Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Karmic Marketing, or, Why Desperate Housewives and Desperate Marketers are Never Happy

I’ve been mentioning Karmic Marketing for a decade or more. It’s high time that I explain what it means.

Here’s a quick definition:

Karmic Marketing is giving now knowing that in some way, shape or form you will be getting later.

Here’s how it works:

You’re rewarded instantly when you give because of the good feelings you get. Those feelings act like magnetizers that will attract more good feelings.

You’re rewarded later because of the invisible law that says you will get from giving.

I looked at this topic in my books, The Greatest Money-Making Secret of All Time and Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, but I didn’t look at it from a Karmic Marketing perspective.

So let me give you an example or two:

This weekend, at Pat O’Bryan’s Un-Seminar II, I gave everyone a copy of the DVD of the movie The Secret.

I bought the DVD’s out of my own pocket. I didn’t ask any money for them. I didn’t expect any money for them. I gave from my sincere desire to share.

Later that same night I received an email from Rhonda, the producer of The Secret. She said she was sending me, as a gift, a box of 50 DVD’s of the movie.

That’s almost twice as many DVD’s as I gave out.

That’s Karmic Marketing.

At one point during Pat’s event, I magically turned a roll of life savers into a hundred dollar bill, and then gave the money to an astonished woman in the audience.

I didn’t ask for anything in return.

Two days later, that same woman asked me a question in front of everyone that let me plug my next Beyond Manifestation weekend.

That plug led to my making two thousand dollars in one minute.

That’s Karmic Marketing.

The idea is to give freely, from your heart, wanting to share and wanting to help, and not expecting anything in return at all from the people you are doing it for.

You simply trust that your good deed will come back to you tenfold, in time, in some surprising and wonderful ways.

I practice Karmic Marketing here on the Internet by giving people things that I believe they will love, such as an ebook, or a course, or an audio, or a coupon.

On one level it strengthens our relationship.

But on the unseen level, it starts a spiritual circulation.

My giving now — done from my heart, with no expectation from the people I am doing it for — leads to getting later.

Karmic Marketing is not done much because too many people are into survival. They are afraid to let go. To trust. They are desperate and they stay desperate because of this lack of trust in life. But once you let go and trust, you step into a flow that is prosperity itself.

This very blog is Karmic Marketing at work.

I write posts here about whatever I want, doing my best to entertain, educate, inspire and inform. No one pays me for this. I could make more money writing a sales letter or a book or a website. But here I am, writing for you.

What comes to me as a result of doing this?

Increased business.

Increased sales.

Increased fans.

Sometimes an Amazon gift certificate.

But I’m not doing it for the end result.

I’m doing it because I want to.

Because I love to.

Because I love you.

Ao Akua


PS — I enjoy the TV show Desperate Housewives, mostly because I love watching Teri Hatcher. (Don’t tell Lindsay Lohan.) But Desperate Housewives, like Desperate Marketers, are never satisfied. There’s a reason why so many of the episodes revolve around murder and deception. Desperation leads to more desperation. It’s The Attractor Factor at work. A better choice would be Karmic Marketing. Give from love. Receive in love.

PPS – This just in: See some cool pictures from Pat O’Bryan’s Un-Seminar II over at www.patobryan.com/blog.htm. It was a wonderful time with wonderful people. Thank you, Pat, and everyone who attended. Talk about love. It was in the air.

PPPS – I don’t have all the details on my appearance on Larry King. I’ll fly out to LA on Oct. 12 for the taping. Jack Canfield will be on the show, too. Larry King may do a two-parter with John Assaraf on another segment. The show is about how to change your life by changing your mind. I’ll let you know as I learn more.


Blowing My Brains Out

Pat O’Bryan’s un-seminar was a smash hit.

Whether it was Bill Hibbler talking about master minds, or Craig Perrine talking about the inner game of success, or me putting everyone into a group trance with a few stories in order to teach them Hypnotic Copywriting … the entire weekend was off the charts wonderful.

One of my favorite moments was blowing my brains out playing the harmonica with Pat on the guitar, while the Austin sky turned colors and lit up with a thunder storm percolating off in the distance. A small crowd watched us and cheered us on. A rainbow showed up, too.

I liked the jam session so much that I told Pat we need to record a CD. Being the smart opportunist that he is, he instantly agreed. But we’ll record something with a “twist”. (Don’t ask. I’m not telling — yet.)

I think some of our fiery music session was caught on video. We’ll release it some day.

A lot of photos were taken. One is above.

Pat’s entire un-seminar event was recorded, so be looking for it soon.

It rocked.

Ao Akua,


PS — I told the attendees the news no one else has heard yet: I’ll be on Larry King next month. (!) Stay tuned for details. Learn about Larry King at http://www.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/king.larry.html Is life exciting or what?


How to Turn a Lifesaver Roll into One Hundred Dollars

I’m at Pat O’Bryan’s unseminar. Right now Craig Perrine is speaking. He’s a great speaker but I’ve heard him before so I’m typing this in the back of the room on my Blackberry.

Earlier I told the group about the mindset for success. I mentioned the movie The Secret and my book The Attractor Factor.

I then showed them a roll of Lifesaver candy. I pointed out it was once a thought. Now it’s a product.

I dropped the roll into a brass tube. I said the tube was an Intention Accelerator. I asked the group what would be better than candy. Most people said money.

Money became the new intention.

I asked a woman to come up front with me. I let her see the transformation. I opened the tube which contained the roll of lifesavers. Her eyes grew wide as she watched me pull a one hundred dollar bill out of the cannister. I then gave her the money.

Intention is powerful. It changes current reality into a new reality.

What’s your intention?

Ao Akua


PS – Almost everyone here has seen the movie The Secret. I gave everyone a copy of the DVD so soon they will all see it. Magic lives. Got magic?

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


What's the most magical way to use your money?

I’m getting ready to speak at Pat O’Bryan’s famous un-seminar this weekend but before I head out the door I wanted to tell you about a magical way to spend your money that makes you feel better than anything, maybe even sex.

As you know by now, I believe in giving money away. It’s a great way to practice Karmic Marketing, implement the law of tenfold return, make a difference in the world, and open yourself to receiving prosperity, as well.

While I may spend money on myself, Nerissa, loved ones and friends, there’s nothing like the feeling of freely giving it to someone you don’t know who touches your heart.

I was reminded of this yesterday.

I got an email about the progress of Kirk, a lovable little boy who suffered a stroke shortly after birth.

I didn’t know that babies can suffer strokes. It wasn’t until my friend Kevin Hogan told me about Kirk that I learned this is a problem few people address, and costs a lot of money to attempt to heal.

As a result, Kevin started a fund to help this little boy, Kirk. When Kevin asked me to donate, I was resistant. I had just sent money to my sister, and spent a lot on bills and such, and was feeling like I had done my share.

But I couldn’t shake the feeling that little Kirk needed my help. So a little while later, on the same day, I shook off my scarcity fears and wrote Kevin back, saying I would help. I donated a large amount and trusted it would be put to good use.

It was.

Kirk was able to get his first operation and is already doing better. You can get a sense of him, and learn about him, at Amazing Kirk.

The point I want to share with you is that giving money to help Kirk made me feel better than anything else I’ve done in a long, long time.

Even better than ordering my BMW 645ci.

Even better than ordering my Rolex.

When I learned about Kirk’s progress yesterday, I smiled. Then beamed. The good feelings I experienced are still with me. And it’s these very good feelings that will go out into the world and attract more wealth to me. And when it does, I will again spread the good cheer.

I strongly suggest that you practice this “profitable philanthropy,” as P. T. Barnum called it, who himself gave lots of money to many causes and experienced great wealth.

Give and grow rich.

Ao Akua,


PS — Kevin Hogan just sent me an email, saying, “Check out Kirk’s smile on that front page (www.amazingkirk.com); he couldn’t do that 18 months ago….” This feels sooooo good.


The Three Ways to Get Power

In one of the many private conversations I had in Maui with direct marketing legend Joe Sugarman, we discussed the idea of power.

According to Joe, there are three ways to get it:

1. Wealth.

2. Oratory Skills.

3. Fame.

Joe went on to tell me he thought I had two out of three, and was about to get the third.

For the longest time I wasn’t sure what he meant.

What were the two ways that I already had?

As I roamed around Maui, with and without Joe, almost everywhere I went, I was recognized. Apparently the movie The Secret is being shown on a regular basis in Hawaii. And apparently it is turning me into a minor celebrity, at least in spiritual circles.

Joe noticed this growing fame. He once joked, “I can’t take you anywhere.”

He also noted that my speaking skills were strong. Had I stayed in Maui longer, he was going to put me on a television show where I would interview the current mayor.

I’m sharing all of this with you as food for thought. If you want to influence people, you may need power. If Joe is right, and I believe he is, you need to go after one, two, or even all three of the ways to power: wealth, oratory skills, fame.

Ao Akua,


PS – A Maui photographer asked if he could photograph me. He wanted me to wear sunglasses in the shot. Joe gave me a pair of one of his new BluBlocker® Magnum sunglasses. I love them. They have a magnet in the center of them, right in the nose guard, that holds them together. When you want to take them off, you simply grab and pull. Way cool. Check out the new Magnum and all of Joe’s famous sunglasses at www.blublocker.com Also note that the woman modelling the glasses is Joe’s wife. I’d say Joe has some power of his own.

PPS – News Flash: P.T. Barnum was right, according to this news story: It’s about Barnum’s mummy being verified as real. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14852117/ Remember, I wrote the only book on Barnum’s business secrets, in There’s A Customer Born Every Minute. If you read it, he’ll bless you in mysterious ways. After all, Barnum was so powerful that his reach stretches from across his grave.