Before I left to go to my birthday party last night, I sent out an email to my database letting them know they could have a free Special Report on instant healing — an excerpt from the forthcoming book on ho’oponopono called Zero Limits, written by myself and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len — by sending a blank email to [email protected]
I also mentioned the new website for the book at
At that point something amazing happened.
Thousands of people asked for the Special Report, and even more went to the website.
I expected that. But I didn’t expect what they did next.
Those people then jumped over to and pre-ordered the book.
Those pre-orders pushed the book up the Amazon bestseller list.
This is astonishing.
Please understand —
The book won’t be available until July.
I just finished writing it last week.
I bet the publisher hasn’t even read it yet!
In the morning, Zero Limits had no sales rank at all at Amazon. That meant no one was pre-ordering it.
By evening the book was becoming a bestseller. That meant lots of people were pre-ordering it.
When I checked last night, the book was ranked around 400 — making it a top 500 bestseller on Amazon and even seeing it beat the sales for my official enduring bestseller, The Attractor Factor.
I’ve seen Harry Potter books become bestsellers before they were released, and I’ve seen books by former U.S. Presidents become bestsellers before they were published, but I’ve never seen a book become a bestseller that doesn’t even exist yet.
It made for a great birthday.
Ao Akua,
PS – My birthday party last night was incredible. My inner circle of best friends weathered Texas floods and cold weather to meet, have dinner, and shower me with gifts and love. My dear friend Pat O’Bryan orchestrated the whole thing. Nerissa took video of the event and others took pictures. As soon as I have something to show, I’ll let you know. What a night. What a day. I’m very grateful. Thank you. I love you.
PPS – The January 2007 issue of my ezine, News You Can Use, is now online. You can see the current and all past newsletters — 8 years worth — by going to and clicking on the “Past Newsletters” link on the left. Enjoy.
Yesterday Time ran a story about the hit movie The Secret.
You might guess what they said.
Being mainstream media, they focused on the negative.
They quoted people who objected to the movie’s focus on creating wealth, ignoring the fact that the movie also focuses on health, happiness, relationships, and more.
They also said that while the movie called me a metaphysician, my website says I put people into “hypno-buying trances,” completely ignoring that my website doesn’t ever say that and that my other websites include and and even — all clearly metaphysical sites.
Oh, and my main site does say I’m a metaphysician right on
Time also said in the article that the guests in the movie The Secret consisted of “hustlers,” ignoring the fact that most of the guests are respected authorities in their fields.
Time also said the movie was “hokey,” completely ignoring the primary directive of good journalism: never judge.
You can read the Time article at,8599,1573136,00.html
Much good will come of this, of course.
I’m serious.
Keep in mind that the article does promote the movie by giving the website for it early on in the piece.
Many people will hear about the movie for the first time, thanks to Time.
We should send them a thank you card.
Ao Akua,
PS – Today’s my birthday. I’m taking the day off and going to a party tonight that my friend Pat O’Bryan is throwing. I intend for it to be a great day. It already is. Thank you.
The kind you can buy at the local store is nothing compared to the kind muscle builders and old school strength trainers use. Some of the “captain of crush” hand grippers can only be closed by two or three men on the entire planet.
PPS – The famous “I love you” recording by Pat O’Bryan and me can help you feel love more of the time, which is the best way to communicate with the Divine: Go see. I love you.
If you are having a difficult time today — the holidays can be the bluest time of the year — here are a couple of immediate resources for you:
I have not used either service, but I imagine either could help you get through the day.
Both are free.
Ao Akua,
PS – The subliminal DVD I released last week can also help you. It will help you forgive yourself and others so you can experience love again. It’s described at