Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


ABC NEWS Reveals "The Secret"

I just moments ago learned that ABC News online reported on the hit movie The Secret. You can see the entire story at http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2681640&page=1


Joe Vitale in Poland

I’ll be speaking in Poland in a little over a week.

In the off chance that you are near there, see www.vitale.pl

I’m talking on Hypnotic Marketing one day and The Attractor Factor the next.

I don’t speak a single word of Polish, so this should be interesting.


My First Sixty Years In Advertising

The great media prankster Alan Abel just sent me a signed first edition of one of the greatest advertising books ever written: My First Sixty Years in Advertising by the late genius Maxwell Sackheim.
Since I have a giant collection of books on marketing and advertising, I already have a copy of this classic. But I didn’t have a first edition, nor a signed one.
I do now.
Anyone who wants to excel online or off needs to study the masters. These include such giants as John Caples, Robert Collier, Helen Woodward, Victor O. Schwab, Bruce Barton and of course Maxwell Sackheim.
Sackheim was a creative thinker who invented many successful advertising concepts in direct response advertising history, many still used today.
Two of his best known programs are the Book-of-the-Month Club and the Negative Option Plan.
His most famous book is the one Alan gave me, but with the revised title, My First Sixty-Five Years in Advertising.
If you haven’t read the early bibles by legends like Sackheim, you have no business trying to master the art of persuasion today.
You have to learn the alphabet before you can master writing; you have to learn the thinking of our founding fathers (and sisters) of persuasion in order to write like them or possibly surpass their achievements.
Get busy.
Ao Akua,
PS — Could you use some extra cash for the holidays? Join Pat O’Bryan and me in the Milagro Cash Army. We’ve set up a page to get you started- fast. You can learn how to start your affiliate marketing business – even if you don’t have a dime. Check it out at www.patobryan.com/casharmy.htm There’s nothing to it- nothing to buy- just read the simple instructions and start making money now. Yes, it’s that easy. Go look. Max Sackheim would.

Future News Today

This news release will hit the wire services on Tuesday. Since you’re an avid reader of my blog, I thought you would like to see the news before it happens. Here you go…

Subliminal Messages Mix with Pioneering Internet Marketing Strategy in New $1,000 Contest

Subliminal messages add zest to a common Internet marketing strategy; entrant to unusual art contest who finds the most “secret messages” in a painting wins $1,000 in prizes.

Austin, TX (PRWeb) November 27, 2006 — A new and unusual art contest that blends subliminal messages with Internet marketing strategy was launched today by Dr. Joe Vitale.
Vitale is an Internet marketer and bestselling author who starred in the movie “The Secret” and recently appeared on “Larry King Live.”

Dr. Vitale’s latest contest offers $1,000 in prizes to anyone who can find the most of subliminal messages in an original painting posted on his website, www.mrfire.com/contest

“Subliminals are words and symbols that your conscious mind doesn’t immediately pick up but your subconscious does,” explained Dr. Vitale, author of “Hypnotic Writing,” “The Attractor Factor,” “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual,” and numerous other books.

A friend commissioned the original work of art for Dr. Vitale, complete with subliminals. Dr. Vitale loved the painting and found the hidden images extremely difficult to find, so he decided to turn the work of art into a contest.

“This is like the famous ‘what’s wrong with this picture’ cartoons we’ve all seen,” explained Vitale. “This is a more intelligent way of engaging people. The contest itself contains a ‘secret message’ — it is also an Internet marketing strategy.”

The subliminal messages contest is yet another pioneering Internet marketing strategy designed to build Dr. Vitale’s email list, as the winner will need to be a subscriber at www.mrfire.com to qualify to win the $1,000 in books, audios and DVDs from Dr. Vitale. The winner will be announced on January 11, 2007.

The contests rules and instructions are explained at https://www.mrfire.com/contest/

The New Secret

We just watched the new version of the hit movie The Secret.

This one is longer, smoother, more emotional, and includes more segments of some key people, including me.

Even if you’ve seen the movie already, I urge you to see it now. This version is better.

Also, the book version of The Secret is now in book stores.

So is the audio CD version.

Check it out.

Ao Akua,


PS — I’ll be speaking on something truly outrageous in March. Get all details at www.roryfatt.com/circus Happy holiday!