Rome once ruled. They know it. They have a little snobbishness in their DNA.
Not Poland.
This country has been beaten in the past. They now have a humbleness about them. They are struggling to awaken to their new found freedom and power. The people are loving and open and eager to learn and grow.
I say Poland is going to riseup and shine. I see it in the eyes of the people. I just spent two days talking to a sold out crowd about spirituality and success. Though they needed a translator, they hung on my words and grew inspired.
I have never been so well treated by anyone anywhere as I have here in Poland. I am sad to leave Warsaw.
But we will return.
Ao Akua
PS – I got a standing ovation at the end of my seminar. It lasted so long that I broke into tears. I love Poland.
PPS – The picture is of me signing books in Warsaw, Poland while the audience sat inside and watched the movie, The Secret.
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(I could be anywhere) 🙂
Nerissa filmed me here in Warsaw the other night. It’s a brief clip showing how Warsaw reconstructed an entire city after Hitler levelled it. I think you’ll like this…
Ao Akua
PS – Names are interesting. Warsaw most certainly Saw War. I wonder if they should rename their city to something like New Prosperity.
I was interviewed earler today by a hard nosed Polish reporter. She clearly didn’t believe you can make money online. She demanded proof. When I gave it, she dismissed it. She felt Poland was exempt from success.
For a country only free for less than two decades, this is understandable. They don’t know their individual power yet. They don’t feel they deserve success yet.
There’s a lot of talk about social media here. That’s blogs and other person and people driven observations. The thing is even social media can keep you down. You have to choose what to pay attention to.
The Hate Wall in China may be an example. I’m told people express their hate on a wall. While venting is good, focusing on hate will attract more hate.
I vote for more conscious social media marketing. Since you get more of what you focus on, use that power for good.
Everyone can do this.
Even the Poles.
Ao Akua
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(I could be anywhere) 🙂
I’m in Warsaw kicking back shots of Polish vodka and smoking rare Monte Cristo cuban cigars.
Three lessons I learned from the medical entrepreneur I met on the flight over here:
Get enough sleep
Know you weaknesses
Hire people who have strength where you are weak. Delegate to them.
Listen and learn.
Ao Akua
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(I could be anywhere) 🙂
I’m in Warsaw, Poland.
Barely made it here due to numerous flight delays. But Polish Airlines moved heaven and earth for us and even held the plane for us. So we made it but our luggage didn’t.
We went shopping in Warsaw. The city is having its first heat wave in 277 years. It was colder back in Texas. Since everyone is shopping, they all drive like we do and my phone works here, I feel like I’m still in the states.
I met a real character on the overseas flight. He puts struggling doctors into business with urgent care facilities. Think opposite of doctors waiting rooms. Think Doc in a Box. Walk in and get treated. Affordable too. Doc gets paid and the entrepreneur I met gets a percentage. Win-win-win.
And the entrepreneur does Profit and Loss statements WEEKLY to always know how they are doing.
More later.
In Warsaw the sun disappears early in Winter. By 3 pm it’s dark. But we’re going out later to sample the product Poland is best known for – vodka.
Ao Akua
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(I could be anywhere) 🙂