Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Zero Limits E-Talk

Linda Miller writes, “I started an email discussion list for Ho’oponopono friends at Yahoo Groups and if you are able to include an invitation to join the discussion on your blog, that would be wonderful.  Anyone can join the group here.


You are very much appreciated!

I love you.  I’m sorry. Please forgive me.  Thank you.”


American Inventor Tonight

Jeff Chavez operates Northstar, the company that manages my mentoring and miracles programs. His brother is a semi-finalist on the television show American Inventor. I thought I’d share what he just emailed (used with his permission):


This is the final week for my brother, Greg, to make his case to the judges on the TV show, American Inventor.

Right now, he’s a semi-finalist with a 1 in 6 shot of winning the show and the Million Dollar Prize!Those are pretty nice odds. He’s done an excellent job developing his product, The Guardian Angel, and tonight, July 25th, on ABC at 8pm Central we’ll all find out if he makes the cut to the final three.

If he get’s to that point, it will be up to the viewing audience to select the winner with their call-in votes.

I’d really appreciate it if you’d take time to watch the show tonight (Wednesday night), July 25th, at 8pm CST (ABC) and be prepared to support Greg with your votes if he makes it through to the final.

If you missed seeing one of Greg’s previous episodes…Here’s the YouTube link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmD_aU0rVmI   

Thanks! Jeff 

Wishing him Godspeed!

Ao Akua,



For Cigar Smokers

You can see me in downtown Austin, Texas taking a tour of a small cigar shop. You can also see cigars being hand rolled here. These are in four parts, all filmed by my dear friend Mark Ryan. Go see:





Ao Akua,



Red Eye Marketing

redeye-coffee.gif Marketing tip:

Say something different.

Coffee, for the most part, is just coffee.

I gave it up for two years, didn’t notice a difference in my health or feeling, and returned to it with gusto.

I enjoy trying different kinds. A few days ago we were shopping and I noticed a packet of coffee called “Red Eye.” 

It’s coffee “not for wimps!”

It’s coffee “with an attitude!”

So says the package, anyway.

I loved the playful arrogance of the sales copy.

So I bought it.

Now, marketing can often get you to try a product once, but if it sucks, you won’t buy it again.

Did I like this product?

No – I love Red Eye brew coffee!

I even went online and ordered more, an entire keg* of it, as well as a t-shirt.

Lesson: Coffee is coffee unless the marketing suggests it’s better than other coffee.

This is the beginning of Hypnotic Writing.

A realtor could use this principle:  “A realtor with attitude!”

So could a dry-cleaner: “A dry-cleaner with attitude!”

So could a singer: “A singer with attitude!”

Further Lesson: Your product or service better live up to its marketing.

Ao Akua,


PS – Get your very own all natural Red Eye Brew at www.stewarts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=15470&Category_Code=

* A keg? I’m kidding. 🙂


Kirk Rides!

kirk-rides.jpg After my recent request to raise funds to help Kirk — the seven year old boy who had a stroke shortly after birth — we managed to raise over $17,000 so he could have the Quadriciser, the machine he needed to help him train his body and mind on how to move.

Kirk has his machine now and that’s him using it.

Note his smile.

Note that you helped make this possible.

His mother wrote the following to me the day the machine was set up:

“The Quadriciser is all set and ready to go…

We put Kirk in, made sure he was comfortable, and we turned it on!

What happened next was so funny!

Kirk’s eyes got really BIG as his arms AND legs moved then he looked at me and his eyes said, “WOW! So this is what it is like when everything works!”

He watched his legs then he watched his arms (he was very quiet), then he would look at me and then he would watch his body move and move and keep moving!

Then, the unexpected happened.

The stimulation of having his legs and arms move put a smile on his face and he started to respond to the movement!

We have LOTS of work to do, but now all the tools are in place…thanks to YOU :-)”

She later sent an email saying, “Kirk says, ‘Look at me move, Joe!!!!! Thank you Joe! Thank you everybody! My smile says how much I love you !!!”

I hope you sense the love coming your way from a little boy you helped.

He loves unconditionally.

He’s a model for all of us.

I am grateful.

Ao Akua,


PS – My original post about Kirk is at http://blog.mrfire.com/health/kirk-loves-you/ and my follow-up is at http://blog.mrfire.com/secret/kirks-gift/ You can still contribute to Kirk’s healing fund at www.amazingkirk.com Thank you. I love you, too.