Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


The Thought Projector

It’s raining as the ocean waves pound outside my ears. I thought about how the mind generates thoughts. It’s a thought projector. It’s not as important as the screen the thoughts are projected on. Freedom comes from being the screen.

Now there’s a thought for you.

Ao Akua


PS – Where am I? Clue: Look behind the thought.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


Got magic?

Looks like some people are treating these Blackberry blog posts as clues so they can determine where I’m hiding.

Well, good luck.

But to help you, here are more clues:

I am wearing a t-shirt that says “Got Magic?” A legendary direct marketer bought it for me last night when we saw the most side-splitting funny magic show of my life. It’s called Warren and Annabelles. (It was truly off-the-charts terrific.)

This morning I walked seven miles to a tiny book store. As soon as I entered it, a woman asked if I was in the movie The Secret. Even though I was sun burned and sweaty and wearing a hat, I was recognized. Now I know how James Caan or Lindsay Lohan must feel. (I liked it, even though I’m supposed to be hiding on my vacation.)

I saw a man standing by the side of a busy road with a sign beside him. Turns out on this island all the political canditates stand on the road beside their signs asking you to vote for them.

Tonight when I went to buy some booze, the clerk asked for my ID. No one has carded me in 30 years. I almost kissed the guy.

The cigars I’m smoking here are called Hula Girl Cigars. (Don’t jump to any quick conclusions.)

There you go. Have fun searching for me.

Ao Akua


PS – Remember, I’m on the move. Wherever I was isn’t wear I am. And isn’t that true of you, as well?

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


The Coconut Wireless

We had breakfast at a secret location on this secret island. It was great but what caught my attention was the printed request at our table. It read:

“Please help spread the word about our cafe to your friends and neighbors. Your word of mouth recommendation (the coconut wireless) is the best advertising we have. If you are a visitor staying in a condo, please leave a note in the condo guest book so your fellow visitors will be able to enjoy us also.”

They didn’t ask me to post about their cafe on my blog, but you can never predict what a coconut will do.

At any rate, ask people to pass the word about you and be sure to pass the word about things you like (maybe this blog?).

The cafe is called Ashley’s.

I’ll reveal their location later.

I’m typing this on my phone and it’s tough to get too wordy this way.

Ao Akua


PS – Go see the movie “Little Miss Sunshine”. Yes there are movie theatres on the island.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


A post from my phone you gotta read

I’ve never posted from my phone before but that’s what I’m doing.

I’m hiding out on an island beach to get some rest. I’m typing this with one finger on my Blackberry phone. If this works, you’re reading this right now.

I took five books with me. One of them is so riveting and so inspiring I had to drop my doing nothing to type this to you. I hope you’re impressed.

The book is “You’ve Got to Read This Book” by Jack Canfield and Gay Hendricks. It’s 55 people telling the story of the book that changed their life.

Get the book.

Each story is so good you get the lesson and you get the summary of the book that changed them. Some of these stories are dramatic. They are all hypnotic.

Get the book.

I haven’t seen this site but try www.youvegottoreadthisbook.com

Get the book.

Ao Akua


PS – Heaven does exit. I’m there now.

** Sent via Wireless E-Mail with Blackberry **
(I could be anywhere) 🙂


How I Handled a Failure — To Make it Your Win

Most people don’t talk about their failures.

But last week I failed.

I want to do something about it — and I want to do it in a way that benefits you.

Here’s the story:

When Bill Hibbler and I released our book, Meet and Grow Rich, we did almost everything we normally do to make the book a hit.

I’ve made virtually all of my books bestsellers, most notably “The Attractor Factor” and “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.”

But a few things went wrong with this last campaign.

While the book went to #38 on Amazon’s bestseller list, it didn’t hit number one.

That was disappointing.

What happened?

What went wrong?

Truth is, a lot of things went wrong.

Bill was on the road the day the campaign hit.

I was finishing a new book and wasn’t focused on this one.

Amazon itself even went down for several hours, for the first time I can ever recall.

And most of the heavy-hitter list owners who love the book — such as Jack Canfield, Jim Edwards, Bill Harris, and John Assaraf — weren’t contacted in time to send out a mailing for the book.

As a result, we sold a lot of books, but we didn’t hit number one. We weren’t happy about that. Neither was the publisher. And Bill and I want to do something about it.

After brainstorming with our mastermind group, we came up with a way to help ourselves, and our publisher, while helping you. It’s the ultimate win-win-win.

You can read about it at —http://www.meetandgrowrich.com/10 or just keep reading…

Here’s the scoop:

Bill and I want to personally help you create your own mastermind group. We won’t charge you a dime for this service, either. But we want your help with something in exchange.

First, please understand that a mastermind is a small group of people who support each other in achieving their goals.

One mastermind helped me drop 80 pounds.

Another mastermind helped my coauthor land a book publishing deal in only 30 days.

One person went from broke musician to Internet superstar because of a mastermind.

Bestselling author Jack Canfield says he’s been using masterminds for over 30 years.

The tycoon Andrew Carnegie said they helped him rise from poverty to power.

You should be in one, too.

But how?

Keep reading.

Second, please understand that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you live. You can be a “nobody” living on Pluto and still create a mastermind group. All you need is the how-to.

And that leads to how we can help you create your own mastermind group.

I — and my coauthor on my new book — will train you on how to set one up. We’ll also answer your questions. You’ll get to attend a private tele-training on masterminds.

And if you get enough books, you’ll also get a seat at the table of our mastermind for one session — all focused on you.

Here’s what you have to do:

Go get at least 10 copies of our book, titled, “Meet and Grow Rich,” right now.

You’ll want one copy for yourself and the others to hand out to your potential group.

Getting 10 copies today will grant you access to a private tele-training where Bill and I will explain, step by step, how to create your own mastermind. We’ll also answer your questions.

You can have several other new bonuses, (all different from the last campaign) too, all designed to help you succeed.

And if you get 25, or 50, or 100 copies of the book, you can get even more goodies and specials.

In short —

Help us empty Amazon.com’s warehouse and get 12 months of training and over 175 hours of audio and video from some of the world’s top Internet marketers — Free.

Again, this is different than our offer from last week, where you could have a lot of bonuses by getting one copy of “Meet and Grow Rich.” With this dramatically enriched offer, (with all new bonuses) you have to get at least 10 books. It’s all explained over at —http://www.meetandgrowrich.com/10

Please go take a look. If you’re serious about achieving your goals, you’ll find your path quick and easy if you have a mastermind group behind you.

In fact, we came up with this new win-win-win plan because of a mastermind group.

Obviously, they work.

Ao Akua


PS — I’m going on a two-week vacation starting tomorrow. I’ll post as I can, but it may be a low priority. My tan is first.