Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Three Resources for a Blue Christmas

If you are having a difficult time today — the holidays can be the bluest time of the year — here are a couple of immediate resources for you:



I have not used either service, but I imagine either could help you get through the day.

Both are free.

Ao Akua,


PS – The subliminal DVD I released last week can also help you. It will help you forgive yourself and others so you can experience love again. It’s described at www.SubliminalManifestation.com



I’m spending this cold, rainy day before the holiday celebrating the completion of my next book, reading a riveting new one, and resisting temptation.

My next book is called Zero Limits and will be out this summer. I think it’s the most important and most powerful book I’ve written to date.

The book I’m reading is POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd by Sam Horn. It’s a fun read as well as brain stretching one designed to help you come up with catchy phrases, statements, ads, and more.

I like Sam’s work (she wrote Tongue Fu!) and knew this one would be good. I just didn’t expect it to be great.

This morning I read the first few chapters of POP! and came up with some fun one liners to help promote my Miracles Coaching program. For example:

“Go from Near-icles to Miracles with Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching.”

“Release Fear-icles to achieve Miracles with Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching.”

I’m not done with my phrase conjuring yet, but the above one liners came quickly by using only one of Sam’s techniques. Even though I haven’t finished the book, my mind is already buzzing with new ideas.

I also created a few email subject lines that are truly riveting. I’d list them here for you, but I want to use them in an email or two first. (If you don’t get my emails, sign up at www.mrfire.com)
I think anyone in marketing — or anyone stuck at a party or mingling at a networking meeting or locked in an elevator with strangers wondering what to say next — needs this book.

Go get POP!

Ao Akua


PS — What temptation am I resisting? (I mentioned a temptation in the first line of this blog.) A brand new Panoz Esperante GTLM exotic sports car went for sale on eBay yesterday. It’s stunning and barely has 50 miles on it. I’ll probably hold off on getting another one until I visit the Panoz company next year. But wow, these cars are incredible. Just ask Francine.


What's Your Favorite Blog Post of 2006?

Here’s a curious question…

What’s your favorite blog post by me from 2006?

I’ve had this blog up and running for just over one year. Out of all the entries you’ve seen, which did you like the best?

You can review all the blog posts by looking on the left and scrolling through all the past months. But the blog post you like best is probably the one you remember best right now.

Which one was it?

You can post your answer as a comment on this entry.

By knowing what you like, I can better understand what to give you in 2007.

Also, who wrote your all-time favorite blog post?

I’d love to know where you found the blog entry in 2006 — no matter who wrote it — that you just can’t stop talking about.

Meanwhile, Happy Holidays!

Ao Akua,


PS – Need a last minute gift idea? As you probably know, I have numerous books. If you visit www.amazon.com and search on my name, you can find most of them in seconds. My next book, titled Zero Limits, is the one I am most excited about. It will come out in Summer, 2007. It’ll be a head spinner. But if you need a gift right now, run to your nearest book store and grab one of my recent titles, such as The Attractor Factor or Life’s Missing Instruction Manual. Both should delight anyone you give them to.


Have You Seen This Picture Before?

A friend just sent this picture to me.
I read church signs all the time, but I’ve never seen this one before today.

Ao Akua


New Internet Marketing "Matrix" Gets Results

A dear friend of mine has been working on what she calls a “matrix.”
It’s an Internet marketing system she has refined and tested for years.
It’s a paint-by-the-numbers plan that you simply follow with your own site in mind.
It’s simple to use.
And it works — every time.
She told me about it a few months ago and I got so excited that I begged to see it. Then I used it and saw my own website at www.mrfire.com get more traffic and more sales.
I could spend time telling you about it here, but I suggest you go look at her own explanation.
If you’re looking for the online marketing strategy that really works, here’s your chance.
Go see.

Ao Akua,

PS — You can see a video of me being interviewed in Poland at http://drjoevitale.blogspot.com/ I didn’t know I was being filmed at first, so this is a candid one. Enjoy.