Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Watch Oprah Teaser Here

The Oprah TV special about the movie The Secret airs later today. You can watch the official promo for it right here:

Ao Akua,




Actor Ray Liotta is on the cover of a new sports magazine called SE7EN.

Nerissa took one look at his picture and said, “He looks like he’s fifteen years old!”
I met Ray a year or so ago, the same day I met and hung out with actor James Caan.
Ray looks maybe in his thirties in person.
He’s a nice guy, not the psychopath he plays in movies like Goodfellas.

According to the magazine, Ray is actually 53 years old.

That’s my age.

Ao Akua,


PS – Interesting magazine title. I was going to coauthor a hypnosis book with the title SE7EN but figured it would confuse too many people. How in the world did a sports magazine choose that title and odd spelling?


Increase Sales

Our new Subliminal Manifestation DVD is now available. The first was on love and forgiveness. This new one is on increasing sales. Again, all you do is slide it into your DVD, sit back, and watch. It does all the work. Details are at http://www.subliminalmanifestation.com/


The Missing Secret

I’ll be speaking in Austin, Texas later this month on “The Missing Secret.” All Inclusive Weekend Passes to the World Wellness Weekend include a Reserved Seat for Deepak Chopra and admission into all WWW events, including the Wellness Expo, and all of its classes, workshops and special guest presentations are $35-$55. These all-inclusive tickets are available in advance at Bookpeople Bookstore in Austin, or by calling 1-800-595-4TIX, or online at www.worldwellness.org See you there.


Oprah reveals The Secret this Thursday

Oprah is airing a special on the hit movie The Secret this Thursday, February 8th.

I haven’t seen it and I’m not in it — I was on my back having surgery when she taped it — but I strongly suggest you watch it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this movie is the first step in helping awaken the planet.

Pass the word.

Ao Akua,


PS – What’s the second step in awakening the planet? I’ll tell you this Summer.