If you prefer audio listening over reading, you’ll be glad to know Zero Limits the book is now on audio and available for download.
The audios were recorded by me and by Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor, with contributions from others, too. It is the entire book on audio. It makes for a beautiful listening experience. I’m very excited to have the blend of Dr. Hew Len’s charismatic voice with my own on this recording.
If you go to either www.itunes.com (in the Audio Books section) or to www.audible.com and search for “Joe Vitale,” you will find four books by me on audios ready for download:
Zero Limits
Buying Trances
The Attractor Factor
Life’s Missing Instruction Manual
Personally, I think www.audible.com is easier to search, but do whichever works for you.
Also, if you missed the action packed teleseminar the other night with Noah St. John interviewing me about Zero Limits, it’s now available online at www.NoahandJoe.com I think it was one of my best calls ever.
As a reminder, the Zero Limits Group Coaching Program starts soon. Details are at http://zero-limits-coaching.com
The book Zero Limits is an official bestseller at Amazon. If you haven’t gotten it yet, see www.amazon.com or www.bn.com or ask for it at your favorite book store. There are also details at http://www.zerolimits.info
I guess that’s enough “Zero” talk for today.
Ao Akua
PRS – Remember, if you are really excited about living a life at Zero Limits, consider attending the Zero Limits Weekend event with Dr. Hew Len and me, to be held in Maui, Hawaii Nov 30 – Dec 2. You’ll have two full days with Dr. Len and myself. The cost is $1,000. ($1,500 after August 1st.) Room, travel and meals are separate fees, of course. Note: Only 100 can attend. If you want to be there, register right now:
1) Via PayPal @ [email protected]
2) Via Credit Card (please call 512-278-1610).
3) FAX to 512 847 0529
3) Via Check (pay to the order of Hypnotic
Marketing, Inc.) and mail to:
Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.
121 Canyon Gap Rd.
Wimberley, TX 78676-6314
Thank you. I love you.
I’m speaking in San Diego next week at the National Speakers Association annual convention.
About 1,500+ people are expected to attend my presentation on Inspired Marketing.
I figured I better go get a haircut so I look my best.
After the haircut — being bald, it didn’t take long — I walked down the street to a book store.
I love book stores. They are my favorite places in the world. Walking. Browsing. Relaxing. It’s all heaven to me.
As I wandered, I came across a new book on display called Why Good Things Happen to Good People by Stephen Post and Jill Neimark.
It’s about the new research proving the link between doing good and living a longer, healthier and happier life.
Since I just told you about contributing to the Amazing Kirk fund yesterday, this book and its research seemed timely.
Plus I’m a book addict and can’t pass up a good one, even when I have 150 books stacked up to read at home.
Why Good Things Happen to Good People talks about doing good in other ways besides giving money.
For example, I opened the book at random to the chapter on forgiveness. I was stunned to see how it ties in to some of the messages in my latest book, Zero Limits.
Stories about people who were accidentally shot and permanently disabled, or beaten and raped, who managed to forgive their assailants anyway, are inspiring.
And the book offers solid research — fifty studies at forty-four major universities — to support the idea that unconditional forgiving leads to a happier, healthier you.
Forgiving is a way to do good.
And as you practice forgiveness, you get better.
I later jumped to the front of the book and was delighted to see the first chapter titled, “Find the Fire.” (You know, my moniker is Mr. Fire, so it seemed destined.) 🙂
In that chapter the authors declare, “The remarkable bottom line of the science of love is that giving protects overall health twice as much as aspirin protects against heart disease.”
Whether you read the book or not, keeping in mind that there are other ways to do good besides giving money is a powerful way to remind you of your choices in life.
Give love.
Live longer, happier and healthier.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you’re interested in the National Speakers Association event in San Diego next week, visit www.nsaspeaker.org/sandiego/index.shtml Hope to see you there.
News Flash: Zero Limits became an Amazon Top 100 bestseller yesterday. That’s the third time. The first two times were due to pre-orders for the book. Now that the book is for sale on www.amazon.com and www.bn.com and headed into a book store near you, it is selling even more, and faster. Look out New York Times!
The response to my “Kirk Loves You” post from the other day (http://blog.mrfire.com/health/kirk-loves-you/) has been great.
We raised just under $3,000 for the $15,000 Quadriciser machine that Kirk needs to begin to retrain his body and mind so he can have some movement.
And that $3,000 came despite problems with the Paypal buttons on his site at www.amazingkirk.com (They’ve since been fixed.)
But I decided it’s too important for Kirk to wait for the machine, so I wrote a check today for the full $15,000.
I’m not saying this to brag, but to offer a lesson or two for you:
I learned a long time ago that the more successful I am, the more I can help others, like my family, friends, good causes, or even people I don’t know, like little Kirk.
Too many people fear success. I was there once, too. But when I realized that the more I create wealth in my life, the more I can help myself and others, that fear dissolved.
I also learned another secret long ago:
I wrote about this in my book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret In History. The basic message is this: give whatever you want to get.
If you want money, give money.
If you want love, give love.
It seems to be a karmic secret or law: give to receive.
Unless you block the receiving, it works every time.
In fact, shortly after I decided to write the check for $15,000, I received twice that in unexpected income.
That’s how this law works.
My gift to Kirk is also my gift to me.
When you get these lessons, prosperity and much more will come your way at an accelerated pace.
In fact, I was just in the hot tub, doing my daily meditative gratitude session. As I thought of Kirk finally getting this machine — one his mother has wanted for him for years — I began to cry.
I realized that life is truly beautiful.
But what makes it beautiful is you and me, and what we do.
I really do look forward to shaking Kirk’s hand one day.
Ao Akua,
PS – Thank you for contributing to help Kirk. All contributions will go to the fund to help him with whatever he needs. You can still contribute at www.amazingkirk.com
Google has a tool called “Hot Trends” that shows you the top 100 searches per day. I think this is useful information. It’s always good to know what is on the public’s mind, and then find a way to tie you, your product, or service, to it. Here is today’s list of Hot Trends.
Hot Trends (USA). Jul 3, 2007
1. cloverfield
2. david ritcheson
3. cloverfield movie
4. bad robot
5. cloverfield trailer
6. megan fox
7. jj abrams
8. stone phillips
9. eutube
10. dracula s castle
11. ready to rumble
12. life style
13. nick lachey
14. transformers 2
15. beverly sills
16. resultat bac 2007 algerie
17. argentavis magnificens
18. film lovers will love this!
19. alvin henry
20. eu youtube
21. نتائج شهادة البكالوريا
22. nick lachey and vanessa minnillo
23. india vs pakistan
24. transformers sequel
25. david richardson
26. j.j. abrams
27. david henry tuck
28. transformers cast
29. carmella decesare
30. rashard lewis
31. clinton pardons
32. transformers reviews
33. cupcake baking arts scholarship
34. jeff garcia s wife
35. transformers soundtrack
36. national precast concrete association scholarship
37. society of vacuum coaters scholarship
38. gentleman chris adams
39. foundation of flexographic technical association scholarship
40. press tv
41. 1/18/08
42. phished
43. sean sherk
44. arthur agee
45. myspace phishing
46. optimus prime
47. sly stone
48. dominic habsburg
49. نتائج بكالوريا 2007
50. valerie plame
51. peter cullen
52. new godzilla movie
53. rajdeep sardesai
54. 1 18 08
55. see spot run
56. prince vlad
57. mp3sparks.com
58. april bowlby
59. cricket.com
60. nick lachey sex photos
61. kwik e mart
62. transformers characters
63. carmella garcia
64. daisy lowe
65. colleen haskell
66. prince vlad the impaler
67. derek fisher
68. excellence in predicting the future award
69. marge simpson
70. trailers before transformers
71. niurka marcos playboy
72. autobots
73. tatyana ali
74. youtube europe
75. starscream
76. passhe
77. bac2007.dz
78. cloverfield jj abrams
79. quints
80. horney manatee
81. 1/18/08 movie
82. transformers wikipedia
83. grandcentral
84. mallory dylan
85. transformers wallpaper
86. libby
87. biff wellington
88. colin jackson
89. lewis libby
90. eu tube
91. lal masjid
92. val puccio
93. carlos slim
94. life style nick lachey
95. marc rich
96. bernini
97. wendy rice
98. trees
99. how to be happy
100. turners syndrome
I have no idea what many of those search terms mean, so I feel way out of the loop on what the public is interested in these days.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t go to Google’s Hot Trends, do some research, and then either write about one of the hot searches of the day or in some relevant way comment on it. By doing so, I may increase my own blog’s rankings in the search engines.
Who knows, maybe “Joe Vitale” will end up on Hot Trends one day.
You can do your own research at www.google.com/trends/hottrends
Ao Akua,
PS — Two of my out of print classics are available for free until July 5th at: http://landofthefreee.com They are:
– Unspoken Marketing Secrets: A private collection of controversial truisms. This information is extremely powerful.
– Zen & Art of Writing: Written in 1984, contains the best techniques, suggestions, ideas and practical methods for improving
writing and creative abilities. It’s the result of 10 years research, study and experimentation in the creative process. It was also my first book.
ANNOUNCING: Zero Limits Group Coaching Program
You’ve been asking for more details about the Zero Limits Group Coaching Program.
All the details are now posted at http://zero-limits-coaching.com
A couple of things to know …
1. The first of the 8 sessions is happening on Wednesday July 25, 2007 at 8pm EST / 5 PST.
2. It helps if you’ve read Zero Limits. If you haven’t, you still have time before the program starts. You can get the book at www.amazon.com or www.bn.com or soon in all book stores. See www.zerolimits.info for details.
3. You must have an open mind and be ready to wipe your mind’s slate clean (get to Zero) and start over without preconceived notions; so you can live in a world of daily wonder – live in a world where anything is possible.
4. You need to come ready to learn how to love yourself and heal yourself (or anyone else) of anything.
5. You must be willing to participate FULLY. That means doing your assignments between sessions – for the length of the program.
There’s a limited number of seats. I’ve received an avalanche of emails just from my “heads up” email from last week to reserve a seat.
Again, you can register online at http://zero-limits-coaching.com
Ao Akua,
PS — If you have questions, call one of my Team members at 866-393-2076 ext. 8975 or send an email to [email protected] Please include your contact information so they can get back to you immediately. Thank you.