Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


First Class Abundance

About ten years ago Bob Procter told me if you aren’t flying First Class, you’re still in poverty consciousness.

It took almost all of those ten years for me to agree with him. I resisted paying the extra money, thinking I should use it for something else.

Well, that’s scarcity thinking. There’s enough money for First Class and everything else IF your mindset is one of abundance.

Today I’m there. Today I only fly First Class.

Thank you, Bob Procter. I should have listened to you long ago.

Ao Akua

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


On Passion

Last week I signed a major book deal. This morning I signed yet another one. I have more books coming out this year than most people read in a lifetime. Once you hit a slipstream in life, the current picks up. All you have to do then is hang on for the ride. I'm surfing through life. And what a rush it is. Always always do what you love. Passion is the door to success.
Ao Akua

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Thinking Big

I'm sitting on a balcony on a 200 acre resort in Phoenix. Outside there's a giant circus tent. Hundreds of restaurant owners have come to hear George Foreman speak. I'll be talking about how to Barnumize your business. Most people don't think big enough. Not this resort. Not this event. Not Foreman. Not Barnum. They stretch and reach and dare. I find it all incredibly inspiring.
Ao Akua

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


A Book Combo Worth Gold

Joseph Sugarman is one of America’s top copywriters and mail order entrepreneurs. He’s also my mentor and dear friend.

Experiencing both success and failure, he launched several companies, the most famous of which is BluBlocker sunglasses—all from the power of his pen.

Several years ago Joe sat down and wrote Advertising Secrets of the Written Word—recognized by his peers as one of the best copywriting books of all time. It was based on a series of expensive seminars he gave to a select group of entrepreneurs during a 20-year period.

Joe followed Advertising Secrets with another book entitled Triggers, which taught 30 psychological techniques to “Control the Mind of Your Prospect to Influence, Motivate and Persuade.”

Both books revealed many of the secrets that brought Joe enormous success and established a new paradigm for effective copywriting. The seminar cost participants $6,000 and the hard cover books cost over $50.

Joe has just combined his Advertising Secrets book and Triggers, updated them to include the Internet and several new copywriting applications and has made it available in paperback on Amazon.com for only $14.16.

The book is entitled “The Adweek Copywriting Handbook—the Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America’s Top Copywriters,” and contains a ton of original material.

Joe is a personal friend of mine and I can vouch for the quality of this book and the information he shares. Just one idea or one trigger and this book could easily pay for itself many times over. This is truly an incredible value and one that I urge you to take advantage of.

It’s in book stores or of course from www.amazon.com

Go get it.

Ao Akua,


PS – While you’re shopping for Joe’s books, be sure to get Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances, both by me.


Is Action Always Necessary?

When using the ideas in my book The Attractor Factor or in the movie The Secret, you don’t always need to take action.

Sometimes — often — what you want will come about almost without you doing anything.

More often than not, though, you have to do something.

When Larry King calls me on a Wednesday night to appear on his show a second time the very next day, my part is to rush to the airport and get to CNN in LA.

I had to do a lot of sprinting to make it to the show.

That’s action.

In my book The Attractor Factor I call what you need to do “inspired action.”

If you get an inner prompt to make a call or buy a book or attend an event or apply for a job, then honor that nudge.

Act on it.

That nudge is coming from the part of you connected to the greater picture. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your goal. It will send the nudge, but you have to act on it.

My other point about action is that when you are clear about what you want and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it, the action you take will be effort-free.

I’ve written about this before. I write a tremendous amount of books. For many, it would seem like work. For me, it is effort free. I’m certainly working, but the mindset I have is that this is as natural as breathing.

The Secret leads many to believe action isn’t necessary. Action may or may not be necessary. It depends on you and what you want. My message today is to pay attention to the signs and jump when it feels like it’s part of the divine plan.

When you do, miracles happen.

Ao Akua,


PS – I just signed a six-figure book deal yesterday. I got the offer and took action to accept it. Now I have to take action to manifest the book. When you’re in the flow and doing what is right for you, magic and miracles do happen. The rest of the world will see you “working.” But you’ll be enjoying the divine play of life.

PPS – Along the same lines as this blog post, Bob Doyle’s article is excellent: “How to Make Self-Improvement WORK Every Time!” www.trans4mind.com/counterpoint/doyle1.shtml Go see.