The CBS Early Show just aired a special on The Secret. My bud and costar James Ray went head to head with a skeptic. I liked that James said you can't just wish for results. You have to take action too. I also love that the inspiring messages in The Secret are getting such worldwide coverage. It doesn't hurt that I was on the CBS show this morning too.
Ao Akua
** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂
I’m in LA on a secret mission. Stepped out of the baggage area at the airport and a stranger recognized me. He’s seen The Secret twelve times. He wanted my autograph. Wild.
Then people started calling and emailing and even text messaging me. Apparently CBS News just aired a story about The Secret and I was in it.
I have no idea what I said or where they got the footage. I love this new way to get publicity. I sit here doing nothing and CBS airs my name to the nation.
Ao Akua
** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂
We were both lost, trying to locate the event, and found it together. As we walked, she learned I was one of the featured speakers (which caused her to go orgasmic) and I discovered she’s a Playboy model (which made my eyes dilate).
I’m on the cover of the recent edition of Austin All Natural magazine.
Here we are holding up our magazines.
Of course, Deepak and I were in different sized rooms, but still.