Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Outrageous Marketing

stuff-030.jpgoutrageous-nc-cds.jpg Back in 1999 I recorded The Power of Outrageous Marketing for www.nightingale.com

It’s a big audio program with books, workbook, bonuses and more. It’s been a bestseller ever since it came out. I’m proud of it.

This week Simon & Schuster just released an abridged two CD set of the material. I saw it yesterday. Looks good to me.

But here’s what’s interesting…

Nightingale-Conant, the publisher of my original program, tried to get Simon & Schuster interested in the abridged version for the last six years.

Despite the success of the big package, Simon & Schuster kept saying no.

So why did they change their mind now?

Look at the cover and you’ll see the answer.

See the top line?

Simon & Schuster want to capitalize on my being in the movie The Secret.

And on the back of the package they lead with the line about my being the author of the bestselling book, The Attractor Factor.

Success breeds more success.

You can’t do one thing and stop. Keep producing. Keep promoting. Keep taking inspired action.

People will begin to follow your work and sooner or later others will come knocking on your door, without you having to do much more than answer it.

But you have to make the first move.

Ao Akua,


PS — The picture of the young lass and me has nothing to do with outrageous marketing. It’s there to keep you reading all the way to this PS, to find out who she is. Her name is Megan Drescher, and she was one of many people (men and women) who wanted their picture taken with me. Now you know why I said I felt like Elvis at the NSA event.  🙂


Trance of Love

Getting 2,000 professional speakers to say “I love You” was not only thrilling, it led to a standing ovation for me and enough compliments to last, well, a long time.

These people are remarkable. They are high-energy, upbeat, supportive, positive, nurturing and respectful. They treated me like a super star at a rock concert. I now know what Elvis felt on stage.

Some highlights for me were —

Having dinner with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Mandy Evans of www.mandyevans.com Mandy has been a miracles coach in my life for decades.

Seeing old friends, such as Donna Fisher of www.donnafisher.com was also a joy. She knew me back in my Houston daze.

Of course seeing my mentor and friend Dan Poynter of www.parapublishing.com was a treat. Dan introduced me this morning, which was memorable for both of us. He came up after my talk and beamed, “That was FANTASTIC!” I’m still relishing his compliment.

I met a long list of great speakers, from Randy Gage to Charlie Tremendous Jones. All legends.

I saw my fellow Secret co-star John Assaraf of www.onecoach.com as well. John was the reason I was even at the event. He’s a good guy, too.

I was also filmed for yet another movie. This one will probably be out in September.

But the greatest moment for me was standing on stage and talking about Zero Limits. You couldn’t even hear breathing as people were riveted to the story and the four phrases I taught them. I had them in a trance of love.

After the talk, people came up to me all day, many in tears, telling me they felt shifts and openings as a result of hearing the message.

One person came over to me this evening, as I relaxed and smoked a cigar, and told me the Zero Limits method took away his judgement of people. He was walking around San Diego accepting people, feeling at peace, silently thinking “I love you” to all.

I’m going to a party shortly and I head back to Texas in the wee hours.

It’s been a magical day.

Ao Akua,


PS – I’m going to join NSA. Surrounding yourself with supportive people is a major key to success.


The Best Cleaning Method

I’m sleepy here in San Diego but I’ve noticed a trend with the critics of my latest book, Zero Limits.

They seem to object that there is only one cleaning method revealed in the book, and that to learn more you have to attend a seminar.

I want to say that the most powerful cleaning method I know of is the one in the book.

You don’t need another one.

The one in the book is what Dr. Hew Len used to help heal that entire ward of mentally ill criminals.

He’s been using it for 25 years now.

The one in the book is what I use all the time, every day, even right now, as I type this.

Again, you don’t need anything more. The book was written as an entertaining story to convey the one method in self i-dentity ho’oponopono that I believe is the single most important one to use.

And again, if you want more, attend a seminar. Dr. Hew Len and I will do a Zero Limits one in Maui in December. He offers them on ho’oponopono all the time.

But all you really need is what’s in the book.

Ao Akua,


PS – Most people “get” the book and call it an awakening device all by itself. This post wasn’t for them. 🙂


Prosperity Shoes

I’m in San Diego at the National Speakers Association event. Arrived in time to hear Randy Gage give a hypnotic presentation on the three main causes of lack programming: government, religion, and media.

They don’t know they are programming us and we don’t know it’s happening – not until someone like Randy Gage stands and shakes us.

I loved that Randy says if you’re not paying more for your shoes than you used to pay for a car, you’re not thinking with a prosperity consciousness.

Look up Randy. Get his stuff.

Awaken from the trance.

And get a new pair of shoes.

Ao Akua,


PS – Marci Shimoff from the movie The Secret came over and said hi. She’s reading my new book Zero Limits and gets it. She also said I am very brave to deliver this information. Not everyone will understand the third level of awakening, and will take it out on me. How perceptive she is. Cool lady. Look her up, too.


On Selling Serving

Now that Zero Limits the book is an official Top 100 bestseller on www.amazon.com and the audio version is an official bestseller on www.itunes.com in the Audio Books section, the reviews are flying in.

Some of them are hilarious, like the person who didn’t even read the book but flipped through it for 15 minutes in a book store and then “reviewed” it, saying it was all hype.

Or another “reviewer” who said Dr. Hew Len doesn’t exisit, that I created him as a literary device. (!)

Most people declare the book to be a life transforming read.

But others say it’s just packed with sales pitches for more stuff.

The latter confuses me.

I looked through the book and didn’t see any sales pitches at all. There certainly are links for more information, much like in these blog posts, but not sales copy to go buy anything.

In a later chapter in Zero Limits I describe some products I created because I had been cleaning, clearing and giving. My zeroing out limits within me opened me to receive money-making ideas.

Those were examples of how wealth can be generated. After all, the subtitle of the book includes wealth as a topic.

I suppose some people interpreted those well intended examples as pitches.

I was with friends over the weekend and I told them all of the above. They pointed out how people are sensitive to my success, that it makes them more aware of their not trying or not succeeding. It’s easier to blame me than to take responsibility for themselves.

Someone remembered the famous quote by German physics professor Georg Christoph Lichtenberg,

“A book is a mirror: If an ass peers into it, you can’t expect an apostle to look out.”

We began to have fun imagining people sitting around their homes and bad mouthing me when they saw “yet another” email from my hand, saying things like, “There goes that hypster Joe Vitale selling something else AGAIN!” or “He just wants another Panoz car!”

We had a good laugh and let it go.

But as the weekend evolved, and we were looking for some things online, we saw opportunity to imagine how skeptical minds would react to what we were doing.

For example…

I wanted to find out what the famous song writer and singer Jackson Browne was up to, so we googled his name.

We found his site, saw he wasn’t touring, but saw his online store. You can buy shirts, Cd’s, song books, etc.

So naturally we pretended to be one of my critics and we declared, “Look at that Jackson Browne! Selling more things– even SHIRTS!”

That conversation led to us looking for a Winslow, Arizona site, since Jackson wrote a famous song called “Take It Easy” (which the Eagles made famous), mentioning that city in it.

Sure enough there’s a site the town has up for the famous line in the song “standin on the corner”. And when you browse it, you see they are selling stuff, such as bricks that you can have your name engraved on and then placed on the corner in Winslow, Arizona.

We could imagine people throwing up their arms in disgust and screaming, “Oh my God! The city is selling BRICKS!”

And later Nerissa said she had some old records that Thomas Edison put on the market long ago. Everyone thought they might be valuable. But there were so many records issued during that time period that the things are barely worth a dollar each today.

That led to us jokingly declaring, “Edison was a WHORE!”

We could do this all night, of course.

Many people do it all their lives.

They critique rather than create.

I wrote a blog post a while back about the difference between selling and serving. It goes like this:

If you want the information someone tells you about, you’ll say the person offering it is serving you.

If you don’t want the information being offered to you, you’ll say the person offering it is selling.

Well, is it serving or selling?

It depends on their motivation and your interpretation.

I’m doing my best to serve people.

But what you decide is entirely up to you.

Ao Akua,


PS — I hope this post serves you. If you want to read more, see Thresholds of Deservingness at http://blog.mrfire.com/uncategorized/thresholds-is-it-serving-or-selling/ Hey, I’m just trying to help here. (At no charge, at that.)