Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Everything You See Is Yours (including the following spiritual punchline)

In Maui, a realtor drove us around to look at houses. Along the way, we did a lot of talking about healing, spirituality, the movie The Secret, and personal growth. It was all interesting, but something enlightening took place on one segment of our drive.

The realtor had read my now famous article on Dr. Len and the ho’ oponopono Hawaiian healing process he used to heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals. (The article is the most recent one posted at www.mrfire.com)

Like everyone else, the realtor found the article inspiring.

Like everyone else, he didn’t quite understand it.

As we drove around the beautiful island of Maui, I listened to the realtor complain about a house he couldn’t sell. The buyer and seller were fighting over it, causing a lot of anger, resentment, and more. Plus the sale was caught up in their bickering, and wasn’t going to close any time soon. The realtor was obviously frustrated by their actions.

I listened for a while and then felt inspired to speak up.

“Would you like to know how Dr. Len might handle this situation using ho’oponopono?” I asked.

“Yes!” the realtor exclaimed, obviously curious. “I’m definitely interested. Tell me.”

“This ought to be good,” Nerissa said.

“Well, I’m not Dr. Len,” I began, “but I am writing a book with him and I’ve trained with him. So I think I know how he might handle this.”

“Tell me!”

“What Dr. Len does is look within himself to see what is within him that is sharing the experience he sees on the outside,” I began. “When he worked at that mental hospital, he looked at the patient’s charts. Whether he felt repulsion at their acts or something else, he didn’t deal with the person, he dealt with the feelings he experienced. As he cleared what was within him, they began to get clear and heal.”

“I like this,” the realtor said.

“Most people have no idea what responsibility means,” I continued. “They are into blame. As they grow and become more aware, they begin to consider that they are responsible for what they say and do. Beyond that, as you become even more aware, you can begin to realize that you are responsible for what everyone says or does, simply because they are in your experience. If you create your own reality, then you created all you see, even the parts you don’t like.”

The realtor was smiling, nodding his head.

I kept talking.

“It doesn’t matter what the buyer or seller does in this situation,” I said. “It matters what you do. What Dr. Len does is simply repeat ‘I love you,’ ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘Please forgive me,’ and ‘Thank you.’ He doesn’t say it to the people, he says it to the Divine. The idea is to clear the shared energy.”

“I’ll do this,” the realtor said.

“But you don’t do it to get something,” I went on. “You do it because it’s how we clear the shared energy so no one has to experience it again, ever. It’s a cleansing, and you never stop doing it.”

I paused.

The realtor seemed to get it. His eyes were wide and his smile was big.

“If it comes up in your awareness,” I continued, “then it’s up for you to clean and heal. Since you brought this situation of the buyer and seller to my attention, then I have to clean on it, too. It’s now part of my life experience. If I’m the creator of my experience, then this is something I’m responsible for, too.”

I let all of this sink in as we continued our drive to look at other homes in Maui.

A few days later I received an email from the realtor. He said he was continuing to use the Dr. Len process.

That’s how it works.

It’s all love.

It’s continuous.

And you’re totally responsible.

Finally, consider this spiritual punchline:

Since the story of the buyer-seller disagreement is now part of your experience, that means it is up for you to heal, as well.

After all, if you create your own reality, then you had to create this situation, too, as it is now part of your reality.

I suggest you use the “I love you” statements to heal this. To help you, the picture above is to the house being held up in the sales process. It’s beautiful. We’ve seen it and been in it. You’ll note the door is open for you to enter into it.

Why not walk through, spread love, and make yourself at home?

I love you.

Thank you.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to absorb this way of thinking at a deeper level, see www.BeyondManifestation.com

PPS – If you want an easy way to hear the Dr. Len ho’oponopono mantras, see www.milagroresearchinstitute.com/iloveyou.htm


Meet the Inspiring Woman Behind "The Secret"

Rhonda Bryne is the beautiful lady behind the hit movie The Secret.

That’s her with me, in one of Joe Sugarman’s homes in Maui, after a recent dinner.

I can’t say enough good things about Rhonda. She had a devastating experience, as mentioned in the movie, and then discovered the secret that turned her life around. Now she wants to tell the world.

She used that very secret to create the movie, when all she had was an inspiration and great enthusiasm.

I and many other authors and speakers — from Jack Canfield, Mike Dooley, John Assaraf, Bill Harris and Bob Proctor – took a chance on her idea. We’re all glad we did. Each of us has become a celebrity in spiritual circles as a result of being in The Secret. (Joe Sugarman says he can’t take me anywhere in Maui without someone recognizing me.)

Rhonda’s not a shooting star, however.

You’ll soon see a book based on The Secret, an audio program, and much more. You can expect all of it to be bestselling and life changing. Personally, I think the movie and her followup items have the potential to awaken humanity.

I told Rhonda how impressed I am with her marketing skills. The viral marketing behind the movie has made it a classic, and it hasn’t even hit theatres or TV networks yet.

Rhonda smiled and told me her marketing advisor is The Universe.

“Keep that relationship,” I said. “It’s obviously working.”

Ao Akua,


PS – The Hawaiian shirt I’m wearing in the picture is a 100% all silk, hand painted, locally made work of art. They’re rare. And a tad expensive. I have several of them now. Joe Sugarman saw that new one on me and said, “It’s spectacular.” If you look close, you can see the energy of the shirt blending into the energy of Rhonda. How is that happening? It’s a secret…

PPS – The terrific Marcy from Maui, the creator of the Powerful Intentions website, was at the private dinner in Maui with Joe Sugarman and his wife, Rhonda, Nerissa, and me. See her write-up, complete with pictures, at http://marcyfrommaui.powerfulintentions.com/blog/ What a night!


Why a Marketing Legend is Mad at Me

We’ve been staying in a beautiful home on the beach in Maui, Hawaii.

The home belongs to marketing legend and genius copywriter Joe Sugarman, father of the famous Blueblocker sunglasses.

I can finally tell you where we’ve been staying because tonight Joe gave me permission to do so.

Joe is a wonderful, generous, brilliant, spiritual and dear friend. I’m amazed that I know him at all let alone know him well enough to be allowed to stay in his home here in Maui.

But Joe is a little upset with me.

Joe is famous in marketing circles. Most people know of his breakthough books, such as Triggers. Or they know of his classic infomercials for his Blueblocker sunglasses.

He’s also a celebrity here on the island. He published a weekly Maui newspaper for many years, so all the movers and shakers have come to know his name, even though he sold the paper a year ago.

But Joe has seen something unusual during my time here with him.

When we go places, and someone yells out, “Hi, Joe!”, they aren’t looking at him.

They’re looking at me.

Turns out most of Maui has seen the movie The Secret.

Most of those who see it remember my face.

And when I show up someplace with Joe Sugarman, they are attracted to me, not him.

Joe’s not upset, of course. He actually prefers being reclusive. He’s a humble guy, which is another reason why I love him.

When I try to tell Joe how grateful I am to know him, he simply says, “You attracted me and all these good things yourself.”

Ao Akua,


PS – Joe has a new book coming out in late November. You’ll want it. Anything by Joe is a masterpiece. Go get his books on amazon. And then memorize them. And if you can find a copy of his now out-of-print earlier book, Success Forces, get it NOW. Joe told me that book could have been easily titled “Karma for Business People.”

PPS – Nerissa filmed Joe Sugarman, his wife, and me last night at dinner. Stay tuned for information on this rare footage, which we’ll post one day down the road. For now, Maui is calling me back to her…

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


7 x The Secret

Last night we had an inspiring dinner with Rhonda Byrne, the woman who created the hit movie The Secret www.thesecret.tv

She’s hiding to get some rest, just like me. As it turns out, we discovered we were on the same island at the same time. We quickly set up a time to visit.

The evening was magical. Rhonda told me one person watched The Secret 200 times in 2 weeks.

She also said that a recent study proved if you watch the movie just 7 times, that your brain would be transformed. Just seven times and The Secret is part of your life forever.

The evening was rich with insights. Nerissa caught some of them on video, which we’ll post later.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, get over to www.thesecret.tv

Ao Akua


PS – We’re headed out to shop for an island property. Magic lives. What’s your dream? The Secret can manifest it for you.

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂


I Live in a Painting

Last night I stood on a high cliff overlooking the ocean. A waterfall to my left. A full moon above me. I felt tears of happiness to be in that place. I felt like I walked into a painting and became part of it.

Today we walked under the bright sun, visiting shops along the ocean, buying books, clothes, and more. Shop owners were smiles and hearts. Discounts came easily. The moment was beautiful.

Tonight I relaxed in a hot tub while the ocean waves slapped the beach not far from me. I relaxed into the arms of the moment.

Each moment is gone yet remains alive in my mind.

Which is real — the reality or the memory?

Or – just this?

Ao Akua,


PS – Work is piling up back home. Sometimes it sneaks into my awareness and stresses me. I keep saying, “Be here now.” THIS is it. In this moment, all is well. Isn’t that true for you, too?

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(I could be anywhere) 🙂