Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Chasing Moments

I spent part of yesterday in San Antonio with a dear friend. We talked at length about life and spirituality.
I told him that most people are “out” of the moment.
They are looking for the next deal, next car, next house, next pay raise, next check…not realizing that the point of power, the true miracle, is right here.
The quest for the “stuff” is a grand illusion. There’s nothing wrong with any of it, as long as you know it’s part of the game of life.
But most people think it will bring lasting happiness. It won’t. As soon as you achieve it or attract it, you’ll desire something else.
You’ll be chasing the next moment.
I told my friend about the Adam Sandler movie, Click. The essence of the movie is that Adam is trying to fast-forward through life. He does, too. But near the end he realizes he has missed out on life itself.

I do my best not to leave the moment. I still do, of course. I’m learning, too.

But I do my best to stay here, in this moment, knowing that as I do, the next moment takes care of itself. As long as I fully participate in this moment, the next ones are just as good and often incredibly better.

In fact, when you stay in the moment, you attract more of the good things in life and appreciate them longer.
The key is to be here now, with awareness and gratitude.
My friend said the message about being in the moment caused a shift in him.
I hope it does with you, as well.
This really is it.
Ao Akua,
PS – The picture is of me and my friend Cyndi Smasal, part of my Miracles Coaching program. She used to live near by, and is a treasure in my life. She stopped by this past weekend so we could spend a little time catching up.

Attracting the Great Lotto Publicity Stunt

Unless you get a little uncomfortable now and then, you’re probably playing it safe.

That’s fine, unless you have a big dream you haven’t fulfilled yet.

That’s when you may have to leave your comfort zone.

Here’s what I mean…

In 2006 I made a decision that changed my life. It involved hiring one of the most notorious media pranksters in the world.

I hired him to create one of the largest publicity stunts in modern history.


To do what?

I knew my book, The Attractor Factor, changed lives. I had and have hundreds of stories from readers to prove it.

But I also knew there was a whole world that never heard of it, despite it being a bestseller twice. I wanted that world to notice my book. And to reach them I was going to have to do something, well, outrageous.

So I attracted the right man to pull off the right stunt, and we attracted national media attention for my book.

This was a daring thing for me to do.

We planned to “win” the largest lotto jackpot in the history of the US.

And for a few days, we did just that.

The entire event could have backfired and led to bad publicity.

It didn’t.

It was fun, educational, entertaining, and led to my book getting even more attention than ever before.

In fact, The Attractor Factor has sold out five times now, is now in paperback and hardcover editions, and continues to be a top seller at Amazon. It’s that very book that got me into the movie The Secret.

Obviously, that “scary publicity stunt” worked to help attract more success.

This entire “humbug” is now a fast-paced documentary on DVD, which went on sale yesterday. It’s called “Humbug: The Art of Outrageous Publicity.”

It may be the scariest thing I’ve filmed yet.

It contains interviews with me, and Alan Abel, the zany publicist I hired (who wrote the above pictured book, How to Thrive on Rejection).

It also contains juicy background stories about famous people who used outrageous publicity in the past, from Mark Twain to Edgar Allan Poe to of course P.T. Barnum.

It also shows you the outrageous publicity event as it happened, complete with actual news footage, newspaper headlines, and media interviews.

On top of that, I explain why you need to consider using publicity for yourself and your business, whether you’re online or not.

And then there are the bonus features, including one with me sitting in Francine (my Panoz exotic sports car), and telling you why taking a gamble sometimes is the wisest thing you can do.


And I also unveil the mermaid I own.

There’s more, of course.

You can get details and even see a short video excerpt from it over at —www.customflix.com/226626

If you want some educational entertainment, and if you want to be informed and inspired, then go take a look.

Success goes to those who dare to dream.

And sometimes you have to take a little “scary action,” as well.

Ao Akua,


PS – The Attractor Factor book is in all book stores or of course at Amazon. Or see http://www.attractorfactor.com/ It’ll soon be out on audio Cd’s, as well.


A Compliment

Self-help legend and best-selling author Robert Ringer just sent me the following email:

“Don’t know how I came across this link, but I’m obliged to tell you that it’s really excellent ad copy. I rarely compliment anyone’s copywriting, as most of the stuff out there is schlock. But if you wrote this yourself, my hat’s off to you. Good to see quality stuff for a change.”

He’s referring to www.miraclescoaching.com

If you want to know what one of the smartest men in business thinks is a hard-hitting website, go read about Miracles Coaching

Ao Akua,



The Big Idea

If you’re not watching Donny Deutsch’s TV show The Big Idea, then you are missing some of the most inspiring and informative programming on television today.

This show takes away every excuse you can come up with for not making it in America today.

Donny interviews people with insane ideas, stupid ideas, wild ideas, outrageous ideas, and people with no education, no money, no experience, no connection, no hope — all of whom go on to make fortunes.

One time he did a show on kids who became millionaires. Another time on “losers” who became billionaires.

This has to be one of the best shows on TV for learning that YOU CAN DO IT, TOO if you believe in yourself and take action.

Ao Akua,



LOA Forums

Since this is a blog and not a forum, I thought you might like to know where to go to discuss the law of attraction or like subjects. A search at Google will turn up numerous places. Here are two that I know of firsthand:

Law Of Attraction Forum
A Gathering to Talk About: Law Of Attraction..Abundance..Intentions…Intended Results..Deliberate Creation…Abraham-Hicks Created and Founded By Marcy From Maui

Attractor Factor Forum
A group for people who have read and are interested in applying the principles of Dr. Joe Vitale’s THE ATTRACTOR FACTOR, which states that you can attract into your life whatever you wish. We will exchange information and ideas about the five steps Dr. Vitale advocates and support group members as we manifest our dreams through our own creative power, using those five steps. We can also discuss and apply principles from other teachers whose work enhances Dr. Vitale’s (ie, Mike Dooley, Bruce Di Marsico, Dr. Robert Anthony, Bob Doyle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Sedona Method, etc.) We’ll work on `clearing out’ the limiting and negative beliefs that have held us back and leaving ourselves open to all the possibilities the Universe presents to us. If you’re looking for a place to make your life magical and see your dreams come true, this is it!


Ao Akua
