Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


More on CBS

The CBS Early Show just aired a special on The Secret. My bud and costar James Ray went head to head with a skeptic. I liked that James said you can't just wish for results. You have to take action too. I also love that the inspiring messages in The Secret are getting such worldwide coverage. It doesn't hurt that I was on the CBS show this morning too.
Ao Akua

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


CBS News

I’m in LA on a secret mission. Stepped out of the baggage area at the airport and a stranger recognized me. He’s seen The Secret twelve times. He wanted my autograph. Wild.

Then people started calling and emailing and even text messaging me. Apparently CBS News just aired a story about The Secret and I was in it.

I have no idea what I said or where they got the footage. I love this new way to get publicity. I sit here doing nothing and CBS airs my name to the nation.

Ao Akua

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


The Missing Secret

People are still writing to me, raving about last Sunday’s talk about The Missing Secret.
My main message — spiced up with stories about attracting Playboy models and exotic rare cars like Francine — was this:
1. The Universe — call that huge superpower God, Divinty, Life, or whatever works for you — is sending and receiving all the time. It’s sending inspiration to you. It’s receiving requests from you.
2. This “dialogue” is being filtered through your belief system.
3. The results you get are what happens from the above two steps. How you read those results is also based on your belief system.
My point is that to change your results, you have to change your beliefs.
I call it “getting clear” in my book The Attractor Factor. It’s The Missing Secret in virtually all self-help and personal improvement programs.
I gave three ways to change beliefs in my presentation. In short, they are:
1. Question your beliefs. I offered two ways to do this at the event. One is with the work of Byron Katie.
2. Erase all memories of limitations. I offered the ho’oponopono method explained in Zero Limits as a tool to clean the slate.
3. Get a Miracles Coach. This is the most powerful of all. It’s the one thing I do in my own life to keep me up and pumped, prolific and prosperous.
This blog post can’t possibly explain the above with any depth, but I wanted to share the message with you. You can begin to change your reality/results right now, by following the above.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – I do all three of the above steps but Miracles Coaching is the strongest of all because you have support in changing your beliefs.
PPS – I have a plane to catch.

The Red Lipstick Campaign

I stood and signed books for almost four hours after my talk on Sunday at the World Wellness Weekend.
I met some fascinating people, including this beautiful lady in the picture with me, Cynthia Mann.
She started the Red Lipstick Campaign. It’s loving cause is to give make-up and beauty treatment to women suffering from cancer. The idea is to help them realize they are still beautiful. They still have dignity.
I so love the idea that I told Cynthia I would pledge to help a female cancer patient right now. No questions asked.
She just started www.theredlipstickcampaign.org/ and isn’t ready to take donations. I suggest we all help her. Contact her at www.myspace.com/theredlipstickcampaign
I wish more of us had such noble causes.
Ao Akua,
PS – I’m headed to Hollywood. My next blog posts will be from the road. Stay tuned.
PPS – The March 2007 newsletter “News You Can Use” is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters (8 years worth) by going to www.mrfire.com and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Enjoy.

Woo Woo THIS

On the way to the World Wellness Weekend in Austin, Texas, I met Laura Nichole, a Playboy model currently featured in a magazine called Natural Beauties.

We were both lost, trying to locate the event, and found it together. As we walked, she learned I was one of the featured speakers (which caused her to go orgasmic) and I discovered she’s a Playboy model (which made my eyes dilate).

She was pretty proud (in a good way) of her pictures in Playboy.
I told her I could top that.

I’m on the cover of the recent edition of Austin All Natural magazine.

And I’m the centerfold, too.

Here we are holding up our magazines.

Laura’s a sweetie with charm and a big heart, and we had a great time signing our pictures to each other.
Deepak Chopra spoke at the event Saturday night and had a nearly full room. I spoke yesterday and every seat was taken. People had to lean against the walls, sit on the floor, and stand in the hall.

Of course, Deepak and I were in different sized rooms, but still.

They expected a few hundred people to attend my talk on The Missing Secret but almost a thousand packed the house. My main point was that counter-intentions are keeping you from getting the results you want. The whole thing was videotaped, so you’ll get to see it one day soon.
I’m exhausted from the event but it’s a good exhaustion. It’s exhilarating to see so many people ready to learn how to transform their lives and go for their dreams.
Sure beats being a victim and rolling over, playing dead.
Ao Akua,

PS – Pat O’Bryan has some pictures of the weekend and his own take on the event at www.patobryan.com/blog Go see.