow from his site.
These bonuses include e-books, audios, videos, coaching and mentoring, and manifestation tools from some of the most famous and influential experts online including —
Dr. Joe Vitale (me) 🙂
Mark Joyner
Dave Lakhani
Tim Knox
Brad Yates
David Bullock
Keith Wellman
Ross Goldberg
Marlon Sanders
Roger Delavar
And over 50 others who have donated high quality bonuses for this event.
I know. It sounds way too good to be true. But it is true – you can get a book that will definitely change the way you look at making money, and over $10,000 in valuable bonuses. It’s all explained over at —
www.yourportableempire.com/book (site goes live at midnight tonight)
Go for it.
Ao Akua
P.S. — And the HUGE news I promised you at the beginning of this post? Afterwards, at 8 PM Eastern tomorrow tonight, join Pat at his online book party at the Portable Empire Island in Second Life. (Second Life is a virtual online world where you take on a new identity and live out a “second life.” It’s wild.) You’ll get your invitation and directions to Pat’s Second Life party when you register for the bonuses. www.yourportableempire.com/book
Note: Pat’s offer is only good for tomorrow, Sept 4th. I suggest you click right here after midnight tonight.
Brad Yates is the co-creator of the Money Beyond Belief audio seminar, which shows how to release blocks to abundance with EFT. He just put up his first youtube video explaining how to use EFT the first thing in the morning. It’s an easy, clear demo of the tapping points and one master EFT practitioner’s approach to the method. Go see at www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoSzivsQkVI