Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Riches in Niches

Another person I met at NSA — I met hundreds of wonderful people there — was Susan Friedman, who calls herself a tradeshow coach.

She handed me her book, Riches In Niches, and I love it. It’s all about making money in a focused area. Her book is truly great. I later learned she has a nice offer for getting it today.

See www.richesinniches.com/book/

Ao Akua,


PS – You can still get $300 in gifts when you get more copies of Zero Limits. Go to the link below and grab copies (and your gifts) and give the extra copies as “seeds” to schools, churches, prisons, libraries, bus stops, hospitals, family, friends, clients, kids, and anyone else you can think of. Let’s spread the power of “I love you.” www.collaborativepush.com/joevitale Thank you.


Look This Up

Maybe you care, maybe you don’t, but you can now find me listed on Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Vitale

And no, I didn’t put me there.

Tip: It might be a sound marketing move to list you, your product or service on Wikipedia.

Just a thought.

Ao Akua,


PS — Most people play it safe in their marketing. That’s fine, except if they think a little crazy and do something a little zany to get the media’s attention, they may find themselves with a stampede of new traffic. For help in thinking very differently, see www.patobryan.com/aasp3.htm  It’s a fun site to review because of the legendary publicist the site describes. Go see.


PS to 12-String Lesson

img_2603_1_2_1_1.JPGimg_2602_1_1_2_1.JPG I just received an email containing several pictures of the guitar I was so hypnotically drawn to, that I wrote about in my previous post: a custom made 12-string Taylor 655ce black w/Florentine Cutaway.

I like what I see and just ordered it. It will be here on Tuesday.

The lesson: Hypnotic copy with clear graphics helps lead to a sale – which is the musical sound of money coming your way.

Or, in this case, going out of my way and on to Kentucky.

But money has to circulate, and I know that the more I spend, the more I receive.

Ao Akua,


PS —  Don’t tell Pat I bought this collectible guitar. He’s gonna be sooo jealous. 🙂


A 12-String Copywriting Lesson

Pat O’Bryan stopped by the house recently and showed me his 12-string guitar. I have plenty of guitars, but not a 12-string. I decided I wanted one, especially after I heard Pat make his sing.

Plus I still needed to reward myself for the major accomplishment of speaking before 2,000 speakers at NSA last week.

(Tip: Always reward yourself when you do something challenging in your life. It builds confidence and encourages you to do more challenging things. Plus it’s fun.)

I poked around the net, searching for 12-string guitars, but found most descriptions of guitars to be pretty lame.

They didn’t give details.

They didn’t evoke my imagination.

They weren’t, well, hypnotic.

But then I stumbled across Steilberg String Instruments at http://store.stringinstruments.com/

They are in Louisville, Kentucky, been there for over two decades, and seem to truly love their work.

As I browsed their listings for 12-string guitars, imagine what I felt when I read the following:

Taylor 655ce Black w/Florentine Cutaway 

We have never seen anything quite so awesome.  It’s unlikely that you have either, since this is likely one of a kind.  A Maple jumbo 12-string guitar customized with the recently re-introduced Florentine (sharp) cutaway, ES electronics, and an Opaque Black Finish.

Seriously, this thing looks incredible.  We sincerely doubt anyone could walk by this without a double take.  The White binding and Mother of Pearl inlays are the perfect contrast to the black finish, framing the tantalizing curves of the Jumbo body like Hot Rod pin-striping.

But then you play it………..and you forget what it looks like because all you can concentrate on is the vast world of musical sounds that seem to come flying out of this box.  It’s got power and presence, volume with subtlety, and the seemingly full range of a grand piano.  Plug it in and it sounds equally great with the Taylor ES Electronics.  It’s perfect marriage of looks, sound and functionality.  If it only came with it’s own adoring fans, you’d be set.  This guitar might help you make some anyway.

I could just see the looks on people’s faces as they saw me holding that baby.

And when I began to play, I could imagine everyone turning to look, to see where the awesome sound was coming from.

And to think that the guitar had hot rod-like pin-striping made me wonder if Francine would like it, too.

In short, the copy was riveting.

It made the guitar come to life in my mind.

It made me want it.

The only problem on the Steilberg website was the lack of a photo for the Taylor 655ce, which made me really want to see it.

Aren’t you curious about how it looks, too?

So I called the store. I told them I was interested in the guitar. They told me they would call me back in about ten minutes. They were going to take pictures of the guitar right then and there.

Now that’s service.

Well, they called back an hour later. They took pictures but their Internet was down so they couldn’t upload them yet.

At this point I still haven’t seen the guitar.

And naturally I haven’t bought it, either.

In short, great copy can lead to a sale, but sometimes you need a great graphic to close it.

Ao Akua,


PS – Pat and I just released a DVD set revealing what I’m calling “Knee-Slapping Marketing” though it could just as easily be called “Zany Marketing” or “Outrageous Marketing.” Go see www.patobryan.com/aasp3.htm


How Magic Happens

lynette-and-joe-nsa.jpg Lynette Landing wrote my office several times before I went to San Diego to speak at the National Speakers Association gala event.

She wanted to find a way to meet with me and talk.

She wasn’t the only one. Several people made similar requests.

Because I was flying in and right out after my presentations, I had to tell everyone I’m sorry, but I can’t meet with you. There’s simply no time.

Lynette didn’t take no for an answer, though.

She turned inside and focused on what she wanted.

She wasn’t attached to the outcome, but she playfully spent time imagining meeting me and having lunch.

Then she let go of her mental request.

There were maybe 2,000 people at the event. The halls were flooded with people. I often had small groups around me, wanting pictures or autographs or hugs or just to say hi.

But then, on Wednesday, I was wandering around, a bit lost, when a woman came right up to me and introduced herself.

It was Lynette.

We instantly had rapport. Since it was lunch time, and I was disoriented being my first time at the NSA event, she took me by the hand and led me outside to a table, where we sat and talked and ate.

Her dream came true.

That’s her and me in the above photo (on a windy day by the water).

When you really want something but aren’t attached to the outcome, you up the odds of attracting your desire.

Then, magic happens.

Truth is, of course, magic is happening all the time.

Even right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – Lynette’s website is www.LookForTheSun.com