Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Seed Money vs. Just Giving?

Suzanne tells me my office gets this question a lot —

“I recently got the Seed Money book download from your site. I have one or two questions for you around this. I’m sure you get plenty of questions everyday and don’t have time to personally answer all of them. Even if you added this to an upcoming blog it would be helpful.

In the seed money book, it talks about using the principal of affirming getting a ten-fold return on your money. However, in your Greatest Money Making Secret book (which I really loved) you state that you should give with absolutely no expectation of any return. Just give straight from the heart.

Surely it is possible to do both – give from the heart and also affirm that what you give will return to you ten fold. I would love to hear your views on this.

Also in your Greatest money making secret book you state that you should only really give to those people/places that have truly uplifted/inspired you. I can see the merit in this. However, surely you can also affirm that whatever I give out (be it money, smiles, compliments, energy etc.) will return to me tenfold. In this case, even shopping at the local store or filling the car up with gas can be included in this affirmation.

Is this different from the seed money principle? In your experience does what I am suggesting not work? My own feeling is that any “transaction” that I have with the universe on any level can be returned to me tenfold. Surely the universal intelligence can’t tell the difference between me giving to a needy charity and me giving when I shop at the store, so long as the emotion involved is the same.

I would love to hear from you. Best wishes. – Graham”

My answer is brief and to the point: you’re talking about two different things.

Seed Money is giving ten percent as a “seed” to grow or attract more money. You can plant those seeds anywhere: stores, churches, people, gas stations, good causes. When you plant a seed, you expect it to grow. So when you give, you expect a return.

Tithing is paying the money you owe the universe for what you have already received. You do it wherever you have received spiritual nourishment: people, places, things. You don’t expect a return because you already received the return. You give to pay back.

As for where to give and is the universe watching: my rule of thumb is only give where your heart directs. From there, you will receive more — as long as you don’t have any limiting beliefs about money which would stop or slow the flow.

Ao Akua,


PS – The Seed Money book is described at www.mrfire.com/article-archives/copywriting-samples/seed-money.html My book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History, is at Amazon.


Question: Prosperity or Problem?

When it comes to money, most people are full of limiting beliefs they don’t have a clue they have.

But not everyone is like that, of course.

This morning I spoke to an old world craftsman who makes high-end, unique, rare, collectible wooden cigar humidors.

The people he caters to don’t care at all about price. They simply want what they want.

From a marketing standpoint, I admire the woods craftsman for serving a niche. That’s always a smart move.

From a consumer’s standpoint, I love to hear of people who have transcended their money worries.

Not enough people let go of their concerns about money. What they don’t realize is that it’s their concern that is causing their concern.

You don’t have the problem first and then get concerned.

You get the problem because you were concerned to begin with.

When you worry about money, your focus is in the wrong place.

Your worry attracts something to worry about.

I’m not saying disregard your bank balance. I’m saying focus more on what you want — on your passions and your love — and keep an eye on money but not a concern about money.

I’m also saying that the more you get clear inside of your money issues, the less you have money issues.

If you want some help in this area, consider the audios Mindy Audlin and I just put online at http://aoakua.unity4u.hop.clickbank.net/

They’re called “The Secret of Money.”

Ao Akua,


PS – The picture above is of a large cigar humidor made out of hypnotic cocobolo wood by artisan Arlin Liss. Arlin knows the secret of money. And so do his clients.


Breaking the Hypnotic Silence after 366 days

This is a question I get almost every day —

“Why is Hypnotic Marketing and all of your other 18 hypnotic products no longer available?”

I admit. It’s been hard to bite my tongue on what’s been going on…

But finally — after 366 days off the market (yes, I’m counting) — I can finally reveal the answer.

Prepare to be very surprised this Friday.

To find out about the 8 year journey of Hypnotic Marketing, and to be on the alert list to see what happens on Friday, go see —


At that site you will get an insider’s look into the wild ride Hypnotic Marketing has taken over the last eight years…

PLUS, you’ll get your hands on a rare training where I break down the 3-Step Hypnotic Marketing Formula that has made me – and countless others – millions.

The year long wait is over – go get in on the re-birth of Hypnotic Marketing.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’ve been waiting for 366 days, like me, then you really need to get over to www.hypnoticmarketing.com/bignews Go see what’s there.


Getting Something Off My Chest…

For the last three months I’ve lived with the idea that I have cancer.

I’ve kept this secret to myself and a small circle of close friends, as I didn’t want to invite any negative energy to it.

But now it’s time to tell you the whole story…

The Problem
When I had my emergency appendectomy last January, the doctors did a routine c-scan and discovered a strange growth inside my chest, between my lungs.

That wasn’t news I expected.

The doctor delivered it to me like it was a death sentence.

I had to take another c-scan to learn the growth was potentially dangerous. While the radiologists and the doctors couldn’t say for certain, they suspected it could be a deadly form of lymphoma.

The doctors sent me to a cancer specialist, who saw me the next day and wanted to do a biopsy the very next day after that.

Why were they moving so quickly?

Why did they want a biopsy done so soon?

They didn’t bother to tell me the biopsy might in fact be more dangerous than the growth in my chest. A biopsy can break up the tumor and cause it to travel to new areas in the body. It’s not always the best thing to do.

I decided to not do it, though it was not an easy decision to make.

What if I were wrong?

The Mental Stress
You can’t imagine how the thought of having cancer can ruin your day. Even with mental discipline, being told you could have cancer is enough to make anyone shake.

I cancelled trips, such as one to Canada for a book signing and interviews. I couldn’t handle the flights, the three days of work, the people, the traffic, the questions, all while still recovering from emergency surgery and now carrying the stress of cancer on my mind.

I found it hard to focus on work at home, too, though I did the best I could and still came out with new books, such as Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing.

I went on Larry King live, for my five minutes of fame, but I was distracted by my concerns. I don’t think I looked my best. I dragged into the studio and dragged out of it.

That’s not all, of course.

Being in waiting rooms surrounded by people who definitely have cancer and are in various forms of decay is not pleasant or pretty, either.

And I was sitting among them.

I was possibly one of them.

How was I going to get out of this one?

The Pivoting Point
The first thing I did was feel my emotions.

I admit that being told by a cancer specialist that the growths in my chest are not natural, no matter what they are, was unsettling, to say the least.

I left there with tears in my eyes.

I drove home feeling depressed.

I felt very alone.

But along the drive home I got my second wind. I remembered my books, my talks, the movie The Secret, the power of the Law of Attraction — and I took matters into my own hands.

I was not going to be a victim.

I was not going to mindlessly bow to authority.

So I stated an intention: I would heal whatever I had.

I didn’t know how.

But I would figure it out along the way.

Taking Action
By the time I got home, I felt a renewed sense of power. I went online and shot off emails to people who I felt could help me.

Some people were close friends for emotional support.

Some people were resources who knew healers or alternative methods of healing.

I basically shook the trees to create an army of support to help me.

Obviously, I took a lot of action.

I didn’t get overnight results, though.

I worked with one healer who thought I was healed after three phone sessions with him. He encouraged me to get another c-scan. He felt my tumors were gone.

I scheduled the c-scan — which cost me two thousand dollars — and submitted myself to the test again.

But the growth in my chest had not changed at all.

I was very disappointed.

I wasn’t going to give up, though.

I re-stated my intention and moved forward.

Exploring the Cause
Joe Sugarman of BluBlocker sunglasses fame told me about a product that could potentially dissolve cancerous tumors. It’s a protected form of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. I immediately asked for it and began to take it.

I also asked myself what in me attracted the health challenge.

After all, if we attract everything, how did I attract this?

I write about the method I used to clear myself in my forthcoming book, The Key.

In short, I focused on forgiving myself and others. I focused on letting go of resentment so I could release any stuck energy in my body and again be at a place of health; of peace.

I used the tumors as a spiritual awakening. They became a device for me to realize my power of choice. They became a gift.

And all of this continued until last Thursday morning.

The Tube
That’s when I went in for an MRI, to see how I was doing.

I didn’t like the MRI.

I was slid into a tube.

Might as well call it a coffin.

It’s a tight fit, it’s an enclosed space, I can’t move or even fidget, and I had to wear headphones that delivered non-stop country music — my least favorite music — into my ears.

No fun.

I also had to be in that slim-jim tube for over thirty minutes, which is tough when you can’t move at all and all you can hear is music you don’t like.

I spent my time cleaning and clearing myself using the Zero Limits method.

I spent thirty minutes saying “I love you” to whatever was listening.

I left the MRI disoriented and weak.

I hadn’t eaten.

I hadn’t had coffee.

And I just went through a rough time with all that country music.

But later Thursday night I got the results.

The Results
You can’t imagine my relief when I got the news.

Finally – after three months of waiting – it was clear that I do not have cancer.

The swollen nodes in my chest are still there but harmless; probably there because at one time in the last three years they fought off an infection in my body. They are heroes for helping me stay healthy. They in fact needed appreciated; even loved.

They are not cancerous and any sign of cancer is gone.

I’m free.

After three m
onths of living with the idea that I had cancer, my intention and my work cleared up the inner problem.

What’s left is health and well being.

What I learned from all this is that all is well.
The swollen nodes in my chest are still swollen and still the same size, which means there may never have been a problem in the first place, as they never enlarged.
But it could also mean everything I did — from the healers I worked with to the inner work I did on myself to the new form of glutathione I took — all helped me stop anything from getting worse.
Whatever the case, I’m well, and far more improved, awake, alive, and aware than I was before this adventure.

My message to you is this:

don’t be a victim, be a victor;

don’t focus on what you don’t want, focus on what you do want;

don’t assume what you want to change is bad, it may actually be good for you;

don’t sit and wait for things to happen, take action, any inspired action, to get things started;

and always maintain hope.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — The new glutathione product Joe Sugarman told me about, which I still use and plan to always use, is described at
www.stemcellproductsllc.com/protected-glutathione.htm It’s called Protectus 120™. I don’t receive a dime for mentioning it to you. I’m not even sure they are selling it yet. But I wanted you to know the information, as I know somebody will be curious about it.

Note: If you’d like to see me expand this post into a Special Report about health and healing, going deeper into the principles revealed here, let me know. There are more layers to the story. More insights to share. More descriptions to relay. More resources to give. If you want the longer report, or have questions, leave a comment and let me know. If you’d just like to be notified when (if) I write such a Special Report, send a blank e-mail to [email protected] Thank you. I love you.

FYI: My book, The Key, pictured above, which I am completing this week, comes out in October. Zero Limits comes out in July. You can pre-order them from www.amazon.com/ Obviously, I’ve managed to stay prolific and productive despite my health challenges. You can, too.

How to Get My Attention

Most people who try to get my attention just send an email.

But if you really want to get my — or anyone’s — attention you need to think bigger.

Fed-X just delivered (for Saturday morning) a huge box. I opened it and found what you see in the picture: a DVD player, a cell phone, and a note.

If I were working for the FBI, I might be worried about such a package.

Instead, I followed directions and watched the one minute presentation.

The presentation was simple: just someone holding up a flip chart and flipping pages with short messages on them, as music played. It ended directing me to push a button on the cell phone to hear a message.

That part didn’t work, so I still have no idea what the person who went to all this trouble wants to sell, but they DID get my attention.

And now yours.

Ao Akua,



PS – Be looking for tomorrow’s post. It’s long and personal, but I have to write it to get something off my chest. Stay tuned…