Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


This Cat Asks "What the —?"


In Central Texas?

Yes – and here’s proof.

Spike seems confused.

No hot tub for me today.
Even my gym looks un-inviting and cold.
Ao Akua,

Law of Attraction Require Action or "Effort"?

One of the biggest points of argument when people talk about the law of attraction is the idea of action.

Many fans of the law of attraction think you don’t take any action. You simply sit like a good magnet and wait for your vibes to slide the thing you want over to your chair.

I believe that you usually if not always have to take action of some sort, but that your action isn’t effort if it comes from your heart.

That’s the key difference.

People run marathons, lift weights, climb mountains, write books, travel on horseback, jump out of planes, make hundreds of sales calls a day, and much more.

It’s all action.

But if they do it because they want to do it, because it bubbles out of their passion to do it, then it’s not effort.

Again, the law of attraction doesn’t mean you don’t do anything; it means what you do is effort-free.

For example, I write an astonishing amount of books, articles and blog posts. If you didn’t like writing, you’d think what I’m doing is gruelling. But I love what I do. So my action isn’t effort. It’s simply right action for me.

If you think running up a mountain is insane, you won’t take that action because if you did, it would require enormous effort.

When you practice what you learn from the movie The Secret, things do begin to come to you without much effort or action on your part. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have anything to do.

I was able to attract a new car — namely Francine — by knowing what I wanted and then taking action when prompted from the inside to drive over to San Antonio one day.

To me, the law of attraction works to make life easier, but not because you don’t take action, but because the action you take is natural for you.

Ao Akua,


PS – Part of this blog was inspired by seeing famous bodybuilder Frank Zane get in the best shape of recent years — at age 64 — by working his butt off, practically starving, doing as much as 90 minutes of cardio a day, and working out three times a day. Was it action? You bet. Was it effort? For you and me, it would be incredible effort. For him, it was right action. I’m sure he’d admit that it was “effort” to do, but it was a chosen effort. That, to me, is the kind of action you want to take. He attracted his ideal body, but he did it with right action — action that he knew to take based on the ideal he wanted to attract.


Software Review: Improve Writing with a "Click"?

A few days ago I heard about a new software program that lets you test your headlines and sentences to make them more riveting.

It had the odd name of Glyphius.

People have created writing software to help with your writing before, and most of it is lame, so I was pretty skeptical.

But I went to the site over at http://outrageous.glyphius.hop.clickbank.net/ and poked around. Since my friend Brian Keith Voiles strongly recommends Glyphius, I thought I would give it a whirl.

I didn’t expect for it to do much, but I figured the low price was worth the story of me trying it. So I bought it.

It was a breeze to download. But when I clicked on Glyphius, a simple screen popped up and I had no idea what to do.

I went back to the download page, watched the online video tutorial, and then went back to Glyphius.

I typed in a headline and let the software test it. It supposedly looks at your headline and compares it to a huge database of tested words, phrases, and other headlines. If you scored low, you change your headline with a word or two, or some punctuation, and test it again. You keep trying to create a headline or sentence with a higher score.

This was fascinating. I became addicted to “the game” of seeing if I could improve my headline. I was learning as I went along, too. While I always thought the word “you” would increase a headline’s pulling power, according to Glyphius, it actually makes it worse.

For example, the original headline for this blog post was “How to Improve Your Writing.”

I plugged it into Glyphius and it came back with a low score.

I’m supposed to be a top copywriter, so this score surprised me.

I then played with dropping the “how” and the “you”, both determined to be negative words by Glyphius.

“Improve Writing” scored higher than “How to Improve Your Writing.”

That’s interesting and maybe even disturbing. After all, I should know more than Glyphius.

I then wondered if a question mark would make a difference. It did, and brought my score higher.

I then wondered if saying this is a “Software Review” would make a difference. It did, and again my score was higher.

Finally, I played with quotation marks, and again the score was higher.

As you can see, Glyphius helped me go from an OK headline to a much more powerful, even hypnotic headline.

I’m now a fan of Glyphius. If there’s anything missing, it’s an on-screen list of ways or prompts to change your headline. All of that is in my own software, Hypnotic Writing Wizard, so I think using both could make you one kick-butt writer.

Check it out at http://outrageous.glyphius.hop.clickbank.net/

Ao Akua


PS – This morning Mark Ryan sent me the text for our next subliminal manifestation DVD. The original headline he gave me was SKYROCKET TO YOUR NEXT LEVEL OF SELLING…SIMPLY BY WATCHING TV !!! I plugged it into Glyphius, played around, and came up with the much stronger and shorter headline: SKYROCKET SELLING…SIMPLY BY WATCHING TV! Pretty cool. http://outrageous.glyphius.hop.clickbank.net/ is where you can learn more. Go see.


Please Forgive a "Radical" Secret?

“What we attack and judge in others is really what we condemn in ourselves.”

That line from Colin Tipping’s book Radical Forgiveness sums up the real key to success in life and work.

Most of us are looking out into the world and blaming what we see for our lack of success. We blame others for what we don’t have.

The thing is, we have to let go of all blame, all attacking, all judging, to free our inner selves to attract what we say we want. Until we do, we are hamsters in a cage chasing our own tails and wondering why we aren’t getting the results we seek.

The way out is to totally forgive everyone involved, including yourself. Tipping calls this “Radical Forgiveness.”

It’s radical because central to this form of forgiveness is the truth that nothing bad ever happened in the first place.

There’s nothing to forgive.

It’s all a divine play.

Central to my forthcoming book with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, is also the idea of forgiveness.

In Tipping’s book, as well as the one by Dr. Hew Len and myself, the idea is that you aren’t asking the Divine to forgive you, but that you forgive yourself for your wrong perceptions so you can directly experience the Divine.

Once you experience forgiveness, your outer world changes.

Again, everything takes place inside you.

If you want more sales; if you want your marketing to work better; if you want better health, or a loving relationship, or a new house, or more money, or anything else, the place to do the work is inside yourself.

And “the work” is forgiveness.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want some help in forgiveness, consider the DVD Mark Ryan and I created called Subliminal Manifestation. All you do is slip it into your DVD player and watch it. It does all the work. How much easier can it get?


My Top 10 All-Time Favorite Life-Changing Books

I’m back home and going through my mountain of backed-up emails.

A lot of emails are from media wanting to interview me. One reporter wanted to know my top ten all-time favorite life-changing books. A book addict like me can’t pass up a question like that. I dropped everything and quickly listed the following:

The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol – This one changed my life when I was a teenager. I’ve read it a dozen times since. It’s a classic.

The Book of est by Luke Rhinehardt – This is my second favorite book of all time. It shows how you create your own life. It’s very hypnotic.

Attaining Your Desires by Genevieve Behrend. This two-volume set of gems by the only personal student of Judge Troward reveals the true secrets of the universe. Inspiring.

Zero Limits by Dr. Hew Len – This is an incredible simple system for removing all barriers to success by a therapist who used it to heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals. It’s a little unfair to list it here because I co-authored it, but still, the book is changing my life.

177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Siebold – A masterpiece of wisdom that you need to read, absorb and study. A work of genius.

Beyond Positive Thinking by Dr. Robert Anthony – A classic by a living legend.

At Your Command by Neville – This is the little known first ever book by the mystic that changed my life. I love Neville.

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield – A modern day classic by a true hero of personal growth.

Why Is This Happening to Me — Again? by Michael Ryce. This one helped me see my inner programs and helped me release them. A powerful book.

Think like a Winner! by Dr. Walter Staples. A remarkable clear-headed approach to change from the inside out.

There’s another dozen or so books that should be on the list, but when forced to keep it to just ten, there’s my pick.

Ao Akua,


PS – I can’t leave this post without mentioning that Barry Neil Kaufman’s To Love Is To Be Happy With was another life-changing book for me.

PPS – I can’t believe I didn’t list Debbie Ford’s eye-opening book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. Anything by Debbie is worth reading. This one gets you to own your “shadow self” – the part of you that you are trying to hide from the world. Integrate it and you have super hero powers. Well, you’ll at least be happier.

PPPS – There are so many more books I wish I could list here. What are your life-changers?